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Sillius 15 years ago
Someone is watching you MARC2008 :D
SuperDog 15 years ago
  If -balloon powerup and options for said powerup in editor was my idea, IT IS NOT A POWERUP! It's a baloon which can be a circle, square or triangle. You can choose whether you bounce on them or make them fly. And you could also choose if other line are solid for them or not
Vasilok97 15 years ago
  maybe... physics pieces?
Ahroo 15 years ago
  added... :/
Hexicube 15 years ago
  sorta like Algodoo has 'Thyme'? Presumably hard to use and doesn't get you very far.
[edit] Aaanyways...
maybe you have to get multiple goals? and not all of them? like 3 circle goals and you need to get 2...
ThePeejsterM 15 years ago
  No, Gamemaker has its own primitive language.
Hexicube 15 years ago gamemaker=some wierd program presumably using actionscript 5 or less?
Ahroo 15 years ago
  You know, THAT could be a BL game idea, too: Crazy Pac-Man! 8D
gundu 15 years ago
  Me too!

But with gamemaker... :P
Hexicube 15 years ago
  I can make that!
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Meh. I'd probably make a pac-man thing first... xD
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  But now that's something I master! Mwahaha!
Hexicube 15 years ago
  well, I am more of a coder myself, even if i'm not that good yet :D
I will learn to make them look good eventually
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Oh, you need to get drawing lessons first. xD

Anyways, I have a link to a learning site. I'll learn from there. :/
Hexicube 15 years ago
  haha good luck! i've used flash for a while now and know quite a bit but NO IDEA how to do what JP does
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Actually, when I finally get Flash w/editor, I might start making a beta for this... :/
Hexicube 15 years ago
  if it ever gets made and has all that I WOULD PLAY IT ALL THE TIME!!! it would be so awesome! shame there is no possible way to get the flash file and edit it mys...wait a minute...XD
Ahroo 15 years ago
Hexicube 15 years ago
  what about a circular finish option like in RT?
Ahroo 15 years ago
  oh. okay. :S
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  I anounced it in the Rate Avatars topic 2 hours ago
Ahroo 15 years ago

PS: did U change ur avvy, DY? :/
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  how about a "deploy turtle" feature
you can hit a button to deploy a RollingTurtle (that the player controls).
This turtle can fit through smaller gaps, and activate swiches, but cannot finish the level. inorder to control the jg again, kill the turtle or bring it back to the jg. But If the turtle dies you cannot deploy any more turtles until you get a cp.
Ahroo 15 years ago
Hexicube 15 years ago
  what about grip gear powerup? grips really well on ice but slightly worse on other types and goes REALLY slow in mud
spiky tires
[edit] METAL GEAR!
Ahroo 15 years ago
  updated... left out SUMB
Hexicube 15 years ago
  hmm we could do that BUT is it really worth it?
SuperDog 15 years ago
  Uh. Post 100

What about baloons?(IM SERIOUS ITS NOT JOKE)
You bounce on 'em and u can choose if they fly r not
Hexicube 15 years ago
  gameinsky check over it all you missed some XD
Im 15 years ago
  Well, what about.......

Super ultra mega boost!? (SUMB)
It will give you an awesome boost in EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!



First post of the topic

Ahroo 15 years ago
  Since Baby-yoshi is too busy to add a list to Greatest JG3 Ideas, the list will stay here. I will update as often as possible, there may be times that I'm gone for a while... D:

The List of Ideas

-Multiplayer racing
-3D lines
-Multiplayer collision toggle
-ghost rider materialize toggle
-customizable JG
-Jumper mode (go slow, jump high)
-Speed mode (go fast, jump low)
-Non-standard keyboard toggle
-ice lines
-new backgrounds
-new background line colors
-From Jim674:
Jim674 23 days ago
Okay everyone, I've read all your ideas, and here is a list of all the things I think should be in JG3!
You can all keep contributing!

1: Power ups:

A: Flaming Wheels (Super Speed)
B: Icy Wheels (No grip)
C: Time freeze (Clock gets covered in Ice for 10 sec)
D: Super Time freeze (Clock is frozen for 30 sec)
E: Cold Weather (All water freezes)
F: Super Star (Adds 500 Points)
G: Hot Weather (Makes water get hot and partially evaporate so the water levels drop)
H: Anti Gravity (Pretty Self-explanatory)

2: Online racing

2a: Basics

I think this should just be an option, that doesn't affect your scores and rankings on BL. We could have "race rankings" where we get "race points" from winning. Race points shouldn't affect your score and BL ranking, but be a fun "add-on". Online servers would be nice, and you should be able to make your own. Gamespy powered servers on Halo...

