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Topic, Suggestions for the forum

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manufan 12 years ago

I think we should have a class like code, but syntax highlighting:

e.g. [class = as3]public var hello:String = "Hello!";[/class]

- or -
[class = lua]print('a');[/class]
SuperDog 13 years ago
  unfortunately... that makes me sad actually. we could have links to websites... stuff...

[edit] derp... BL's current BBCode has links...
gamelover101 13 years ago
  I don't think we can use html here.
SimonM 13 years ago
  yes, html also supports strikethrough: <s> </s> and <strike> </strike> and <del> </del>. It's better to use the del.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  HTML DOES support italics and underlining...not sure about strikethrough...
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Yeah, I agree with manufan. BBCode. It is good.

AK 13 years ago
  All I want is the ability to click on the "Page" part of scroll bars and type in which page we want to go to, and then press enter, and it'll take us there. Helpful for those topics that have hundreds of pages.

Also, maybe a "Find in this topic" button, type in what word/phrase we want to find, and it'll bring us to that page and highlight it.

Or, since JP probably has better things to do, make the colors of the forums customable. That's REALLY easy to code.

I think? :X
allyally 13 years ago
  I say moar triforcing.

manufan 13 years ago
  I think we should some more of the BB Codes such as:

- Bold (b or strong) [already have]
- Italics (i or em)
- Underline (u)
- Strikethrough (s) [useful in the 'Goals' topic]
demonicyoshi 13 years ago
  I would like spellcheck for the forums with an option to turn it off.
gamelover101 14 years ago
  Nice idea. xP
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Limitation sets for topics/ week.

Enough said.
Treazer 14 years ago
  Yes, i agree.
murtaza64 14 years ago
  We be dead?
this be bumpity.
murtaza64 14 years ago
  I like brolling's idea
and maybe you could add people to manage the forum (first post, deleting, editing etc.) (forum creator by default.)

I think double posts should be merged, and also an option to load images or not (in your profile settings)
Treazer 14 years ago

First you think my idea is good and then you think its bad?? And is has nothing to do with unwanted critisism.
MARC2009 14 years ago
  I think that you should be able to rename them, incase you make mistake in title or need renamed...
Hexicube 14 years ago
  well he means combined with the 'let forum creators edit posts' one
gameinsky 14 years ago
  I think that's a bad idea, since they can delete unwanted critisism.
pop12 14 years ago
  Brolling: thats a really good idea!
gameinsky 14 years ago
  That'l be a nice features for admins !
Hexicube 14 years ago
  wow nice idea and use of editing the new levels button ^^
Treazer 14 years ago
  I think there should be an button in the topics 'Call for forum creator' and when the user log in it says between [Brolling] and [Chat!] 4 new forum calls ? (or any other number. Depends how much forum calls you have) Maybe '4 new forum calls' links to the last picture. Same for the profil, the text 'new forum calls' links to the last picture too.

A picture can explain it:



gamelover101 14 years ago
That would be very nice :D
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Admins should make a message they edited (like helping someone, fixing a typo, censoring somethings) Editable by the author of it, because sometimes it's not need that the same user shouldn't edit it again.
Sillius 14 years ago
  This is the translation from google xD

Im made me do it, we are playing a game in which the minum had to do it, and send a screenshot showing that I did it. do not kill me.
Treazer 14 years ago
  What means that?? Google doesnt works.

Im sai minut tekemään sen, voimme pelaavat peliä, jossa minum piti tehdä se ja lähetä kuvakaappaus osoittavat, että tein sen. äla tapa minua.
Treazer 15 years ago
  Same with german! It sucks!
lololol 15 years ago
  yes, google xD it sucks.
Im 15 years ago
  Same with Norwegian. It sux.

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birjolaxew 16 years ago
  In this topic you can say exactly what you want to be added on the forum. Maybe jp will lisent to the good, ideas but of course some of them will be to hard to code, or something else. One of my suggestions is: Help for game creators, (Help whit Flash, and other things you need help whit about a game you are making).

[edit jp]
If your suggestion doesn't concern the forum use Suggestions for the site or if it is about a game idea use BL game ideas
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