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Topic, Castle Wars

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jasperpostema 13 years ago
  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOW STop, I have the same power as Archer Spammer, you won't win. Nobody get's that BIG BONUS. After joining people have an hour to change minds :P
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  Wait...what? Why didn't that happen with gundu? HE (And/Or She) BOUGHT ONE! HIS WORLD DIDN'T EXPLODINATE!

ADVENTURE TIME! (From now on, I'm gonna randomly stick that into sentences. X3)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  @MiF but what is this madness??? Magic doesn't exist so your archer creates a multi-dimenstional paradox TWICE and then ends the world.

Shoulda' stuck with the mage. :P
Masquerade 13 years ago
  what do you think of my idea of adding more units?
(comments below)
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Let's do a Fight-Stop Time untill tomorrow 12:00.
BTW thanks for 75 comments in 1 day!

BTW I wil change all soon!
PS: But much Clan Pavilions ;)
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  What? They are? Then I sell! :P

I'll get a magic archer. XD
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
sshh.....he doesn't know that yet. :P
azz 13 years ago
  mif... It's better to buy a magic archer than a mage ++.
CamoDragoon 13 years ago two archers are stronger than Jasper's current army. xP

Btw, what do towers do? :?

EDIT: And is there any advantage between unit types? You should give a sort of rock-->paper-->scissors bonus for damage (ex. archers are +3 to mages, knights are +3 to archers, mages are +3 to knights)

However, with mixed armies to have that work you'd have to really break down the battle system. :/
gundu 13 years ago
  Then I buy my Magical Archer
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  So I have $305? (Bonus $50 and $255)

If so, I'll buy a Mage (magic ++).
Masquerade 13 years ago
  yeah we need more clans
BonusLeveLover 13 years ago
  Yay! Welcome. :)
Though I've realized that we need more people to play... we should do stuff like advertise on chat.
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  I buy another steel archer! :P
azz 13 years ago
  I quit Snakedust and join Archer spammers.
I also trade in my steel knight and buy a Magic archer!
Masquerade 13 years ago
  Fully upgraded troll>Troll king
Fully upgraded elf>Elf leader

Troll ability:Sore Loser adds 5 power if losing
Elf ability:Charm lowers enemy attack by 3
BonusLeveLover 13 years ago
  That would be rad :)
They could be have cool abilities like the troll would have *2 power if losing :D
Masquerade 13 years ago
  I think there should be more units like catapults or Creatures(Trolls,Elves,ect.)Catapult Upgrades: Catapults>Multi-shot catapult>Flaming catapult>Multi-shot flaming catapult
BonusLeveLover 13 years ago
  Your clan; 18 Total Power (Stl Knight * 3,Bronze Archer)
My Clan; 23 Total Power (Stl Knight * 1,Bronze Archer * 2,Steel Archer * 1) So WE took YOUR money. MIF; 1/2 of Takings, Me and Masquerade; 1/4 each.
You together have $510, I give 255 to MIF, 145 to Masquerade, and I'll have 110
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  You have a Bronze Archer, I attacked you and you lost your money, so you can't buy a Steel Archer. BTW I will buy a Clan Pavilion when I have that monmey, so many people can follow Snake Dust
BonusLeveLover 13 years ago
  I'll buy a Steel Archer :D
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Ok, everyone a Bonus of $50.
BTW I attacked Archer Spammer!
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  *random bump*

Jasper, you really need to make some way to generate money in this game if it's going to continue, else our total money is limited by the amount of people who join (assuming they then don't join a major clan). :P

@AK get a steel archer and join me in our Mercenaries clan. :P
AK 13 years ago
  Um.... What?

Sounds like a fun video game, but seems too hard to be a forum game. 0.0

I might join... Not sure though.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  *becomes an accident at work lawyer, earns a lot of money from the fighting*
Hexicube 13 years ago
  using my awesomeness of owning a game, I buy this forum...FOR ONE BAZILLION PLATINUM COINS!!!
Masquerade 13 years ago
  That's good in my opinion
BonusLeveLover 13 years ago
  Hmm... I know! The Order of Valeria! (Anyone here play Castle Age on FB?)
CamoDragoon 13 years ago
  I'll be a mercenary for now (buys steel arrows archer), if anyone attacks me I'll join the other clan, however I will remain neutral at the moment.
Masquerade 13 years ago
  Talk to Bonus,besides this wouldn't be my first choice for a clan,but I'm broke so I'll be here for awhile


First post of the topic

jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Castle Wars

If you want to do this game, you need a castle (you begin with ONE tower). Every tower has followers and weapons (like swords, cannons) and much more. Your castle is in a magical land, and you fight against each other. In Big Fights everyone has a role.

This is the fun part of the game. People can follow you (like Twitter) and they can help you with weapons, materials, knights and other stuff. In ONE clan you have five people. When you follow someone, you have to listen to him and work for him after payed fifty gallions. But you will be rewarded!

Name of Clan (Leader, Castles): Followers
More followers cost more money, can't get money back when leave

Clan Money
In a clan you can get money, but you can also earn Clan Money. Some maths will give you a price of some gallions. The code = earned money*(followers/10)=money. You can only get Clan Money with a Clan Pavilion!

Clan Pavilion
Only the best clans can get Clan Pavilions. It depends on the total of followers, Towers, and battle points. A pavilion will cost $350 for the leader, but it's an upgrade for 10 followers max.

A pavilion contains magical Clan Power and was used to create clans in the past.
IMPORTANT: You are safe in a Pavilion!

Everyone has a role, you can even become a king, but everyone begins with KNIGHT, you can eveluate in clans, by deeds et cetera

Magical Elves
There is a new Clan: Magical Elves. You can only join with more than 5 elves (You are Elf King then!!). You will pay $100 and you can join a Clan Pavilion: Magical Elves

Knight (Bronze) $80 (3)
Knight (Steel) $105 (5)
Archer (Bronze Arrows) $95 (5)
Archer (Steel Arrows) $135 (8)
*Archer (Magical Arrows) $205 (12)
Mage (Magic) $195 (4)
Mage (Magic +) $255 (7)
Mage (Magic ++) $300 (11)
Cannon $750
Cannonball $450 (35)
Tower $300 (1)
Clan Castle $550
Elf $1500 (75)

Jasper: ARCHER ($280, 2 Towers)
Azz: ARCHER ($25, Tower)
BonusLevelover: KNIGHT ($0, Tower)
Masquerade: KNIGHT ($0, Tower)
Gundu: KNIGHT ($45, Tower)
MIF10: KNIGHT ($30, Tower)
CamoDragoon: KNIGHT ($115, Tower)
Gameinsky: KNIGHT ($200, Tower)

Snake Dust (Jasper, 2 Towers, 18 points):
Order Of Valeria (BonusLevelover, 2 Towers 18 points): Masquerade, Azz

Jasper: Knight Steel, Bronze Archer, Knight Steel
Azz: Knight Steel, Magical Archer
BonusLevelover: Bronze Archer
Masquerade: Steel Archer
MIF: Magical Archer
Gundu: Magic Archer

Steel Knight
Steel Archer
Steel Mage
Clan Leader (with 5 clans)

Big Rules
- In fights the highest score wins
- You can't get Clan Money back
- In fights you earn Towers ánd Money

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