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Topic, [How-To] Basic HTML - Complete Guides

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birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Oh, I'll have to test that. I've only installer Safari and Chrome, so none of them would allow me to continue
allyally 14 years ago
  Yeah, that what my Chrome/Safari does, But when you use internet explorer, It doesn't happen, you can keep going,
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  No idea. I can write a single line of periods on top of what I wrote now before it stops me.
allyally 14 years ago
  Really? what is it?
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  It isn't my browser, but Bonuslevel that has a character limit for how long the main post can be.
allyally 14 years ago
  Then use internet explorer, there's no character limit on it,
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Well, I hit the character limit, so it wont be possible to add it in the original post. Beside, if you can figure out how to make a SFW animation, you should be able to figure out how to post it. I could of course be wrong...
allyally 14 years ago
  Maybe add SFW hosting (SWF cabin), and how to take the Image URL from online hyperlinked images, (right-click, copy image URL)
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  This is HTML tuto, as a lot of people out there tend to write something such as /Users/Username/Desktop/Imagename.jpg if they want to post images, and this tutorial is used to teach them how to do it, explaining the minors of details.

And, it was ment partially as a joke
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Is this a HTML tuto or a making a website tuto?
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Reserved for future tutorials
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Reserved for future tutorials
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Have you evert tried, being in need of showing off your work, but couldn't figure out how to post it? Your answer would be free image hosting sites, and HTML! Using very basic HTML you're able to display your images directly on BonusLevel. But enough chit-chat, let's get started.

Finding a host
The first step would be too find a website, allowing for free hosting of your images. I would personally recommend Photobucket, Imageshack and Tinypic. Some of these require registration, while others don't. You can of course use a image host of your choice, as long as they provide you with a direct link to the image.

If required, register on the website, and start uploading. You can usually find an upload button on either the very first page of the website, or your accounts home (Which usually can be found by clicking "Home" or similar). Hit the "Browse" button, and browse to the image of your choice. Once you've find it, single-click it to select it, and click "Open" or "Upload". This should close the file browser, and show you the website once again. Fill in remaining text fields, and once you're done, hit "Upload" or similar. The image will be uploaded to the website, and you will be provided with a link. Copy this link and move on to the next step.

Posting the link on Bonuslevel
If you want to show the image directly on Bonuslevel, you'll have to get your hands dirty with some HTML. Luckily, all you need is a single syntax.
Start off by writing "[img-=", removing the "-". This syntax tells the website that the following link will refer to an image. After the "=" paste the link you copied earlier, and add a "]". Add a short description after the "]", and after the description write "[/img]" to end the syntax. And you're done!



First post of the topic

birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Have you evert tried, being in need of showing off your work, but couldn't figure out how to post it? Your answer would be free image hosting sites, and HTML! Using very basic HTML you're able to display your images directly on BonusLevel. But enough chit-chat, let's get started.

Finding a host
The first step would be too find a website, allowing for free hosting of your images. I would personally recommend Photobucket, Imageshack and Tinypic. Some of these require registration, while others don't. You can of course use a image host of your choice, as long as they provide you with a direct link to the image.

If required, register on the website, and start uploading. You can usually find an upload button on either the very first page of the website, or your accounts home (Which usually can be found by clicking "Home" or similar). Hit the "Browse" button, and browse to the image of your choice. Once you've find it, single-click it to select it, and click "Open" or "Upload". This should close the file browser, and show you the website once again. Fill in remaining text fields, and once you're done, hit "Upload" or similar. The image will be uploaded to the website, and you will be provided with a link. Copy this link and move on to the next step.

Posting the link on Bonuslevel
If you want to show the image directly on Bonuslevel, you'll have to get your hands dirty with some HTML. Luckily, all you need is a single syntax.
Start off by writing "[img-=", removing the "-". This syntax tells the website that the following link will refer to an image. After the "=" paste the link you copied earlier, and add a "]". Add a short description after the "]", and after the description write "[/img]" to end the syntax. And you're done!
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