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manufan 12 years ago
  Why is Pluto not a planet?

Pluto was discovered in the 1930's by mistake. It was considered as a planet by the astronomer who found it even though he or she hadn't collected enough data about it. In the 1950's, when there were more powerful telescopes, we saw it's moon, Charon (pronounced Ch-are-on). That was thought to be bigger than Pluto, but orbited around Pluto so it couldn't be a planet. A planet must surely dominate it's moon, shouldn't it? In 2005, another few objects were found such as Varuna EKB, Sedna and Eris. Scientists were asking; "Are all these planets?" In 2006, there was a huge conference about what a planet really is. Pluto and it's friends didn't make it because:

1. Pluto had an egg-shaped orbit around the sun, not a circular one.

2. Pluto was actually captured by the sun. It doesn't have enough gravity to crush rocks together that far away.

3. It wasn't really big. Ganymede, Jupiter's biggest moon is bigger than Mercury, but Mercury wasn't disqualified because it complied with the other categories. Our Moon is much bigger than Pluto.

Pluto and the other objects were classified as dwarf planets. I'm afraid no other planet has been discovered in the Kuiper Belt. The Eight Planets are:

Mercury (Rock), Venus (Rock), Earth (Rock), Mars (Rock), Jupiter (Gas Giant), Saturn (Gas Giant), Uranus (Ice Giant) and Neptune (Ice Giant).

So we can find more information about Pluto, NASA has launched the New Horizons probe, which was launched in 2006. It is set to reach Pluto in July 2015.
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
  Can I Play Eels and Escalators?
manufan 12 years ago
  @First Post: Downgrading to XP is a lot better than having Vista. Windows only changed the appearance and just added on to the XP code thus making it slower. For example, if it takes 10 seconds to write 500 lines of code then:

Windows XP: 10 seconds
Windows Vista: 20 seconds
Windows 7: 15 seconds

Now let's add the new Windows 2013 in the equation...

Windows 2013: 7.5 seconds

Windows 2013 will have re-written code so that it can operate faster. That is why a lot of businesses have stuck with XP because Vista was rubbish. If Windows 2013 is a success, then maybe businesses might change their minds.

So I suggest wait and get a new Operating System next year, usually it will come out the year before but if not the year after that. :)
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
  Lol, 3:36PM Is Night?
(Wait...Here Is UTC+8...)
manufan 12 years ago
  Night Night Chris.... I love Fridays. Once double CDT is over, the weekend officially starts.

Top o' the mornin' for ya Irish folk! :)

(Also a big shoutout to all my cousins who live there...)
chris3000 12 years ago
  I love Tuesday-Sunday, anyways good night.
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
  It Is 1:23P.M HERE :p
I Hate Saturday!!!
chris3000 12 years ago
  @Earl: i'm bored too.
gamelover101 12 years ago
  不能 = 'Cannot' in chinese (rough translation).

And for those who don't have proper coding, gibberish FTW.
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
Uhh...I can explain.
gamelover101 12 years ago
  ThisIsMyUsername Wait are you chinese?
earllike1234 12 years ago
  Man, I am bored.
I have been inactive every Monday to Freeday.
chris3000 12 years ago
  It's Godzilla.
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
  ShamWow is vEry funny bEcuz iT is good.
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
  Can I Destory Levels?
gamelover101 12 years ago
  Hello ThisTextHereIsDefinatelyNotMyReallyLongConfusingSchoolUsername, welcome to

ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
PS:I am at school now :p
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
gamelover101 12 years ago
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
  Yes, ThisIsNotMyUsername!!!
gamelover101 12 years ago
  Hello, ThisIsNotMyUsername, welcome to BL!
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
gamelover101 12 years ago
  Nothing here! Nothing topic! And by the way my perrmission in about does it take so long to resta.

Post anything to shut my computer is going here! Nothing here! Nothing topic! And by the way my computer is going to shut 55 seconds. Stupid Vistart without does it take so long to shut my computer is going's off topic! And by the way my computer is going here! Nothing's off to resta.

edit: why down. Grrr

edit: why does it take so long topic! And by the way my computer is going here! Nothing top
ThisIsMyUsername 12 years ago
  I Parked Their Car, On Your Sandwich!!!
gamelover101 12 years ago
  I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890 I_JUST_DID_LOL1234567890
nachos 12 years ago

SimonM 12 years ago
  even without magnifying the screen.
chris3000 12 years ago
  I'm shrinking.
chris3000 12 years ago
  Stupid Vista!
chris3000 12 years ago
  hello AK


First post of the topic

Jim674 15 years ago
  Post anything here! Nothing's off topic! And by the way my computer is going to restart without my perrmission in about 55 seconds. Stupid Vista.
edit: why does it take so long to shut down. Grrr
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