2b: Server Types

Created servers dissapear as soon as the creator leaves, and the creator toggles collisions before the race! Permanent servers stay there day and night so everyone can join! Created ones can have passwords and all severs have limits for number of players in derver (To prevent lag)

2c: Collision option

For created servers the creator should toggle collisions (No toggling during race)
For permanent servers it could be a Majority rules thing just before the race!

2d: Online powerups

A: Green Gun. Shoots straight forward and stuns who it hits!
B: Red Gun. Tracks the player ahead of you and weakly stuns them!
C: Orange gun. Like green shot but bounces off walls!
D: Glowing Green Gun. Shoots ahead, behind, straight up, and diagonnaly up-right and up-left!
E. Glowing Red Gun. Shoots a large red shot that avoids walls and tracks the player in front of you
F: Blue Gun. Moves very fast and avoids walls to track the leading player! (Rare)
G: Glowing Blue Gun. Shoots a large super-fast shot that avoids walls and tracks the person in front of you, then when it hit's them, it targets the next person, and so on! (Extremely rare)
H: Bomb. Shoot a bomb forward OR backward and in 2-8 seconds (chosen by the creator or agreed on by the races) it explodes, blasting everyone near it far, far away!

3: Customize your own button scheme

For non-standard keyboard users

4: Skins and Backgrounds, useful for themed levels.

A: Jumpgear

Standard Background and regular Jumpgear

B: Hellgear

Red and evil looking, with lightning bolt on side: Goes slightly faster and jumps slightly higher but gets stunned easier!
Background: Red and purple clouds that have lightning coming out of them!

C: Speedgear

Rainbow coloured and REALLY FAST!!
Background: Rainbowish tinge, possibly only speed lines!

D: Frostgear

White with a snowflake, Permanent frozen wheels, so everything is slippery!
Background: Snowing mountainous background, possibly only icy lines! All Water is frozen!

E: Divegear

Blue basiclly, can stay underwater for unlimited time!
Background: Blue with lakes and rainy background, optional rain option and hopefully levelmakers will include lots of water!

5: Water

A: Basics

You can 'pour' water into areas so they slowly fill up. You can also change the speed of pouring so it's suitable for larger or smaller areas! You can only stay under water for a limited time but there are air bubble 'spawn points' that release an air bubble every now and again. Your air gauge fills up very quickly when your above the surface!

B: Waterfalls

Little silver things that you can plant in s wall or the ground in any direction, and you then choose the strengh and amount of water that comes out!

6: New Line Types

A: Invisible Line

Yes, we all know what this is, but this one is a simple version that works perfectly! :)

B: Trick Line

These lines look like normal lines... BUT YOU CAN GO RIGHT THROUGH THEM!!! Evil... >:)

C: Icy Lines

Slippery lines that are hard to grip on

D: Trampo-lines (Pun Intended)

BOUNCY!!!!! Hit one and you'll bounce.

E: Glue Lines

You go a bit slower but when you jump your wheels will not leave the ground! You can hang upside down! :) (Problem if your head hits a "glue" roof)

7: New tools

(Possible repeated ideas in that section)

-from zodiacra
zodiacra 23 days ago
an power-up for online race:
Lightning: stuns the player on 1st place (like when hitting ground with head)

another one:
Gun: fires small slow shots that stun those who get hit

even another one:
Red Gun: have tracking shots

(may be repeated ideas)
-type numbers into paths(e.g for speed changes)
-from Vasilok
Vasilok97 20 hours ago
I have new idea! In edition mode make tool for drawing like in "Paint" (Windows program). And sure make "Help" button with all about game (for example I don't know how to perform "head jump :P).

(may be repeated ideas)
-line sizes below 4
-gravity options (normal, x2 and x3 gravity, also toggle on/off)
-bonus points for wheelies, amount depenting on duration of wheelie

-Magnetic/gravity lines, with repel and attract options and gravitational control (control how strong the push/pull is)

-ambidextrous JG (finish line on either side of JG)
-Velocity lines (from allyally)
allyally 1 minute ago
basically they are normal lines but gravity affects them so they fall! but they can be attached to other lines that arn't velocity line to make them swing from them.
e.g a see-saw style thing or pushing over objects!

