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Topic, Level "Not too fun.", game "Captain Dan v Zombie Plan"

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nabeo436 15 years ago
i got it in 30 seconds clear the bottoms room and stand in the top left hand corner and rapid shoot u win
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago
  very laggy....
spiderpeps 15 years ago
  Ok it shouldnt lag so much and i fized the spelling error. And how do you know the difrence between to and too?
Captain_404 15 years ago
  The amount of lag you have achieved on this level astounds me, truly. Maybe you could lessen it a bit?

EDIT: also, and this is just me nitpicking, but your title grammar is a bit off.

"to" is used in a similar sense as "at"

"too" is the word you're looking for, it means "also" or "very"


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Captain_404 15 years ago
  The amount of lag you have achieved on this level astounds me, truly. Maybe you could lessen it a bit?

EDIT: also, and this is just me nitpicking, but your title grammar is a bit off.

"to" is used in a similar sense as "at"

"too" is the word you're looking for, it means "also" or "very"
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