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Hexicube 13 years ago
  its immatire :_
and you said that I was lying because I disagreed with the survey...
Elizea 13 years ago
  Dear marc, I never said the survey is completely accurate. In surveys, no matter how good it is, is always error marginal. In my survey I would say the error marginal could be somewhere near 20% to both sides, which is quite much.

But what I find impolite is that you tell lies about what I think (as it is impolite).
azz 13 years ago
  I took the contest one as well!
Hexicube 13 years ago
  he also thinks a survey which has 24 people who used it has 100% accurate results XD
chris3000 13 years ago
  I don't think you're impolite. I think you're a nice guy.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  Elizea seems to think im impolite because I like impossible theorems o.O
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  I took the new contest survey :)
Hexicube 13 years ago
  to everyone who said im a bad admin:
Elizea 13 years ago
  Contest survey, please tell your opinion about contests (:

No one will come after you and ask "WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS OPTION!?", so fill it like you really feel =]
Garygoh884 13 years ago
  On my iPod Touch I can't see some answers because it were offscreen. So that's why I choose some limited options on my device but I can choose more options on my computer.

I couldn't select "Perfect" for Elizea because I can't see it. ;)
chris3000 13 years ago
  I'll keep that in mind.
Elizea 13 years ago
  Note to self: never tell WooHooII about your surveys
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Yeah, I pointed that out. :p
gundu 13 years ago
  Elizea, You forgot me in your survey result :O
gameinsky 13 years ago
  I bet you should change your political structure.

Martin's score is a bit lower because 2 people don't know who he is. I tried using averages as a factor which made it a little more accurate.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  im unpolitical? if anything im the opposite, using codes to ensure continued likedness in P4M :P
gameinsky 13 years ago
  For OMG the explication would be that he is admin in Blockoban, where the average age is higher than on other place, they have other way of thinking thus in comparision to the other admins they know (that are usually younger) would make OMG seem perfect.

I'm willing to give the results of my survey:
60 % consider admins to be people like us.
30% are admins and 10% considers them as powerful beings.

50% wouldn't like child-ish/unserious admins, 20% considers them perfect. 10 % hates admins with bad English and 20% hates admins that are not fun.

30% would treat an admin neutrally while the remaining 70% are friends with them.

50% is not afraid of admins, 40 is afraid of drunk admins, and 10% just tries to not contradict them.

Top 5 most wanted admin behavior is:
1.Be serious in what they do.
2.Have mature behavior.
3.Be friendly & fun
4.Be experienced
4Bis.Have a good spelling.
There is a small variation to the score thought.

8 People say that admins have to keep order around the site, 2 people say that they make sure we only play good levels.

If our members could pick an admin then 40% would pick an experienced guy that has been admin somewhere else.
30% would pick a friendly member that has been here for a while while 20% are not sure, 10% would pick the most active user.

Admins on a scale from best to worst:
It was very hard to find a system for that but, yere you go :)
Elizea 13 years ago
  Okay, let's go for the results (my week is 2 days, I know).

*68% of BL users have never been limited while only 8% is limited even at the moment.
*Everyone is against impersonating, and over half against swearing, offensive language and multiple accounts. Almost half is against trolling.
*No one thinks admins are unfair in evaluting.
*Standards seem to be accessible with some work, even tho admins could accept even a bit worse levels from new designers.
*Neatness, fun and originality seem to be almost must be in levels, while secrets and stuff aren't really as important.
*On average, BL users go to a level editor once a week, check forums multiple times a day, play new levels a lot of times in a day and either dream about adminity all the time or never. Some seem to use chat more and some less.
*No one likes hackers, swearing/spamming should cause limiting in comments and making rejected levels should cause limitation in level uploads.
*76% of BL users would send a message to an admin to evaluate levels if no admin is evaluating them while 20% would whine in the game topic.
*84% of BL users have been here over a year.

The most helpful admins are JP and Elizea. Elizea and JP are also the most mature admins, while Hexicube, Gameinsky and Allyally are found quite immature and unpolitical admins. Gameinsky is the most active admin. Elizea, Allyally and Hexicube are found evil by a small amount of members. People who know Oldmtnguy seem to think he is perfect, and those who don't know him... well... don't know him. Hexicube got the worst ratings.

MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  Magic_X is right. Only your NAME is scary. XD :D
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  demonicyoshi is one of the nicest guys on BL...and so is geckojsc! :)
Magic_X 13 years ago
  Maybe it's your name :P (demonic)
demonicyoshi 13 years ago
  How am I scary? You dont make enough HogPop levels to know.
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  I just took it.

(Hint: To find mine, for the admin one, I put GIS and DY as scary and JP as perfect.)
Daft_Punk 13 years ago
  I took it.
Elizea 13 years ago
  Yah, I can see everyones results, tho I can't say which is who's, as it is made anonymous.

I'll post here the findings (the main stuff I found out) after few days.
AK 13 years ago
  Yay! I finished!!! Will you see my results?
azz 13 years ago
  I did it !
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Curiosity? I dunno, I just want to see what the BL community has to say about BL. :/

Edited the BB mistake...
Elizea 13 years ago
  BLockoban/BLockoban 2

you cant set them together, they are completely different...

...what would you know when you play neither of them.

Also, what are you going to do with the information you possibly get?
gamelover101 13 years ago
  I'm making my own BL survey! Too bad there's a limit on the number of questions in one, so I might have to split it into parts :/

Part 1 of my survey: Link

[1] [2]


First post of the topic

Elizea 13 years ago
  Waste few minutes of your short life to answer this poll which will make the rest of your BL life feel miserable. Thank you.

It has few misspellings, sorry for them.
After a week I'll post the results here.

Contest Survey
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