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Topic, Mario Kart DS Lap Times!

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gameinsky 9 years ago
  then why'd you bump this thread? O_~
funguy161 9 years ago
  I WOULD Tell You My Times, But My DS Stopped Working.
AK 9 years ago
  Well, now that Nintendo Wifi is dead, I might as well post my times here.

All records were set with Yoshi in the Egg.

Mushroom Cup

Flower Cup

Star Cup

Special Cup

Shell Cup

Banana Cup

Leaf Cup

Lightning Cup
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  ☺☻☺☹☺ ✄☂
OOh :P

Anyways, I can't post them as symbols..... so:

AK 13 years ago
  All the symbols that you can use on a DSi.

The ones where you go to edit your nickname on the main screen of the DSi. (The wrench thing)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago

Do you want only symbols? (And if so, do you want math symbols included, because they're mixed in too)

There's a lot of stuff here. :/

Oh, and you should see my epic mario emblem on Mario Kart. All I did was add a grey square for an eye and a red rectangle for the mouth on a stock mario emblem and it makes it look evil. :P
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  I have music, but you 9nly have to change nickname and use some icons.
AK 13 years ago
  You know, the nicknames of some players have smileys, clouds, clocks, etc. Those are what I am trying to find.
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  @Jasper congratulations :)

@AK symbols for DSi nicknames? I'm confused, where are these found? (If you haven't done it already)
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Yoshi Falls: 56:698 Mario Standard R.o.b.
Best lap: 18:091
AK 13 years ago
  I need some help Camo....

You know the symbols that you can use for DSi nicknames? Well I need those to document some Mario Kart racers. I'm looking for the complete list of the characters you can use. I'm using my DSi right now, but it doesn't give me all of them, only a few. Do you think you could find them for me? I won't be on for the weekend, so that should be enough time for you to find SOMETHING. Thanks. :)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  MMh....I haven't been on Mario Kart recently, been playing Pokemon Red Version lately...... ;P

Btw, I can tell you a glitch for that Red Version. A very cool glitch. ;)
*makes topic*
AK 13 years ago
  Got ANYTHING???? I got some better times while I was on "vacation"... XD
AK 13 years ago
  Yeah, I haven't been doing this much either.....

Oh well, after the contest we'll do it more. :)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  I improved by a few tenths on a lot of tracks where I am bad at, haven't posted yet because I haven't et any monumental records. :/

@AK, my hands are too tired.......I have a lot of stuff to do recently, and even when I have free time, I'm usually not in the "karting mood" (I'm sure you know what I mean, like I'm just not on top of my game). I'll try beating them ASAP, but right now I have more important things to do.

For example, for my space contest level, I need to make a LOAD of complex paths, without even designing the level yet. :/
AK 13 years ago
  I did set a better record.... 7 seconds better XD

Got anything for me, Camo?
AK 13 years ago
  I'll re-check Frappe Snowland, and i'll set a better record. :)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  @AK you forgot to update Peach Gardens. :)

Btw......I can definitely get you on Choco Island 2 and Moo Moo Farm....just wait for me. ;)

Also.......I know there's no way you're only .5 quicker than me on Frappe Snowland, I don't think I'm good enough to beat you there but at least post a REAL time. :)
AK 13 years ago
  Mushroom Bridge POWN!!!

Beat you by 5 seconds XD...

Beat you on every course. Any more challenges?
CamoDragoon 13 years ago

Come on can't have lost to me? ;)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  Ah yes, I forgot to mention Mushroom Bridge as well. :)

Anyways....I assume you're silent because you're beating my records atm AK. Am I right? ;)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  @AK, I use boost over first hill and bounce (by drift button) off of second (every lap). But changing it to boost over second and bounce off third may be more efficient. :)

And anyways......gotcha back on Bowser Castle 2, that's my home turf. :P

P.S. I destroyed your outpost of success at Bowser Castle and obliterated it at Moo Moo Farm. And I beat you on Rainbow Road. :P

Good luck. >:)
AK 13 years ago
  I use the SAME cart on every track.....

Not tellin ya! ;)

Clue: It's not square......

And Desert Hills?

Two shortcuts: behind the pyramid or over the hill at the end. Which do you do?
CamoDragoon 13 years ago, I can't, the character cap prevents it. :(

WOW, lost to you by .001 on Bowser Castle 2. :P

On Desert Hills.....meh. I don't know if you're just quick or if you found the shortcut. :)

Your kart AK? ;)

Anyways.....I'll try harder on the tracks. ;)
Hexicube 13 years ago
  " my DS Lite too" using a DS lite...
AK 13 years ago
  Oh OK.....

Can you put them in the first post too?

Put them under "AK's Best Times".

CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  AK I will KEEL you. :P

P.S. What strategy do you use? I just use a 3-mushroom cart and boost every lap on the first grassy turn. Am I missing something?
And also, including your kart would help. :)

@Hex.....that happened to my DS Lite too..... :/

@AK, I would like to aee some o your other tracks too :)

I don't like those long tracks where you have to be continuously perfect, I mostly try to improve on the shorter tracks. :/

A lot of them are in the bottom four cups, could I see your records for those too AK? ;)
AK 13 years ago
  I can beat you, Camo, soon...


BTW, Peach Gardens?

Hexicube 13 years ago
  Figure 8:

I havent played this in quite a while plus my L button doesnt work at all and my R button sometimes stops working...
Masquerade 13 years ago
  This looks interesting I might as well post my time for Yoshi Circut.:1:59:042 Lap:0:37:866

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First post of the topic

CamoDragoon 14 years ago
  Well, um, I was wondering if my Mario Kart DS times were any good. :P
Anyway, here you post your lap times for whatever circuits you want, from the DS game (I don't know if the tracks are at all modified from the 64 version and others), I'll keep a best laps table and, if there's enough votes, I can put personal records in spoilers if you guys want. (I'll probably put the staff records in spoilers)
My times (this is in time trial mode):
Mushroom Cup

Flower Cup

Star Cup

Special Cup

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