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Topic, Create level for android & iOS

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Treazer 9 years ago
  This looks very interesting! :)

Please notify me regarding when we can create levels, how we will be able to do that and what the requirements are. :)
projectOne 9 years ago
Thank you for your patience and for your ideas. Thank you for your help. Here you can download the version I use 4.6.2 you need to click on 4.x tab and then to choose 4.6.2 or instant download for windows here :
I did a short video to show some features of my game. You will know if you want to continue in this project. You will discover too the potential to improve our cognition by playing the game. I invite you to explore Unity and follow tutorial to understand its interface. If there are questions, I can help you! If you are interested send me a mail, I'll send you some videos I made to fix some issues, to get time by building the levels, etc. I'm writing a list about what we can do in the game. The overview of the game is available here :

The red balls must be collected in the order. The level is easy but can be harder by placing red ball #3 #8 #15 in the same corner, the player must remember where is the #8 when he is collecting the #7 and dont see where is the #8. In total 30 red balls can be in the level. Green ball up to 30 and doesn't have an order to collect.

I welcome feedback from you :)
Treazer 9 years ago
  Indeed. :)

I'm still interested to build the levels, that would be quite nice!
gameinsky 9 years ago
  That would be very nice, projectOne.
I have never used Unity itself, only the unity player so that will help a lot.
If you could fetch a link to make sure that we have the correct version we could see what we can do.

If you have trouble explaining things to people, you could send me a pm in french (I noticed your email is in french) which I can easily translate for the other users.
projectOne 9 years ago
  Hi, I finished graphics. I made a template on Unity, that can help to realize the levels. Otherwise the code wont be inside the project. I can create a short video how is the game and how to use Unity to gain time to build levels. Tell me if you're still interested and available for the project :) I need to talk with you. Have a nice day.

EDIT : It will be important to download Unity 4 version 4.6.2f. Compatibility with my project. Or if you want you can draw yourself and to send. Please, you can invite creative people :) The only thing I need to do on my game is to fix the lobby menu, menu. Thank you.
Treazer 9 years ago
  I certainly am still interested! :)
gameinsky 9 years ago
  A rushed project is never good, take all the time you need :)
projectOne 9 years ago
  I almost finish the graphics. I had problems with the design. The last thing I need to finish is the HUD. It takes much time, because, I'm not talented. I hope you are still interested. Thanks.
projectOne 9 years ago

Please stay tuned and thank you for your interest. The coder (he is extermely generous and good) will finish to code in 5 or 6 days. The prob at this moment is the design (graphic). Then we will be able to build together levels.
Thanks :)
Treazer 9 years ago
  Sounds great! I'd love to help, would just like to see more of the game. :)
kiethy342 9 years ago
  This sounds interesting, and I would be happy to help if you wanted me to once a little more is revealed of the game. :)
gameinsky 9 years ago
  that would be a good idea.
I might help you with level creation.
I also speak French so communication between us shouldn't be too much of an issue.
projectOne 9 years ago

thank you dingdong, I take in consideration what you said.
Ok, the best option will be to copy my game, in this copy I'll change some controls (because the controls were for smarthphones). I'll export in Flash, (I use Unity3d).Then, 2 or 3 levels can be played, just enough to understand the gameplay. A result in the next days.

Thank you.
dingdong 9 years ago
  I agree with gameinsky. This does sound interesting.
There is two things I'd like to say though.

1. Even though it sounds interesting, I feel that i miss what is actually going on. The game description is rather vague. More information or a level example could help.

2. Bonuslevel is (though we would like it otherwise) not a large community. So in here you'd would only reach a limited number of people (but note that a few of them are extremely creative and skilled in level creation).
projectOne 9 years ago
  Wow thank you gameinsky, I really appreciate.
My mother tongue is not english, so thank you very much.
I talk french from Canada.
I'm checking your profile and you are very active.
Maybe with more information you will be interested in my project? How is the best way to reach more people? Maybe to give more details of my project here?

Thanks again!
gameinsky 9 years ago
  That does definitely sound interesting.
I also took the time to fix all the spelling and grammar mistakes I found.
projectOne 9 years ago

I'm creating a game, I completed the gameplay and I'm now polishing it. At the moment I'm building levels.

The editors here are great to use, but for my game won't have an editor, so to create just draw and try to imagine how the level will be like. I can't offer anything. But if anyone is interested in the project, I'll explain it to them. I need experienced people that know how to create levels. I've tried some games here and I'm very impressed. I created the gameplay and coded it with the help of someone else to have a good code. But creating levels is harder.

The game is to improve cognition of the players, but in reality people wont notice they train their brains, because getting rank #1 is fun.

Players must get some objects in the game and it changes the way to solve the problem in the game. By mixing action, accuracy, etc...

If you want more information and interested :

I would like to work with good level designer here.
Your name will be in the credits e.g.:

level 31
Your name

That will be a very useful and interesting game.

Thank you.



First post of the topic

projectOne 9 years ago

I'm creating a game, I completed the gameplay and I'm now polishing it. At the moment I'm building levels.

The editors here are great to use, but for my game won't have an editor, so to create just draw and try to imagine how the level will be like. I can't offer anything. But if anyone is interested in the project, I'll explain it to them. I need experienced people that know how to create levels. I've tried some games here and I'm very impressed. I created the gameplay and coded it with the help of someone else to have a good code. But creating levels is harder.

The game is to improve cognition of the players, but in reality people wont notice they train their brains, because getting rank #1 is fun.

Players must get some objects in the game and it changes the way to solve the problem in the game. By mixing action, accuracy, etc...

If you want more information and interested :

I would like to work with good level designer here.
Your name will be in the credits e.g.:

level 31
Your name

That will be a very useful and interesting game.

Thank you.
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