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Topic, Level "Miner", game "Captain Dan v Zombie Plan"

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doomlord 16 years ago
  Not too hard... in fact it's almost easy.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  I've tested this level to the point where I don't really have a good feel as to where it should go in the rest of the levels difficulty-wise. Thoughts anyone?
doomlord 16 years ago
  Yes I just noticed that. The other times it just stayed in that room for some reason.
gameinsky 16 years ago
  actualy the level is avalaible to beat without the aid of the teleporter zombie.
but nice level
Captain_404 16 years ago
  Yep, it works now :)

But from your description, I take it your spy zombie is supposed to stay in that room. As you have it now he frequently wanders out.
doomlord 16 years ago
  Fixed, I forgot about that.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  Ah, I didn't notice that was a teleporter zombie!

Nevertheless, it seems the teleporter is actually impossible to kill since he is stuck inside a room, which makes the level impossible to beat.

Unless I'm missing a switch somewhere.
doomlord 16 years ago
  No, you have to use the camera to make the teleporter move him into the caverns, otherwise he will kill you when you get the gun. Convoluted evasion right there.

He prefers the room unless he is teleported, even when you open it up.
Captain_404 16 years ago
  There is a stealth zombie stuck in a box in the middle who makes the level impossible. Other than that, this is a great level!

Did you have plans for this zombie or was he supposed to be removed?

He does look like a he the result of an editor mess-up?


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Captain_404 16 years ago
  There is a stealth zombie stuck in a box in the middle who makes the level impossible. Other than that, this is a great level!

Did you have plans for this zombie or was he supposed to be removed?

He does look like a he the result of an editor mess-up?
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