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Topic, Best designer of the month

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Jac1 13 years ago
  Well, there are less designers than levels, so it should work better...
gameinsky 13 years ago
  my topic worked exactly like yours, excepty it was for levels.
The co-ordination was a nightmare, often the people didn't really want to record the levels so I eventually just gave up on it.
Jac1 13 years ago
  I personally think it won't be too much work, since it won't be much more than just serching for votes in the topic and counting them. Maybe we could have one person in charge for each game.

And I think we might just ignore games like Push or CoBaCoLi...
gameinsky 13 years ago
  I had a similar topic made once, but I abondoned it because it was too much work. I wish you good luck.
(especially because on some games barely any levels are made)
Jac1 13 years ago
  I've just had an idea: At the end of every month, why don't we vote for the best level designer of that month, in each game?
I don't think we'll be able to give any awards, but I think it could still be a nice idea...



First post of the topic

Jac1 13 years ago
  I've just had an idea: At the end of every month, why don't we vote for the best level designer of that month, in each game?
I don't think we'll be able to give any awards, but I think it could still be a nice idea...
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