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CubixIII 10 years ago
  I saw the current version! I made a ASCIImators battle to celebrate it!

One thing though...



Umm..... ASCIIMator isn't working again...
I can't access it.
gameinsky 10 years ago
  They managed to get back the last version, so don't worry about what I said in the last post.
CubixIII 10 years ago
  oh my god yesssssssssssssss... is it true? i've been daydreaming forever about it... OH GOD YES! IT'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
gameinsky 10 years ago
  ASCIImator is back on service, with a HUGE rollback of 7 years, so careful when you step in the dusty ruins of what ocne used to be ASCIImator...
CubixIII 11 years ago
  So, now they said on FaceBook that they were moving to a new server Darudar. Also I am CubixTheDragonSlayer2 *duh* (got banned for mentioning a drug, made new account after a couple years, promising not to do it again).

I came on because you had an account here as well as ASCIImator. I tried BL and I loved it, so I made an account, but rarely went on. Then ASCIImator became inaccessible, so this was my main source of fun now. I STILL dream about if ASCIImator in my sleep. Last night (April 1st, 2014) I had a dream that it was back and running again, and it looked more like a blog. Also, the logo looked similar to BL's, and I didn't really make any ASCII's before I woke up. I was very disappointed to see that it wasn't real. I have had that dream several times, and it's driving me crazy. Can someone be able to fix it?

Also, @gameinsky, really? MERE mod?!
murtaza64 11 years ago
  I logged in here just to ask about this site, because bonuslevel is how i found out about it
gameinsky 11 years ago
  I have no idea, I'm just a mere mod on that site and have no knowledge of what happened.
CubixIII 11 years ago
  why??? i want my asciimator! what happen GIS? I WANT TO KNOW! i do not understand. why is it down?
gameinsky 11 years ago
  yeah, the site's been down for like a month already.
Treazer 11 years ago
  It's being down for quite a while, they need some time.
CubixIII 11 years ago
  Something broke it! I can't get on anymore
gameinsky 15 years ago
  use firefox , i also had to deal that problem
SuperDog 15 years ago
  I can't use asciimator right now
somehow, where there is one space, it thinks it's 2
Hexicube 15 years ago
  You put mars instead of marc D:
SuperDog 15 years ago
  7Games7 is me!!!
murtaza64 15 years ago
  I am murtaza64 on asciimator.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  So you are him ?
unfrtunate there is already a tread about it !
(Look at my animations)
TUR 15 years ago
  So, I`m AsCiMaToR on, and many people making BonusLevel ads on that, so I`ll do the same.
about online ascii animator
ASCIImator is a very simple online program which allows you to create animation with ASCII characters (ascii animation) quickly and efficiently, immediately publish it on, and export it for using on your own web pages if you want.

With ASCIImator you can:
1.Create your own frame-by-frame ascii animation
2.Save asciimation in personal account on
3.Publish asciimation on
4.Export code for using on personal web pages
5.Edit saved ascimation later including another user's works (if they do their files an "open source")
6.Import asciimation created locally: either in common text editors or in specialized applications.
7.(from me) Have fun and chat!
In order to use all abilities which asciimator allows you have to be authorized on For these purposes you need to pass registration and receive your personal login/password.

Look tutorial for definite instructions about how to use Asciimator. A lot of useful and interesting information about ascii art history, meaning and technique you'll find in articles.
Write in this topic please, if you registered on this BL-adfully site!
With best wishes, AsCiMaToR-TUR

P.S. olivier(ASCIImator name), gecko.jsc, 7Games7-SuperDog, Elizea, MARS2008\9, murtaza, I`m waiting for you!



First post of the topic

TUR 15 years ago
  So, I`m AsCiMaToR on, and many people making BonusLevel ads on that, so I`ll do the same.
about online ascii animator
ASCIImator is a very simple online program which allows you to create animation with ASCII characters (ascii animation) quickly and efficiently, immediately publish it on, and export it for using on your own web pages if you want.

With ASCIImator you can:
1.Create your own frame-by-frame ascii animation
2.Save asciimation in personal account on
3.Publish asciimation on
4.Export code for using on personal web pages
5.Edit saved ascimation later including another user's works (if they do their files an "open source")
6.Import asciimation created locally: either in common text editors or in specialized applications.
7.(from me) Have fun and chat!
In order to use all abilities which asciimator allows you have to be authorized on For these purposes you need to pass registration and receive your personal login/password.

Look tutorial for definite instructions about how to use Asciimator. A lot of useful and interesting information about ascii art history, meaning and technique you'll find in articles.
Write in this topic please, if you registered on this BL-adfully site!
With best wishes, AsCiMaToR-TUR

P.S. olivier(ASCIImator name), gecko.jsc, 7Games7-SuperDog, Elizea, MARS2008\9, murtaza, I`m waiting for you!
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