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Topic, Friendly topic.

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gameinsky 13 years ago
  You guys should all be ashamed, fighting, ON A FRIENDLY TOPIC!
If it continues like that you will be the new "Happy tree friends"...

As for AK, that "nice little chat" you called was a serious argument that made me hate you.

Now as if you don't mind, I'll soon delete this topic as it is for no use and it attracts arguments.

I've also have achieved to download mapplestory global, which is normally impossible for an European, so I'll take the chance. Depending on wheter I like Maplestory I'll be even less or still as active as before.

[edit] damn! I can log into nexon global but can't play in maplestory global, wtf?
gamelover101 13 years ago
  What secrets?
murtaza64 13 years ago
  OOH! Friend of bonuslevel is friend of mine! Let's share secrets!
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Same here, actually...
MARC2009 13 years ago
  thanks gundu, BL needs more people like you ;)
"MIF, everyone has "problems". MARC, however, is one of the people who don't have many at all."
I do have problems, right now my life is pretty hectic and thus I get too stressed to work on ND whenever I have an argument.

life was so much easier a year ago :P
azz 13 years ago
LOL happy tree friends is not that happy XD
Ferrari12 13 years ago
  Gundu: I think that's genious :)
rocky 13 years ago
  Yay! A friendly topic! Now we can all be friends! More specifically, Happy Tree Friends!!! :D :D :D
gundu 13 years ago
  @MARC, ''you want to introduce yourself to everyone on the chat because youre new here, and most of the poeple there tell you to shut up because they dont know ''

So... true...

I may not have the best solution but I try to contact new members having the potential of being good level makers/members to actually teach them how BL works, Editor, and so on...
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  Why are you guys debating this?
No need.
demonicyoshi 13 years ago
  I will take over this topic with love (and lethal force)!
is that friendly enough?
AK 13 years ago
  MIF, everyone has "problems". MARC, however, is one of the people who don't have many at all. Telling someone they have "problems" isn't a good way to make people like you.

MARC, my internet is crappy today, I won't be able to be on until tomorrow. :)
MARC2009 13 years ago
  perfect example of how the community is MIF, thx.
and you dont get the point, EVERYONE tries to find flaws in whatever some other guy does and goes on about it like its a big deal...basically like a C++ compiler when you miss 1 goddamn semicolon. yeah, maybe these topics are annoying, but thats life. we're taking action against all those people who argue at everyone or take the mick out of newbies, and I know whats its like to be on the recieving end...its just plain cruel.
let me put it this way: you want to introduce yourself to everyone on the chat because youre new here, and most of the poeple there tell you to shut up because they dont know you. how would you feel about that?
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago

We try to be friendly. But everyone's making (QUOTE) "We-Have-To-Be-More-Friendly" topics. That's just life. Not everyone's gonna be friendly to you. We won't be friendly if you try to make us friendly. People will leave if you continue. Soon, this whole place will be a wasteland. So, stop. NOW.
MARC2009 13 years ago
  AK, teamviewer :P
birjo, MIS, the whole reasion the topics are here in the first place is because everyone acts like complete dicks(excuse my language), tbh if you cant cope with people complaining about the way everyone acts then dont bother looking at those topics. we're not exactly a bad solution to the problem, and id like to see you come up with something innotive and inspiring(not saying this is inspiring OR innotive) to solve the problem! to be fair we're actually putting effort into this in order to solve the problem we have at BL, and if it doesnt get fixed you can only blame yourselves for not helping.
and yes, im using this account...
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  How are we supposed to know? Go ask Gameinsky.

Or maybe we DO know.
AK 13 years ago
  Here's a question....

Why does GIS suddenly hate me so much? I've been gone for 3 days! The last time I remember, we were having a nice little talk on the chatroom about Maplestory. Now, he has "hates AK" next to his name. Why?
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  *GROAN* We put up with this with AK, now azz joins the party? Spoiler Alert: birjolaxew is right. You keep on making these dumb topics, we get even madder, until we turn into blobs of death.
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  *Sigh* Not yet another one... Seriously, having nearly every single top-thread on the forum a We-have-to-be-more-friendly thread just makes us more angry. Keep it to one.

Besides, what are we going to talk about? How awesome we all are?
azz 13 years ago
  This is a topic for the people of bonuslevel to just be friendly instead of feuding or fighting... A topic for people to just be nice to one another and say nice thing about levels/games/people. So im just asking GIS to remove any nasty comments.



First post of the topic

azz 13 years ago
  This is a topic for the people of bonuslevel to just be friendly instead of feuding or fighting... A topic for people to just be nice to one another and say nice thing about levels/games/people. So im just asking GIS to remove any nasty comments.
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