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Topic, Brainteasers

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oh_bebe 16 years ago
  birjo: is it a clock?

rollingturtlerulez: is it the letter r?
rollingturtlerulez 16 years ago
  it is in rock but not stone it is in marrow but not in bone it is in a bolster but not in bed it is not in the living and not in the dead. what is it? hint: look at each word carefully :-))
Hexicube 16 years ago
My answer was actually towards murtaza's question.

He makes friends with alot of burgers first then says that he's really popular then evry1 want 2 be his friend!
geckojsc 16 years ago
  He doesn't. He'll probably eat them.
MooKings 16 years ago
  Here's a really stupid one..How does a fat man make friends?
gundu 16 years ago
  @ birjolaxew , it's Rayman XD
racersda 16 years ago
  Nope! Should I say the answer. I was kidding! Geckojsc is right for my first one. Birjolaxlaw, is it a baby alligator or crocodile?
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  No MARC it isn't.
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  Hi tide!?
racersda 16 years ago
  Nope wrong, gecko.I guess I'll give one hint. Hi as in high.

I have another Brainteaser. What did ocean say to the high tide?
Hexicube 16 years ago
  is it cultery??
birjolaxew 16 years ago
  It has a face, but no ears
Does sounds ghastly, but there is nothing to fear
It has hands, but no arms
Wait, don't worry, It mean no harm.
MooKings 16 years ago
  that's right (wasn't it easy?)
murtaza64 16 years ago
  because789, seven ate nine
Our usage dates back a long, long way. While among the first tools, our prototypes were bone and plant. Today we are usually made of steel.

We are related by design but not purposes, though sometimes we work well together, especially in the holding business.

We have relatives of different shapes and sizes. A hollow one is a real sticker and our Chinese cousins can be all over you.

In Great Britain we are a popular name for a pricking or tingling sensation, and to be on us in the U.S. is to be in a state of excessive uneasiness.
what are we?
MooKings 16 years ago
  Why was six afraid of seven?
gameinsky 16 years ago
  nice marc , you answerred right
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Because the peanut butter was bored and wanted to start a conversation...
racersda 16 years ago
  Why did the peanut butter say "hi..." to the jelly? NO HINTS because it's not that hard. I thought it up in a few seconds really.
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  Ah, clever. If there's only to barbers in town, they must cut each others hair. Nice one. ^^
Hexicube 16 years ago
  lol the one with bad hair coz they do eachothers!
geckojsc 16 years ago
  THeNiNJa was right! If you wave at him then he will wave back with his only arm and... ouch...
gameinsky 16 years ago
  noope and nope and for geckosj,his question is simple:
ask him to sit on a leaf and wait til it's authum
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  geckojsc, i don't really know if i'm getting it right, but if his hanging in the tree, you will just have to wave at him.
lololol 16 years ago
  He takes the east because he isn't a movie star? q:
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Probably the East Street, but I don't know why...

How do you get a one-armed idiot out of a tree?
gameinsky 16 years ago
  nope , he eats a lamp cause it's light!

another beter one:
A traveler arrives in a small town and decides he wants to get a haircut. There are only two barbershops in town - one on East Street and one on West Street. The East Street barbershop is a mess, and the barber has the worst haircut the traveler has ever seen. The West Street barbershop is neat and clean, its barber's hair looks as good as a movie star's.
Which barbershop does the traveler go to for his haircut, and why?
geckojsc 16 years ago
  He cuts all his food in half, so that he can have twice as much!
gameinsky 16 years ago
  what does an idiot does when he is on diet
Im 16 years ago
  An number on 8 digits contains two 1's two 2's two 3's two 4's Between the 1's there's 1 digit between the 2's there's 2 gigits between the 3's there's 3 between the 4 thre's 4. What number is it? (There's two answers)
lololol 16 years ago
  The two babies are two of a set of triplets :).


First post of the topic

Im 16 years ago
  Post your brainteasers here.
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