(segment may have repeated ideas)
-friction control option in speed lines

-paint bucket tool to fill in holes
-paths that can be triggered by breakable lines

-quoting partially from MARC2008:
3D layers! some move faster than others! and a system to link layers!

(some ideas may be repeated)

-again from MARC2008:
how about paths that don't move everything back to the start and insteas just instantly go there(make a 1 tile up effect and all lines go up CONSTANTLY) sorta like endless path instead of looping and maybe a loop limit?

(some ideas may have been repeated)

-In-game gravity modifiers
-Car able to be moved with paths

-from petermunks
and when you make a line and click with the path so you make it move then you cant copy the line so it move too. Then you have to click on the blue screwdriver and on the path and click on the line. Soo short said: when you copy a line "with a path on" the line should be with the path too (hope you understand (: )

(some ideas may have already been said)

-'brake' key, for faster stopping

-'explosion powerups', capable of destroying nearby lines

-quoting gameinsky:

Power up for online racing:

Slow lightning:
changes all lines for every user in slow lines (lethal lines included but not background) for a few seconds

Fast lighting ditto, slow one but then in fast lines.

Auto-jump: makes all players jump (activate it when you are ready to jump)

Confuze: swaps the controls for 10 seconds for all racers but you.

Super jump: You jump higher! (for a few seconds)

Boost: you go temporary faster

Stars: you get 10 stars.

Mines: places a few big breabable dots, they slow players down.

Smart laser: flolow the ground untill it hits a player.

Boulder in a pocket: pops a boulder out.

(some ideas may have been re-used)

-Customizable finish-box(allowed to be stretched wider and taller) and a finish locator arrow to point to the finish

-Enemies with adjustable AI (to make enemies smarter
or dumber depending on level)

- (Not likely to be used in finished product if it is ever made):
Option to change camera angle

-Wing powerup (allows the car to fly for a short amount of time)

-boulders and ability to change their color in editor

-music selection (more tracks rather than the main theme)

-points awarded for doing wheelies and endoes

-collectable rocket fuel for rocket thrusters

-Powerup that distorts the screen.

-The cake, because the previous one was a lie.

-Cheats. xP

-Foreground lines

-balloon powerup and options for said powerup in editor.

-studded tires powerup (creates more grip)

-Metal gear powerup

-Deploy RT (quoting demonicyoshi below):
you can hit a button to deploy a RollingTurtle (that the player controls).
This turtle can fit through smaller gaps, and activate swiches, but cannot finish the level. inorder to control the jg again, kill the turtle or bring it back to the jg. But If the turtle dies you cannot deploy any more turtles until you get a cp.

-option to change finish into a circle like in RT.

-option to create multiple goals, as well as toggle between gathering all of them and getting only one.

-endless "floor" line

- Backgrounds that affect JG and/or the level

-experience points from playing levels, and rewards for achieving certain levels of experience.

-"Ray" option for paths, used to keep paths moving in one direction even if they are moving independently

-entire game in 3D? O_o

-Custom BG and ground colors

-LBP style 3-layered track (BG layer, Foreground layer, middle layer)

-Co-op gameplay (co-operating with other online players to complete a level)

-Control lock (locks controls so JG cannot be manually controlled [Toggle on/off in editor])

-Quoting from Jim674:

1: Power ups:

A: Flaming Wheels (Super Speed)
B: Icy Wheels (No grip, freeses water if your wheels touch it)
C: Time freeze (Clock gets covered in Ice for 10 sec)
D: Super Time freeze (Clock is frozen for 30 sec)
E: Cold Weather (All water freezes)
F: Super Star (Adds 500 Points)
G: Hot Weather (Makes water get hot and partially evaporate so the water levels drop)
H: Gravity Change (Hitting these makes your car and falling type objects move in a different direction)
I: Rainbow Ball (Invincible!!!!!)

2: Online racing

2a: Basics

I think this should just be an option, that doesn't affect your scores and rankings on BL. We could have "race rankings" where we get "race points" from winning. Race points shouldn't affect your score and BL ranking, but be a fun "add-on". Online servers would be nice, and you should be able to make your own. Gamespy powered servers on Halo...

2b: Server Types

Created servers dissapear as soon as the creator leaves, and the creator toggles collisions before the race! Permanent servers stay there day and night so everyone can join! Created ones can have passwords and all severs have limits for number of players in derver (To prevent lag)

2c: Collision option

For created servers the creator should toggle collisions (No toggling during race)
For permanent servers it could be a Majority rules thing just before the race!

