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Topic, Forum game, quiz... again.

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Sillius 15 years ago
  THeNiNJa is my mom or Ahroo's? xD
Im 15 years ago
  It's your mom.
THeNiNJa 15 years ago

Ahroo, it's not fair that you do the buying before attacks. Seriously. That totally throws away the tactical aspect of this forum game - "oh, demonicyoshi is firing three crazy attacks at me! I'll just buy some dee-fenses!" -> unfair.

By doing a few calculations I can conclude that Sillius would've won, if his attacks were registered before Mo's purchase.
Sillius 15 years ago
  Topic, Forum game, quiz... again. ?
or is it something else? xD

or maybe it's "There's J**z in mah pants!"
gamelover101 15 years ago
  steal the spoon?
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Sillius is correct (ROFLing gun).
Im 15 years ago
  No, I'm pretty sure it's WTFgunz.
Sillius 15 years ago
  ROFL Rifle?
Rofl'ing Gun?
T3h second most mcPWNAGE weapon in the universe, after the noobclear bomb. Fires a hailstorm of ROFL rounds at 5000 rounds per minute and can sustain the fire for ten minutes and may be reloaded while firing.
"man someone take out that Rofl'ing gun when it needs a reload!"

"it probably just got reloaded!"


Im 15 years ago
Sillius 15 years ago
  Run and Gun? xD
Im 15 years ago
  OMFGSniper? :D

Ahroo 15 years ago
  nope, none of those. :/

Remember, the game it's from. google is quite handy.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  Riflegun ?
Sillius 15 years ago
  steal the spoon from the person below you....

Or do we have to find it in the forum comments? :D
Jac1 15 years ago
  103: Errrrm... steal the spoon?
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Correct. xD
Jac1 15 years ago
  102:It's 6, I think.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Sillius is correct. :/
Jac1 15 years ago
  I think it probably is...
Sillius 15 years ago
  Could it be this?

Quoting Ahroo from Game "BLockoban 2"

Arby = Microsoft Mike

Chief = Microsoft Sam

Haven't you ever watched "Arby 'n' the Chief"? :/


Quoting Ahroo from Game "BLockoban 2"
Dude, you're missing out on 1 of the most hilarious things on Youtube. Arby 'n' the Chief is AWESOME! 8D
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Nope, nothing yet. gamelover101 was the closest, and I think I remember talking about it somewhere in the BB2 game comments... :/
SuperDog 15 years ago
Treazer 15 years ago
  anything?? xD
SuperDog 15 years ago
  Blockoban level making tutorial(the part with choosing the category)?
Sillius 15 years ago
  Ads by Google ? xD
SuperDog 15 years ago
  From the Category tab in one of the bonuslevel games
Ahroo 15 years ago
  @DY,Well, Q100 was worth 1000 points and $1000. that's why Mo won... xD

@Sillius, I usually do the buying before the attacks. It helps, odd enough. xD

But don't worry, Sillius. You still won the participation contest. xD

Also, your answer is wrong. xD
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  NOOOOO! i missed it.... i was going to use my items to win on the 99th post...
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  Yeah, Sillius is right :P
Noticed it yesterday..
Sillius 15 years ago
  Noooow.... I don't want to sound like a bad loser or anything xD

But didn't I fire my stuff at Mo... BEFORE he bought his Dee-fences ? :D

[Edit] and my guess is xD


First post of the topic

Ahroo 15 years ago
  Okay, this is another quiz game... kinda like gundu's one, but a bit more random-ish. Okay, let's skip to the rules...

(This is so Much like Gundu's you probably already know all of the rules...)


-Editing is allowed.
-Try not to 'flame'(say bad things) other people.
-When two people answer at the same time, through edits or just posting, this can become a draw.


Okay, those were the rule(s?).

Now, this quiz is divided into 2 basic categories, which are divided into sub-categories, etc.

Here they are below...

BL Trivia
Basic user trivia, divided into no sub-categories.


Trivia on levels, divided into no sub-categories.


Trivia on games, divided into no sub-categories


Trivia on topics, divided into no sub-categories

Other Trivia
Other trivia is chosen at random. It can concern anything NOT in BL at all. Categories will not be explained until the questions are revealed. All factors of 10 are Other Trivia Q's.

EDIT: after Q 50, EVERYTHING is going to be Other Trivia

EDIT 2:It's been a while, I'll alternate randomly between the 2 trivias...

This Post will be updated with the leaderboard, questions and who got them right.

Question 117

Topic: Other Trivia
Category: Games
Sub-category: :The Game:


Reward: 150 Points
Special Reward: $150 and a special option!

In the Original :The Game:, which ending happened twice?

(This will be used sometimes as a sort of bonus question... only, it's not a question, but a task. A very rewarding task... if no one can do it, it will stay up until someone completes it.)

-BEAT Soul's Eternal

Reward: 1500 points, $1000 and a special option!



Sillius (1752.5 points)
Gameinsky (1389.75 point)
gamelover101 (447 points)
demonicyoshi (1788.75 points)
gundu (192 points)
Mo (2015 points)
Im (1440 points)
SuperDog (100 points)
WooHooII (70 points)
1jase (17 points)
elizea (15 points)
THeNiNJa (205 points)
Jac1 (100 points)


$$$Money Leaderboard$$$

Sillius ($300)
Gameinsky ($271)
gamelover101 ($536)
demonicyoshi ($470)
gundu ($254)
Mo ($1145)
Im ($1475)
SuperDog ($100)
WoohooII ($90)
1jase ($2)
elizea ($19)
THeNiNJa ($405)
Jac1 ($100)


*Special Options*

-subtract 2 points away from a person of your choice!
-one shop item of choice costs 1/5th of the original price, but only for ONE buy.

