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Topic, How to make a Game

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Mmmmmm 4 years ago
  Message removed...
gameinsky 11 years ago
  Judging on your age I wouldn't really suggest you try, but there's a lot of people on the chat that have coded for quite a while so you might want to ask for help there.
chrishappy 11 years ago
  yeah, right now i need a spot or area to make a level, such as a .exe. So can someone teach me how to start a game. I just want to do something like... a point and click game. I'm sure it wouldn't make it to the main games. So yeah...
neoseanner 12 years ago
  i'm just have DX studio to make a 3d game XD
psychomaster 12 years ago
  Don't try just yet. You should be really good at coding, first.

DON'T take me as an example.
geckojsc 12 years ago
  I've said this to people before, but the best way to learn programming is definitely to buy a book! Or, get a teacher, find a programming club for young people, or something like that. The internet can help you to find out about specific things, but it's not good for learning from scratch.

I highly recommend not to make a game for BL as your first (or even 2nd or 3rd) game. It's much harder than making a normal game. As with all new things, you should start small (making small arcade games like Pong), and as you improve your skills you can try to make bigger, more difficult projects.

If you really want to learn programming, since you're young, you might be interested in the Raspberry Pi. It's a tiny $25 computer which you can plug into your TV, and it comes with the software needed to help you learn coding. Maybe you could ask your parents for one?

Programming isn't a hobby for everyone, but if you learn it from a young age, it's a very useful and fun skill to have! Good luck :)
SimonM 12 years ago
  Manufan, Movieclip has bad preformance, Sprites can basically achieve the same. Just in case you would know: Puzzle It doesn't use any Movieclip.
But yes, coding requires you to have perseverence. When you're learning to code for first time, you might be demotivated because it seems hard. But when you persevere you can achieve this even when you are young.
gameinsky 12 years ago
  Manufan, I just copy/pasted it from wikipedia, just so you know xD
manufan 12 years ago
  @GIS: I would probably extend MovieClip if it's not the file, seeing as you might want to move frames, etc.

I would write:

package folder.subfolder.etc
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.MovieClip; // MovieClip extends Sprite

public class *classname* extends MovieClip
public function *classname*(str:String)
var txtHello:TextField = new TextField();
txtHello.text = str;

Obviously you could apply your example of com.example and Greeter
PIe 12 years ago
  Ok (message too short)
gameinsky 12 years ago
  If you don't know what the word complex is, I don't suggest you to try to make a game.
Here's for example how to make the words "hello world" come up the screen in the language you will be using.
Just hello worlds as ordinary as possible:

package com.example
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.Sprite;

public class Greeter extends Sprite
public function Greeter()
var txtHello:TextField = new TextField();
txtHello.text = "Hello World";
jake20056 12 years ago
  What Dose that mean iv'e never lerned the word complex in school or at home.
gameinsky 12 years ago
  Oh, that's even more complex.
jake20056 12 years ago
  All I need to know is how to make a kind of level editer. :)
gameinsky 12 years ago
  Ok, first of all making a game requires pertinence, motivation etc. etc.
Secondly it requires you to know highschool level maths (age 14-16 etc.)
Thirdly it requires you to have a brain that knows how to fix stuff on creative ways.

It's like writing stuff in a language that is entirely made out of keywords, except you're not allowed to make any errors (spelling or grammar) or your whole system will be borked up.
manufan 12 years ago
  You need lots of flash coding experience, which requires a lot of patience, time and effort. Since you're only eight, there is only a slim chance you'll be able to make a game, but your age can never stop you! :) I was just like you but I managed to start coding when I was 10!
jake20056 12 years ago
  How do You make a game


Flash game development

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jake20056 12 years ago
  How do You make a game
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