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Topic, Neon Defence feature list | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.custom tower types - already planned...just not listed ;) Also with towers, can you allow the editor to choose the types of towers allowed to be built in the stage? This would allow for alot of different tower types, (like 10 or more) without sacrificing room in the playable level. In the playable level, there will be no more then 5 tower types to choose from, making decisions fast and easy. In the editor, the creator will see all the tower types and be able to choose the 5 that display in the playable level. btw, right now I have fully integrated the level data into the game, I just need to build on other game modes and then im onto the editor! also, I might allow different coloured beams for each tower level, as well as size :D I think you misunderstood... the double charge would only attack one enemy too. As you say, it also would be "purely visual" I figured it would be a good upgraded version of the charge tower. More tower ideas below you already did, the double, it shoots two... The Double charge is the same thing, exept its like a charge tower... Anyways you need more towers- Toxic Cload- releases cloads into the air that slowly float around the feild and eventually dissapate after a few seconds. Any enemy that passes through one of these cloads is injured. (cloads do not cause distractors to stop) obalisks- Have a small range, but an extreamly fast fire rate. and I would rather not go into multi-shot stuff :P Moveable- Same stats as a basic tower but costs a little more. You are able to move this tower up to 4 spaces from its current location after each wave. Double Charge- Like the charge but shoots two beams out at once (Maybe colored Purple). Costs 800 to build. platform- you place it over a road or on water, it allows you to build a tower there. if build on a road, enemies can still pass under it. right now tiles, waypoints and gold work unsure about lives and game mode still need to do creeps, waves, and towers [edit] also, DY, scrapped wall idea...will lag badly ;) remember that lag is already an issue, I dont want enemies scanning for nearby enemies 10 times a second :_ When hit by a beam, the beam bounces off and hits another nearby enemy. The damage is split between the two enemies (50% each). If there is no nearby enemy, the Transfite takes full damage. If a beam bounces off one transfite to another transfite, the beam continues to bounce in the same manor (spliting by 1/2 each time). dont like that idea of creeps shooting towers as a game mode... boss creeps can easily be done by setting health really high and only sending 1 creep DY: I was going to use type A upgrades...I just never bothered adding it ;) boss can be triggerable event, using the trigger on wave... Dy Upgrade plan: when you build a tower you have two chooses- Type A- upgrade through experience. When the tower kills enough enemies you can upgrade it free. Type B- You buy all the upgardes with money. You can upgrade it as often as you want as long as you have enough money. Also a boss could be a trigerable event. Defend your Towers: Creeps will shoot your towers. If all your towers are lost, you lose. To prevent instant loss, you will start off with a few towers. And a creep idea too: Boss creep - A very powerful creep. Maximum 3 per wave. It will be at the end of each level(In some Tower Defence games I played, there were bosses too) You should also put in Chuck Norris. He'll roundhouse kick you if you don't :P charge- all enemies begin moving faster for a seccond or two. dust storm- sand flies acrost the creen making it harder to see, and the range of towers is decreased. Enemies will also move slower. Jackpot- you gain X amount of money Also, Trigger after X enemies killed. fog mode will also be too hard to implement... Challenge Mode Start with only 3 towers. After every wave, number of towers you can create increases, but enemies also increase. TRIGGERED EVENTS: Snow Mode: Slows enemies down, but also makes your towers less powerful. Fog mode: Only can see enemies that are close to the towers you create. also, supertowers kinda fits into the special abilities category which I said I did not want to use, but we'll see :P Types 1)Bomber, shoots a giant oorb of light out every 10 seconds. The orb explodes and kills ever enemy in its radius. 2)Storm, sprays the enemy with rapid fire bursts every 5 seconds. These bursts last 5 seconds each. 3)Time warp- slows all enemies down during the entire wave 4)Strenghten- Increases fire rate and power of all regular towers (the more towers you have the less its effect is) 5)Last stand- The best super tower. Once activated it basically combines all your towers into one. It will destroy all of your towers and add up all of there power and stats into it (the better towers you sacrifice, the better it will be). Just like the other super towers its effect only lasts this one turn, so its nearly imposable to survive the next wave. It should be used, as the title suggests, as a last resort when you know you will lose anyway, or it is the last wave of the level (depends on the mode your doing). BTW, it's "wear" Made a level in Push for you MARC. Hehehehe demonicyoshi, I made you say MARC instead of Hexicube!!! |