-take 5 gold from a player of your choice and add it to your gold. only works if the selected target has 5 or more gold.
-Take one of someone else's special options and add it to yours! only works if target has 1 or more special options.
-Use this card to get an award. (USED)

-Use this card to obtain a siphon for free
-Take 20 points and $20 away from a target of your choice. only works if target has 20 points and $20 or more.

-Use to get $20 and 20 points
-Use this option to take 42 points and $42 from a target of your choice. If target has less than the amounts specified, you will still earn the respective amounts.
-use this card to summon a mudkip invasion! (10 mudkips, each take $100 and 100 points away from the target)

-Snatch an item of your choice from someone else! (USED)
-Use this option to get an award. (USED)

-Use this to get 2 of an item for the price of one!
-Use this to throw a dee (only works if you have purchased at least 1 Dee-fense)
-Use this to get an award
-Use this to get $100 every 5 questions until the 20th question



Q101: Sillius
Q102: Jac1
Q103: Sillius
Q104: Sillius
Q105: THeNiNJa
Q106: demonicyoshi
Q107: demonicyoshi
Q108: Im
Q109: Im
Q110: gamelover101
Q111: gamelover101
Q112: Im
Q113: Im



Custom name font - 5$

Point breaker: subtract 5 points from a player of your choice! - 20$

Siphon: suck away 10 points and $10 from a player of your choice and add them to your tallies! - 40$

B.B.H (Big Black Hole): Subtract 200 points and $100 from a person of your choice and add them to your scores! - 500$

Suggest an idea for the shop- 5000$

M "T" P S(Magnetic "Terra" Pulse Syphon): Take 50% of your chosen opponent's money and points and add them to yours! - 10000$

Beacon: Needed to call upon the greatest known weapon in existance. - 20000$

Tempest X - THE most destructive thing in the quiz, will level your target. Down to 1. In both boards. - free (need beacon to purchase)

Dee-fense - This guy: is probably the most valuable thing you can find. He takes a hit... ANY hit. And it's cute, too. - $100

more later...



-3 question streak!
-"c-c-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER!!!"(awarded for stopping a streak of 5 or more questions)
-Over $100!

-3 question streak!
-over $100!
-5 question streak!
-7 question streak!
-The Award Is A Lie

-3 question streak!
-over $100!

-3 question streak!
-5 question streak!
-over $100!
-7 question streak!
-9 question streak!
-... Jerk. -_- (awarded for going above 9 questions in a streak)
-over $1000
-The Real Winner (Won the 'Real Winner' participation matchup)

-"c-c-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER!!!"
-3 question streak!
-5 question streak!
-7 question streak!
-9 question streak!
-We have a winner! (Won the main game!)
-Scrooge! (Won the penny pincher matchup)

-"c-c-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER!!!"
-over $100!
-"Apocalypse Now"(awarded for purchasing Tempest X)
-"The Award Is A Lie" (awarded for using the 'get an award' special option)

-"Apocalypse Now"

-Over $100!
-Over $1000



-Custom Name font
-M "T" P S (USED)
-Dee-fense (x2)

-Custom Name font

-B.B.H (x2)
-Custom Name font
-Beacon (USED)
-Tempest X
-M "T" P S (stolen)
Point Breaker (x5)

- Dee-fense (x11)
- B.B.H (USED)
-Siphon (USED)

-M "T" P S

-Beacon (USED)
-Tempest X (USED)

-Dee-fense (USED)


~~**~~Awards List~~**~~

-3 Question streak!
Awarded for getting a 3 question streak

-5 Question streak!
Awarded for getting a 5 question streak

-7 question streak!
Awarded for getting a 7 question streak

-9 question streak!
Awarded for getting a 9 question streak

-... Jerk. -_-
Awarded for getting a question streak higher than 9

-"c-c-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER!!!"
Awarded for breaking someone else's 5 or over question streak

-Over $100!
Awarded for achieving over $100

-Over $1000
Awarded for amassing over $1000

Awarded for hoarding over $1000000
(Special option awarded for this)

-IT'S OVER 9000!!!
Awarded for acheiving over 9000 points

-Apocolypse Now
Awarded for purchasing Tempest X

-The Award Is A Lie
Awarded for using the one 'useless' special option

-So i herd U liek Mudkips?
Survive a Mudkip invasion with all your money and points intact
(Special card awarded for this)

-|_| |2 +3|-| |_337
Awarded for getting the 1337th post
(Special option awarded for this

-Substituting the substitute
Survive an attack with one Dee left over

Awarded for having 50 Dees

Awarded for throwing a Dee at an opponent

More later...


!@#$%^&*()[Special Awards!])(*&^%$#@!

-We have a winner!
Awarded for winning the 'End of game' point gain Matchup (special option awarded for this)

Awarded for winning the 'Penny Pincher' end of game savings Matchup(Special option awarded for this)

-The Real Winner
Awarded for winning the 'Real Winner' end of game participation Matchup (Special option awarded for this)

Type in the code (special option awarded for this)

-Coulda been a contender...
Awarded for answering 50 out of 100 questions (special option awarded for this)

Awarded for answering all 100 questions in a game (Special option awarded for this)

-British Voice Dubbing
Awarded for finding the right site. (special option awarded for this)

-The Real Most Destructive thing in the quiz
Awarded for purchasing the thing that's not on sale (special option awarded for this)

-No life
Awarded for getting every other achievement. Okay. It's done. You've won. Go outside and play. (special option awarded for this)


Previous winners

Point Matchup Winners...

Penny Pincher Matchup Winners...

'The Real Winner' Matchup Winners...

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