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Topic, Scripting School - For those who want to make Games

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Hexicube 13 years ago
  pro italics there birjo ;D
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  Oh my, what great help, huh?

My point is, writing in short (generally 50-100 character) messages will do no good. Look up a tutorial, and make sure it's at [i]least[/i] 15 pages long. If there's something you cannot understand, ask a live tutor. Don't learn directly from a live tutor.
manufan 13 years ago
  Birjo, I was going on etherpad with them actually...
Hexicube 13 years ago
  nah GIS, trial and error is a great way of experimenting with something you dont know how it works...

oh, and what birjo said, but with a 'come back in 3 years when you know proper math' argument added to seriously cant do this without ayt least a full understanding of GCSE maths, heck some of my things needed AS maths, but thats just the little individual lines buried in GCSE maths...
gameinsky 13 years ago
  I heard by a lot of people that your best teacher when it comes to scripting are books.
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  Manufan, relying on bashing the other person for grammatical errors, or talking trash to them for no apparent reason at all, in response to a pretty clear and thought out post makes you look like the immature person in the argument. Noone likes getting criticised, but it's part of living and learning, and quite frankly, most of the criticism is true.

You can't just learn "scripting" (just a heads up, scripting is Javascript, etc., programminging is Java, Actionscript etc.) through PM's. Learning programming is something that requires an entirely new mindset, and that takes time and excellent explanations. Having someone to fall back on, and ask questions is always a good thing, but relying solely on a live tutor is a bad idea.
SimonM 13 years ago
  Well, it happens sometimes that humans make typos.
manufan 13 years ago
  And yet he can't read either.

"The amount of un-needed, horrible messages has risen on their innocent topics, though the people are right. But now they're not."

Clearer now?
SimonM 13 years ago
  He didn't stir it up. He just stated his opinion.
manufan 13 years ago
  MiF still stirs up trouble.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  However manufan, you fell to a point deeper than MiF did.
SimonM 13 years ago
  11, That's almost the same!
manufan 13 years ago
  Nope. You have to get your facts right GIS. I'm not ten.

@MIF: Also, you have level limitations, I shed those a year ago, so you aren't exactly hot stuff either.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  Says someone who is 10 as well.
manufan 13 years ago
  And they don't pay the fees either! >:O

@MIF: You're ten, quit trying to be smart in front of me. Just 'cause you hit the big one-zero doesn't mean you can arse me around.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  holy shit its AK...oh, and for the record my teaching style is "here have this book" *leaves* and it seems to have worked well... :P
AK 13 years ago
  Hmmmm... don't you think someone with more experience should be teaching this? O.O

Nachos, the best teachers on BL would be Gecko and MARC. Possibly JP, but he's busy most of the time. I suggest also using tutorials. :P
nachos 13 years ago
  Hey.. I am not going to make a game.. But I would like to learn how so that in the future I could make one.. Could someone teach me.. :)
MarioIsFireball10 13 years ago
  I am ashamed that my long, well thought-out message was ignored that quickly.
manufan 13 years ago
  I know Hex.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  manufan AS2 uses strings...youre using AS2, so you cant possibly explain ByteArrays...
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Why to say f**ked, man what a world!
manufan 13 years ago
  Yep, he's f**ked if he doesn't know what a ByteArray is.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  Jasper, I hope you do know how to make the basic game, right? Else directly trying to make the editor won't be easy...
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  You have to help how to make it XD
manufan 13 years ago
  No. I will help you, NOT make it. :)
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Fine! Thank you, I need a raster, where you can put blocks in.
manufan 13 years ago
  Yep, I can help you with that in AS3, I need Hex for AS2.
jasperpostema 13 years ago
  Manufan, i need your help! I need to have an editor!
manufan 13 years ago
  @MIF10: You have a point. But that's what I said, the insulting of n00bs is correct, but not very nice.

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Flash game development

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manufan 13 years ago
Scripting School

Hello again, it's Manufan, and I have heard that people such as kiethy342 have been wanting to make games. The amount of un-needed, horrible messages has risen on their innocent topics, though the people are right. But now they're not.

Ever since I was told; "Oh, you can't make a game Manufan, die in hell." or "You'll never make it, quit while you can!" I have been learning a scripting language. You CAN do it! I know you can! Just do what I did, reply to this topic, and no-one will be frustrated, or angry, unless you make your own topics.

Reply now, and if you want a Personal Message, just PM me.

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