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Topic, Storytelling Thread

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alanliu12121 10 years ago
  This is a game where you have to make a story.
You must write a part of a story after the previous poster's part. NEW:It has to make sense according to the entire story so far and must stay in theme.
You may double post if you want and yes, this is a game to let your humor out.

THEME 2: Fall Season


Person A: Once upon a time, there was a princess
Person B: who was kidnapped by an evil lord
Person C: and the hero must rescue the princess


When a "Novelist" posts "The End", that's the end of the story, and the story is complete! These Novelists can only stop a story when a week passes. They can also help with the storybuilding.

If you want to be a Novelists, send me a message.

List of Novelists:
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