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Baby-yoshi 15 years ago
  I like Gecko's idea...
gundu1 15 years ago
  look at deem apples!
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  Ok thanks. Jac1 and I are making a game, and that would help out a lot :)
geckojsc 15 years ago
For spriting, use this tutorial. That's the one I used to make my sprites.

You could try aniboom for animation, but it's a free online flash software, so you won't get that much experience or quality from it...
Hexicube 15 years ago
  It seems to take awhile on my mams PC to upload...
It will be done soon (1 minute) and I will continue the real contest as that wasn't my entry. I will be back with flash stuff in a few weeks!
Hexicube 15 years ago
  Brainstorm! My flash 8 is on portable hard drive -_-
[Edit] Shouldn't have made it only let me on it on my PC!!!
[Re-edit] Fixed on my 8-year-old sister's laptop...
[Re-re-edit] geckojsc, i'm ready for the war of the worlds! MARC2008 vs geckojsc! Please host on mediafire as it's the only hosting website I can gaurantee will work on my net that isn't blocked...
[Edit X4] FAILED! Claims to be a problem...NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
[Edit X5] ActionScript entry, it was made before the problem with my laptop. Yu-gi-oh passwords
iamstormtrooper 15 years ago
  Hey, i can make GOOD animations/sprites, but not at music or scripts
Hexicube 15 years ago
  To sign up you need to be in a company...and it is a trial O_O maybe you could find an installer and host it?
geckojsc 15 years ago

I think you need to sign up, and it gives you an unfair advantage because you will have flash CS4, unless you save it as a Flash 8 doc and work under compatibility mode...
Hexicube 15 years ago
  It used to be so easy to find one on the net...I don't know why is isn't now!
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I would have to agree with you there...
Hexicube 15 years ago
  I will DEFINETELY possibvly win round 2 but not too good at 1
[Re-edit] Never mind...
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Here's the draft plan of the contest:
Round 1:
Animation round - to see who's the better animator

Round 2:
Actionscript round - to see who's the better coder

Round 3:
Collab round - to see how well we work together

[edit] Oh...
Hexicube 15 years ago
  Can't find trial version as I lost the installer -_-
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Flash collabs between us would be quite good as well. (we both use Flash 8 so we would have no compatibility problems)
Hexicube 15 years ago
  OK! Yust as soon as I install flash...(version 8)
geckojsc 15 years ago
  OH YEAH!!!!
Bring it on!
Hexicube 15 years ago
  We should have a contest when my laptop is fixed...or maybe even now...I, MARC2008, challenge you, geckojsc, to a flashoff (what?)!
geckojsc 15 years ago
Check it out!

Next time, please don't ask me to do something just for fun... (^_^)
Im 15 years ago
  I like golf! (duh)
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Well... Tell me what it's for... I don't want to make loads of animations for no reason. (^_^)
Im 15 years ago
  Can you make an animation with someone doing a Hole in One at 483 meter distance? Oo
murtaza64 15 years ago
  ya, marc
Hexicube 15 years ago
  I think he means round a big loop thing, not coins (maybe im wrong though)
I make animations also.
geckojsc 15 years ago
  Is this ok?
Hexicube 15 years ago
  I can make quizzes, more info on topic no.4073
murtaza64 15 years ago
  can you make an animation with sonic the hedghog running through loops?
geckojsc 16 years ago
So, does anyone else need me to do anything for them?
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  Thats great!
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Sorry I took so long to reply, but yesterday my brother asked me to do a load of work for him, and today I was at my friend's house, so I haven't been able to go on my computer very much.

Is this ok?

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Flash game development

First post of the topic

geckojsc 16 years ago
  I just thought, I love making music, animations, and I'm a half decent spriter too!

If you want me to do any of these things for you so you can use them in your game (and other projects etc...)
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