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Topic, Count to X till A mod/admin posts

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SuperMario 12 years ago
qwerty4 12 years ago
  144 = (3² + 3)²
SuperMario 12 years ago
  143 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  142 = (1000/7 - 1/2) rounded
SuperMario 12 years ago
  141 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  Learning 140 new words a week (which is 20 words/day) will enrich your vocabulary.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  139 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  138 = 10² + 6² + 1² + (1/2)² + 3/4
SuperMario 12 years ago
  137 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  136 = 10² + 6²
SuperMario 12 years ago
  135 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
SuperMario 12 years ago
  133 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  1 3 2
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  13 1
qwerty4 12 years ago
  current altitude: 130m.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  129 minutes later, the event finished.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  and 128 minutes later, the event started.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  But I counted them, there are 127.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  but there are 126 participants.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Or 125 :)
qwerty4 12 years ago
  There should be 124 participants.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  123 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  I made an appointment with her for November 28, which is 122 days from today.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  121 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  120 is smallest number such that (sum of divisors of the number)/(the number)=3
SuperMario 12 years ago
  119 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  118 = 59 + 59
SuperMario 12 years ago
  117 The message is too short! Please note that this forum is not a chat. Construct clear messages and make it easy for people to understand you.
qwerty4 12 years ago
  116 is square root of 13456.


First post of the topic

gameinsky 15 years ago
  The rules are simple, try to count as high as you can before an admin posts!
You can only post one number in each message.
No doubleposts.

When you missed a number, you go back to the last correct number, example:
Next count should be 4 NOT 5.

Not only direct, but also indirect RIGHT numbers count as one number.
As long as it implies that number.

If an admin posts and the number is higher than 0 it's an automatic 0. Else they reduce one point.
Members do the opposite thing.

List of special members:
Chris3000: Adds 2.
Treazer: Subtract 3.
Gameinsky: Subtract 4.

People get these by being a multiple of the 10 000th post.

Here is the list of valid admins:

Current Record:
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