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Topic, Official Collaboration Topic

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gameinsky 13 years ago
  I'll state my opinion on this before i remove all the off-topic messages.

Ak, in the beginning we didn't hate you, we were ok with you. We even felt sorry for you to be hated so much by your dad.

And then, you changed. You changed in that person who thinks he's a demi-god meant to save BL.
What you did was cause chaos and discord. This all made you hate so much for various reasons, i'll list a few:

Thinking up lies such as: Nintendo hates BL
Trying to scare us with other kind of lies:
I got 50 000 people to hate you, gameinsky! From 5 different sites! Soon will be 500 000 >:C

Acting like a total **** sometimes (the "CONTESTS RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP" topic)

--- unrelated ---
Most of us who know you well start to think you're bi-polar.
You're able to switch of your hate mode almost immediately.(we have proof)
--- unrelated ---

You're very impulsive and think you can do anything, and then you deny when we contradict you.
This has made you very hateable, you think only your opinion is right and bash away all our critics.
You being impulsivity has also let you to do a few things we facepalmed over...

You boast a bit, which is ok, but because you're very unlikeable most find that insulting.

My advise:
Just make levels, packs etc.
Don't do things without thinking about them and be a bit less assertive.

I tried to make this as unbiased as possible, take it or not.
And don't think every critic is a personal attack.

I'm admin, this is my job, please don't hate me for doing what I belive is right, I do forgive, I do not forget.
manufan 13 years ago
  No offense, but I agree with GL. You're not answering his questions exactly...
gameinsky 13 years ago
  AK: this it what you should do, be less assertive.
manufan 13 years ago
  My argument has not been rendered invalid, but nearly. ;)
AK 13 years ago

Man, does anyone read anymore?

"I hope this is OK with everyone, especially gameinsky. I'll try to get this to be the official collab topic, so we won't have topics for every collaboration.

Current and starting collaboration levels will be put down here, along with the people who are working on them. You can talk about the collabs here too. If there is a collab you want to start, tell me here and i'll put it up.

Note: I won't put up collabs that are 6 months inactive or more."

Let's see... I have done everything I said in the first post.

Put down current and starting collabs, along with the people who are in them.
You can still talk about collabs here.
No one has told me about any new collabs, so I haven't put them down because I don't know about them.

Yeah, secret collabs, you mean the ones that people make in forums so everyone can read them? Yeah, that sounds secret alright.

You argument has been rendered invalid.

I still removed your brother's anyways, but next time, put facts, not opinions.
manufan 13 years ago
  Also, some people want secretive collabs, so my brother's can be removed thank you. :)

You're just adding collabs and not sticking to what you said in the first post. :)
gameinsky 13 years ago
  Please do not fight in public.
Gl tells you this because he believes what you're doing is not completely sane.
AK 13 years ago
  I'm waiting for GIS to tell me what to do...

I asked myself to put my stuff in here, and myself agreed with myself.

There aren't many collabs going on right now, so of course no one else asked.
AK 13 years ago
  ...Waiting for orders...
gamelover101 13 years ago
  @AK Not what I meant. I don't see anyone asking you to put stuff here.
gameinsky 13 years ago
  I have an idea, i'll quote your first post in the collaboration central and use the topic itself for collab requests.
AK 13 years ago

"If there is a collab you want to start, tell me here and i'll put it up."

Need to know if this will be deleted. If so, i'll move the first post to the Collaboration Central.
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Yeh... Seems a little intrusive IMO... :/
gameinsky 13 years ago
  Well, duplicate topics IS a reason for deletion.
And you should also either ask people if you are permitted to post the collab or ask them to put submissions here, just saying.
AK 13 years ago
  Um.... Does that mean I shouldn't have made this topic?

Will this be deleted then, Gameinsky?
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Update it? :O
gameinsky 13 years ago
  Collaboration central
Please use that.
(I know this wasn't easy to find)
AK 13 years ago
  No, my computer shut down due to updates... >:(
Since when have I left a topic to waste? :C
gamelover101 13 years ago
  Fix the code?

Ugh AK, promise me you can manage this topic and not let it go to waste.
AK 13 years ago
  I hope this is OK with everyone, especially gameinsky. I'll try to get this to be the official collab topic, so we won't have topics for every collaboration.

Current and starting collaboration levels will be put down here, along with the people who are working on them. You can talk about the collabs here too. If there is a collab you want to start, tell me here and i'll put it up.

Note: I won't put up collabs that are 6 months inactive or more.


Nacho's JG2 Exploration? Collab
Level unavailable


OliAli's MEGA JG2 Collab
Level unavailable

AK's HogPop BL Rooms Collab
BL Rooms (Hog Pop)

Azz's Ultimate RT Collabs (Part 1 and Part 2)
Levels unavailable



First post of the topic

AK 13 years ago
  I hope this is OK with everyone, especially gameinsky. I'll try to get this to be the official collab topic, so we won't have topics for every collaboration.

Current and starting collaboration levels will be put down here, along with the people who are working on them. You can talk about the collabs here too. If there is a collab you want to start, tell me here and i'll put it up.

Note: I won't put up collabs that are 6 months inactive or more.


Nacho's JG2 Exploration? Collab
Level unavailable


OliAli's MEGA JG2 Collab
Level unavailable

AK's HogPop BL Rooms Collab
BL Rooms (Hog Pop)

Azz's Ultimate RT Collabs (Part 1 and Part 2)
Levels unavailable
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