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Topic, Jump Gear 2 - Obstacle Collaboration Level

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manufan 13 years ago
  Not yet Nachos!
nachos 13 years ago
  Are you almost done manufan?? :)
Pof 13 years ago
  Why do you want to delete something.
Make your part and we'll cut and paste all the parts together...
manufan 13 years ago
  First, we have two options:

Delete the whole collab.
Delete my bit before Masquerades' (the JG, etc.)

After we've chosen one of the options, I'll start the collab. :) Then, when I've finished, you can do or edit your parts.
nachos 13 years ago
  Thanks :)

OK.... lets start... Keithy after manufan and then me :D
Pof 13 years ago
  I wasn't gone but let's start this :)

Nice to see you back Nachos!!!
manufan 13 years ago
  Well. We're restarting this, seeing as people pushed in the queue...
nachos 13 years ago
  IM BACK!!!

So... When do I start :)
manufan 13 years ago
  I've not started yet, hold on cowboy! :P

I'll start it tomorrow (hopefully).
Pof 13 years ago
  Did you create the level and add us as editors?
I can't find it in "my levels online"
manufan 13 years ago
  Okay, and if you could do that oval path, that would really be great! :D
dingdong 13 years ago
  I'd like to join too.
manufan 13 years ago
  Thanks for letting us know Nachos, I'll drop your position if it interferes. ;)
nachos 13 years ago
  Im gonna be gone a week starting tommorow... You dont have to wait for me.. But just letting you know that I wont get to work on the level during that time :)
manufan 13 years ago
  Right, I've added you guys! I think it's enough. :)
Masquerade 13 years ago
  I don't have any other levels in progress.(LIE)

but yeah I'll join :o)

[Edit]double post!
PineappleDude 13 years ago
  I feel honored that you mentioned me in you post, so I HAVE to join :D I havent made a level in a while though...
@kiethy: lol...
Pof 13 years ago
  I'm in :D
nachos 13 years ago
  Ill join :)
kiethy342 13 years ago
  I'll join. I REALLY want to get back at pineapple dude!
manufan 13 years ago
  Hi there! I've decided to create a collaboration level on Jump Gear 2 for all the best designers (you can join if you are low-ranked, maybe it will help you!).

- Manufan (Working)
- Kiethy342
- Nachos
- Pof
- PineappleDude
- Masquerade
- Dingdong

The Plot
At first, the plot was "Noah's Ark", where an animal would get lost and you needed to find it before the great flood. However, I've decided to cancel out the idea, seeing as the lag would be immense for computers which have a low "clock speed".

So, I thought of an obstacle course. I created a level just like this called The JG2 Challenges and PineappleDude managed two, The Power of Skill, and God's Challenge. Imagine the best designers with BG, the hardest challenges (though not impossible) and the creativity involved!

The Rules
- Each section must have at least ONE challenge.
- Each section must have a decent amount of BG, along with a banner.
- If you're doing another section, please include another banner, with your name and then "again".

If you would like to participate, please reply to this topic now. I'd like no comments that will slag off any member nor the collab.



First post of the topic

manufan 13 years ago
  Hi there! I've decided to create a collaboration level on Jump Gear 2 for all the best designers (you can join if you are low-ranked, maybe it will help you!).

- Manufan (Working)
- Kiethy342
- Nachos
- Pof
- PineappleDude
- Masquerade
- Dingdong

The Plot
At first, the plot was "Noah's Ark", where an animal would get lost and you needed to find it before the great flood. However, I've decided to cancel out the idea, seeing as the lag would be immense for computers which have a low "clock speed".

So, I thought of an obstacle course. I created a level just like this called The JG2 Challenges and PineappleDude managed two, The Power of Skill, and God's Challenge. Imagine the best designers with BG, the hardest challenges (though not impossible) and the creativity involved!

The Rules
- Each section must have at least ONE challenge.
- Each section must have a decent amount of BG, along with a banner.
- If you're doing another section, please include another banner, with your name and then "again".

If you would like to participate, please reply to this topic now. I'd like no comments that will slag off any member nor the collab.
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