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Topic, Your Handmade Stuff

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SuperDog 14 years ago
  This text is my handmade thing xD
pop12 14 years ago
  Im making a BAe Nimrod.It's Airfix, 3 skill and is IMPOSSIBLE to complete. : D
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Yearh, I actually thought about changing the slogan, but I were too tired, and bored of painting lines to actually bother to do it xD

[Edit] My tutorial for image hosting (And soon level linking, and basic links too) is located here
Ahroo 14 years ago
  LOL, I just saw that. xD
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  Lol, birjolax i love the logo, but you should have changed the name to "Photoshop'd - Play the games, create the Hoaxes"
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Erhm... I'll probably have to make a tutorial on posting images and shit...
CamoDragoon 14 years ago
LOL It has a fake name in it. XD

We had to invent an animal with several adaptations for science, this is what I came up with. :)
It's mammal+reptile. It's a sketch of what it should look like.
chris3000 14 years ago
  that is really scary, although falling in space for hours and hours would scare me too
Ahroo 14 years ago
  I looked on the minecraft wiki page and this scared the heck out of me for a second. xD

"It has been reported that some victims of torture, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren't being tortured. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP."
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  So, I were bored, and decided to play some RT... However, I were freaked out by something! Luckily, I were able to take a screenshot:


birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Go to, create an account and you're ready to go
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  Photobucket? That's a program isn't it. And if you don't download it where do you then get it from?
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Ferrari, I use photobucket, no download.
SimonM 14 years ago
  i've made some fractals(handmade, and it also something with squares), when I have time I will upload them.
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  I like all of your things, very nice job :)

I have so much to show of things I've made, but I don't have Imageshack or what you call it, neither am I allowed to download it. Anyway I can't resist to tell what I would've shown you, although it might not be of much interest.
OliAli 14 years ago
  :O:O. That's really amazing :O I still a bit not understand that procedure. But when I think about it ,it;s realyy good :)
geckojsc 14 years ago
  A cellular automaton.
I began with one square in the middle, then for every turn I filled in a square if it had either one or two filled neighbours.
(I made a mistake at one point, and glued a piece of paper on top of it.)
OliAli 14 years ago
  No problem dude ;) Hmm.. Come to chat :D
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Thank you :D
OliAli 14 years ago
  Wow, that's good. Simple and nice shadows^^
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  A man with a mask

A man with a mask I drew. It's a tiny bit "abstract" as I decided to only draw shadows on the mask.
lololol 14 years ago
  I started drawing a week ago, i'll probably post my drawings tomorrow, if i'm lucky :P
OliAli 14 years ago
  Here you can post your handmade pics, puzzles, ship, plane, or car models and things like this ;)

Here are some of my production :D

World Map Puzzle... 2000 pieces:

Castle from France.. IDK Name :D 500 Puzzles:

My Brothers... Train. 500 Puzzles:

On this Titanic I'm working now :) 1000 Pieces

This is my "Pencil" pictrure :) Hope you like it^^

And my last one here. It's 3D model of the boat in Trafalgar War. It's like 25% completed :)

I got alot oher things which I drawed or completed :)
I hope someone other also like things like things. Post as much as you want. I want to talk about this :D



First post of the topic

OliAli 14 years ago
  Here you can post your handmade pics, puzzles, ship, plane, or car models and things like this ;)

Here are some of my production :D

World Map Puzzle... 2000 pieces:

Castle from France.. IDK Name :D 500 Puzzles:

My Brothers... Train. 500 Puzzles:

On this Titanic I'm working now :) 1000 Pieces

This is my "Pencil" pictrure :) Hope you like it^^

And my last one here. It's 3D model of the boat in Trafalgar War. It's like 25% completed :)

I got alot oher things which I drawed or completed :)
I hope someone other also like things like things. Post as much as you want. I want to talk about this :D
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