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Topic, Chatroom will be gone?!

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gamelover101 13 years ago
I don't think the chat should be that strict.

I remember people having fun, testing and changing their names. Multiple nicknames, multiple chatrooms open, all that was something I found fun actually...
gundu 13 years ago
  @Demonicyoshi, You mean like there'll be a chat section everywhere you go on the site? On games, Main page, Topics(?)

Because I'd like it to be everywhere, So I don't forget to go in xD
demonicyoshi 13 years ago
  it would be nice if it conects to bl. but Jp would need to help with that.
-Our Bl usernames would automatically display in the chat (but we can change them, however by clicking on someone's name by are brought to their profile.)
-we could use [ lvlid= ] and simular shortcuts in the chat.
-admins get special abilities in the chat.
All players can warn people. 3 warnings (by 3 different people) kicks a player for 1 hour.
Game admins can automatically kick users for 1 hour.
Forum moderator and user moderator can kick users for 3 hours.
User moderator can ban people from the chat.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  ahroo its harder than it looks :P
Ahroo 13 years ago
  @marc all we really need is a small chat system, chat PMing and a warning system. Shouldn't be much, just a viable replacement for the meebo.

@gl they've probably got giant complications in attempting to get them, though it wouldn't hurt to search.
gamelover101 13 years ago
  isn't there online chatroom hosting availible anywhewre?
Hexicube 13 years ago
  im working on a chat, right now ive prepared it to run off my PC as a test then I will have to find some form of hosting...
Ahroo 13 years ago
  Embedding isn't making our own chat... embedding is putting a pre-existing chat into a page, making a chat is much harder.
gamelover101 13 years ago
  We can make our own chatrooms... jp only needs to embed them or something...

IRC is a good idea, but IRC clients aren't too convienent...
Hexicube 13 years ago
  ive pondered the idea of making a chat, seeing as I have the tools to do so...however, such a thing isnt so easy, the connecting is complicated...
however, I have just gotten an idea...
Ahroo 13 years ago
  Meh, we've seen that for a while now, it's stuck to 2 categories:

1) jp saves our asses by rekindling the chat

2) We get a different kind of chat after it dies

we've been exploring option 2, gecko mentioned that an IRC may be a good alternative... spare the fact that we'd need a bot to take the banhammer so idiots don't wreak havoc on the chat. There was also a thought of making our own chat.
gamelover101 13 years ago
  As you can see on meebo, it seems that our main BL chatroom will be discontinued in a month, I'm basically asking whether we should make a new chatroom and all.

Seeing what the community is like, and the activity of our chatrooms, I'm thinking that a chatroom is actually pretty important to how our BL works. Chatium, unfortunately, doesn't really meet our demands either.

Should we get a new chatroom? If yes, what server?
Please add feedback in this topic!

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First post of the topic

gamelover101 13 years ago
  As you can see on meebo, it seems that our main BL chatroom will be discontinued in a month, I'm basically asking whether we should make a new chatroom and all.

Seeing what the community is like, and the activity of our chatrooms, I'm thinking that a chatroom is actually pretty important to how our BL works. Chatium, unfortunately, doesn't really meet our demands either.

Should we get a new chatroom? If yes, what server?
Please add feedback in this topic!
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