2d: Online powerups

A: Green Gun. Shoots straight forward and stuns who it hits!
B: Red Gun. Tracks the player ahead of you and weakly stuns them!
C: Orange gun. Like green shot but bounces off walls!
D: Glowing Green Gun. Shoots ahead, behind, straight up, and diagonnaly up-right and up-left!
E. Glowing Red Gun. Shoots a large red shot that avoids walls and tracks the player in front of you
F: Blue Gun. Moves very fast and avoids walls to track the leading player! (Rare)
G: Glowing Blue Gun. Shoots a large super-fast shot that avoids walls and tracks the person in front of you, then when it hit's them, it targets the next person, and so on! (Extremely rare)
H: Bomb. Shoot a bomb forward OR backward and in 2-8 seconds (chosen by the creator or agreed on by the races) it explodes, blasting everyone near it far, far away!

3: Customize your own button scheme

For non-standard keyboard users

4: Skins and Backgrounds, useful for themed levels.

A: Jumpgear

Standard Background and regular Jumpgear

B: Hellgear

Red and evil looking, with lightning bolt on side: Goes slightly faster and jumps slightly higher but gets stunned easier!
Background: Red and purple clouds that have lightning coming out of them!

C: Speedgear

Rainbow coloured and REALLY FAST!!
Background: Rainbowish tinge, possibly only speed lines!

D: Frostgear

White with a snowflake, Permanent frozen wheels, so everything is slippery!
Background: Snowing mountainous background, possibly only icy lines! All Water is frozen!

E: Divegear

Blue basiclly, can stay underwater for unlimited time!
Background: Blue with lakes and rainy background, optional rain option and hopefully levelmakers will include lots of water!

F: Toughgear

Made of metal, he's slow and can't jump high, but can't get stunned or hurt by lava. Lethal lines are all that can harm him!
Background: I somehow have no ideas. Anyone?

G: Deathgear

Can only touch lethal lines.
Background: I still have no idea, be creative and get aback to me!

5: Water

A: Basics

You can 'pour' water into areas so they slowly fill up. You can also change the speed of pouring so it's suitable for larger or smaller areas! You can only stay under water for a limited time but there are air bubble 'spawn points' that release an air bubble every now and again. Your air gauge fills up very quickly when your above the surface! Gravity seems to be weaker underwater and your car moves in some form of slowmotion. (You know what it's like underwater...)

B: Waterfalls

Little silver things that you can plant in a wall or the ground in any direction, and you then choose the strengh and amount of water that comes out! Other variables include how wide the spray is and whether it's a strong flow or if it spatters! There are also gold pipes that suck in water at a set rate, so you can have lakes with waterfalls that always stay the same height full or slowly fill up the level!

C: Lava

Lots of hot lava makes the part of the Jump-Gear that touches it glow red, and if you get to hot... FAIL!! Driving though lavafalls will be deadly fun. And you can use BG lines to cover the pipe so you can make erupting Volcano's

6: New Line Types

A: Invisible Line

Yes, we all know what this is, but this one is a simple version that works perfectly! :)

B: Trick Line

These lines look like normal lines... BUT YOU CAN GO RIGHT THROUGH THEM!!! Evil... >:)

C: Icy Lines

Slippery lines that are hard to grip on

D: Trampo-lines (Pun Intended)

BOUNCY!!!!! Hit one and you'll bounce.

E: Glue Lines

You go a bit slower but when you jump your wheels will not leave the ground! You can hang upside down! :) (Problem if your head hits a "glue" roof)

7: New tools

A: Thinner Lines

Lines should be able to go to 3, 2, 1 and 1/2 thicknesses!

B: Fill areas

If you have a closed area, you can select a line type and "Fill" areas! (So they're not see through)

C: Grow / shrink Paths

The line gets longer or shorter instead of moving...

D: Rotating Paths

These make lines rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise. Waddya know!

E: Fill-in Backgrounds

Say your level has a dungeon section that needs a special background, you could 'fill' the dungeon area with that background image! Hopefully lots of types of image are supllied in the game!

F: Paint Shops

Drive through these and your car will be painted and tuurn into a different skin! (See section 4) The background changes as well! Paint shops look different depending on what they change you into.

8: Control Lock

So people can't CHEAT at Auto's

9: Gears

Gear 1 is jump a bit higher but move slower
Gear 2 is normal
Gear 3 is move a bit faster but jump lower
The player can change these at any time during the race

(Some ideas may have been repeated from earlier in the list)
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