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Topic, Bonuslevel Graveyard (Inactive and temporary inactive members)

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totallyepicdude321 9 years ago
  EEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I leave for years and no one even mentions: hey, what about that one guy who tried to do things. I have fury.
gameinsky 9 years ago
  I don't think he will.
chris3000 9 years ago
  When is allyally coming back? It's been 2 years.
gameinsky 9 years ago
  Not sure if it's the best topic for this, but I will be in Italy for 10 days. And I don't think I will have wifi there.
psychomaster 10 years ago
  Uhm.. The creator of this thread is inactive.. He has not visited in 8 months..
Ferrari12 11 years ago
  Now that you're mentioning it I can remember that it's been a while since the last time I saw you, but I'm not active enough myself to notice when people go missing. Anyways, it's nice to see you back again!
nachos 11 years ago
  nobody noticed I've been gone for a year?
SuperMario 11 years ago
  I think I am getting inactive (at the games).

Garygoh is inactive :(
AK 11 years ago
  HI AB LM is BACK!!! Hooray for JG2! :D
ThisIsMyUsername 11 years ago
  See you soon, ak!
Mr_Calvin 11 years ago
  I will see you soon AK!
oldmanrob 11 years ago
  see you ak. good luck with everything you have to do. keep your pecker up!
AK 11 years ago
  Hello everyone,

I'll be inactive for about 3-4 months. I'll be filling out college applications, financial aid, scholarships, etc. and working. I'll see you all in January (or February)!


PS: I may come on once a week to check how things are going.
Coolguy52 11 years ago
  I'm back with levels from 7 months
chase28 11 years ago
  I am going to leave BL for the rest of the summer vacation (28-30 days) to enjoy the rest of it having peace and fun by not getting on the computer hours everyday, its not healthy, so I need a long long break before parts of my body get damaged. (example: my eye, my ear, etc.)
SuperMario 11 years ago
  He was probably not doing anything in 10 months but making 3 levels on Blockoban, and he was just checking what's going on.

Welcome back manufan! :)
Treazer 11 years ago
  10 months? No. I remember 4 months...
manufan 11 years ago
  Hi everybody! I'm back after about 10 months, though I have dipped in and out of BL! It's Good to see you guys again! :)
SuperMario 11 years ago
  It's nice to see you back :)
alanliu12121 11 years ago
  Welcome back psycho
psychomaster 11 years ago
  Wow, haven't been on in 3 months. Well anyways I am back from sudden leaving. :D
psychomaster 11 years ago
  Yayz, SuperMario's back.

(your levels are awesome)
psychomaster 11 years ago
  I won't be back for a few days.
azz 12 years ago
  Sorry to say guys but I'm gonna be away for a short while. I'll still be on the site watching but I won't be coming on chat or posting comments. The reason I'll be away is because I'll need to focus on my schoolwork and homework. I'm moving into year nine now and apparently that's when stuff starts to get difficult. If I want to get into a good university I'm gonna need to do my work, my inactivity will start today at around 12:30
By the time I get back I might not be as stupid as you guys all say I am...
gameinsky 12 years ago
  Nope, managing a topic like this takes a lot of effort, feel free to make your own ofc. but yeh.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  So no more members added?
Sherlock 12 years ago
  @SimonM: I used it because 65535 = 1111111111111111(binary), meant the biggest number in all 2 bytes. :P
BonusLeveLover 12 years ago
  Because I like him.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  Why you dont want him to go?
BonusLeveLover 12 years ago
  Noooooooo! Not SN!


First post of the topic

allyally 14 years ago
  This is the resting place for all inactive members, a place to honour old legends and let their souls live on...
Actually its just a list of people who can't be bothered to make lvls any more.

Inactive members:
Psychotronic-A BLockomanic, your memory will live on...
tonypa-One of the founders of BL, buut he had to go so soon...
wouter-Another founder, pity you couldn't stay...
cheese9-A master of BLockoban, A worthy adversary...
digitank-Another great BLockobaner, Now just dust in the wind...
oh_bebe-A master at beautiful levels, A true RT maveric!
iamstormtrooper-Get your awesome arse back on BL storm!
HI_AB_LM-Another cool designer in JG2, we will remember his old times...
minmay-On of the best members ever to come to Bonuslevel! This guy deserves credit,
Baby-yoshi-The user who got hacked 3 times, an user who loves forums and he won the Mini Contest!
Shiro-A very popular user, he got enough of BL and decided to stop for a big while.
boogiebee-A legit Blockoban player that has quit us a while ago.

Unsure: (members who haven't been active in a month)

Temporarily Inactive (members that will be inactive for relatively long periods of time):
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