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Topic, Why tonypa wont come back? (To jp)

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SuperMario 12 years ago
  Poor Cap404 :(
Treazer 12 years ago
  No answer and....

SuperMario 12 years ago
  Urm... ok?
Treazer 12 years ago
  I won't give up, never ;) Sent him a new e-mail.
devil_piez 14 years ago
  he still goes on it
Hexicube 14 years ago
  Brolling 6 months ago
yeah it did...and you never mentioned P4M is out :O
Ahroo 14 years ago
  This died a while ago, brolling. ':_
Treazer 14 years ago
  Hmm, npo answer. I send him a new e-mail.

Hey Tony,

I send you months ago an e-mail, and you don't answered. Did you even got it?
Here it is:

Hey Tony,

We all here on Bonuslevel miss you! You said there arent enough Game devlopers here, but there are, jp, Captain_404, THeNiNJa, geckojsc, MARC2008 and YOU, the one we miss. :( There are also much new upgrades on BL! Like Level packs, you can put in the level pack levels you want, Trusted members, trusted members can edit their own approved levels altough their acepted. And there are much Great things on the BL "to do" list. Actually there are 10 games on BL (1 of them is just not on the front page), BLockoban, CoBaCoLi (YOURS :D), Rolling Turtle, Hog Pop, Jump Gear 2, Captain Dan v Zombie Plan, Push, Moonlights, Blockoban 2 and the one wich is not on the front page (released some days ago) Ringmania 2.5! Path 4 Mouse where you are a Tester is also in work, THeNiNJa's game Draw stopped, because he is making a Game for his Friend gundu. The game is Xioniz about a Wizard. jp said too he has a game in planning, but we just know that. Captain_404 has created a game too, but its not ready for testers. There are much Achievements too. And jp said your new game would fit BL. We have so cool games, but the bad thing is just BLockoban as puzzle game, and you make so much puzzle games, wich are so very cool! All users of BL would be so happy when you come back to BL and make Games! We miss you very much, you cant believe it! So i hope with this Mail you come back :) I hope you answer ASAP (As soon as possible)

With friendly Greetings

Geckojsc, had so much bugs, that MARC2008 finished it. Now its public playable on BL. Its very nice, and much more Tiles!
Gecko made a new game few months ago, it's called Obscurity, it seems to be very nice. Mozzle, a motion puzzle by jp is also in work, for the
iPhone and for BL. Slap no Slap, another iPhone game by jp is now out. He wanna finish this year 5 iPhone games, 3 Flash games and an app.
As you know, we mis Wouter Visser, too. And some time ago Captain_404 left us too. He had a secret game in work, for over a year, but we know nothing.
THeNiNJa has left us too, no games of her are out, he put so much games on ice, how sad.
Great news, but bad too. I hope you will come to us back this year (when you have time hopefully), and maybe make a game on BL.
THeNiNJa is very busy with the school. But there are geckojsc, with great game news, MARC2008 published his first BL game. He will next work on Blaster Towers, jp has Mozzle, much other games later in this year. And maybe, in the future, are coming more Developers to us! And hopefully you are one of them.

WIth friendly greetings,
Treazer 14 years ago
  I check if he answered me.

edit: he dont answere3d :(
Ahroo 14 years ago
  he's making a few... one of which is called "Don't ask..."

He doesn't want any testers. xD
SimonM 14 years ago
  you said captain has created a game(but not ready for testerss)?
what game?
Treazer 14 years ago
  I sended him a mail and said:

Hey Tony,

We all here on Bonuslevel miss you! You said there arent enough Game devlopers here, but there are, jp, Captain_404, THeNiNJa, geckojsc, MARC2008 and YOU, the one we miss. :( There are also much new upgrades on BL! Like Level packs, you can put in the level pack levels you want, Trusted members, trusted members can edit their own approved levels altough their acepted. And there are much Great things on the BL "to do" list. Actually there are 10 games on BL (1 of them is just not on the front page), BLockoban, CoBaCoLi (YOURS :D), Rolling Turtle, Hog Pop, Jump Gear 2, Captain Dan v Zombie Plan, Push, Moonlights, Blockoban 2 and the one wich is not on the front page (released some days ago) Ringmania 2.5! Path 4 Mouse where you are a Tester is also in work, THeNiNJa's game Draw stopped, because he is making a Game for his Friend gundu. The game is Xioniz about a Wizard. jp said too he has a game in planning, but we just know that. Captain_404 has created a game too, but its not ready for testers. There are much Achievements too. And jp said your new game would fit BL. We have so cool games, but the bad thing is just BLockoban as puzzle game, and you make so much puzzle games, wich are so very cool! All users of BL would be so happy when you come back to BL and make Games! We miss you very much, you cant believe it! So i hope with this Mail you come back :) I hope you answer ASAP (As soon as possible)

With friendly Greetings
Treazer 14 years ago
  I will mail him again ASAP.
Shiro 14 years ago
  Wooh, Wouter Visser is dutch, just like me xD
But I have no idea who he is o-o.
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  i think theres a typo in the tital, since you are asking a question, it should be "Why wont Tonypa come back?"
the way it is written now "Why Tonypa wont come back?" should be used for more of a statement instead of asking a question.
minimariner 14 years ago
  I want tonypa back :/
And Wouter.

Well basically all of the first people that joined the site and left and hasn't been on for ages (1 yr or above)
Treazer 14 years ago
  I sended him again an mail and telled him about the new game devs here and so on :)
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Tony is probably the English translation of his name.
SuperDog 15 years ago
  I'm confuzed
lololol 15 years ago
  No, Elizea.. that sounded wierd :p
Elizea 15 years ago
  so it was sarcasm that you were right? =) so we are right... ok, sounds good
niimporta 15 years ago
  Oops, I forgot to put the [sarcasm][/sarcasm] things...
Elizea 15 years ago
  you are both right? so he did AND didnt send that email? xD
niimporta 15 years ago
  I am right too, then we both are right? Nice.
Treazer 15 years ago

His name is Tõnu yes but we can call him Tony too! Elizea is rights niimporta!
Elizea 15 years ago
  @niimporta, you didnt notice my sarcasm? check what jp called him in this topic...
niimporta 15 years ago
  His profile name here is Tonypa, but his name is Tõnu, you didn't read the "About Us" TAB?
Look it Here
Elizea 15 years ago
  @niimporta, and his profile name here is Tõnupa?
niimporta 15 years ago
  He did?? I don't think that, because he said "all the best, Tony" and his name is Tõnu...
Treazer 15 years ago
  Ohhh.... Thanx Elizea i forgot to say "maybe"^^

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First post of the topic

Treazer 15 years ago
  Hello i founded tonypa on the Mochi Community.

Here said tonypa his part on BL is very small.

Here is his profile. And he is often online but not her :(.

So my Question to jp is:

Why tonypa wont come back? He was good here and he create some games,games and games but he dont do anything here, but why???
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