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Topic, Another Post Price Game

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SuperDog 15 years ago
[msgid=9999 removed]
Quoting lololol from Level "Level Shifting"
Thanks (;
Quoting birjolaxew from Level "Rock up"
Nikobam its because he made it easy. Before was it almost impossible!

ilikerollingturtle's profile: ilikerollingturtle
Im 15 years ago
[msgid=3451 not authorized]

Oh no....

Quoting Deseis from Game "Moonlights"
T_T 4 points?

Bah! UNDER 1800~

Just let me have first gundu... ;)


Quoting tonypa from Game "BL API Demo"
So, each level has its own comments? Sounds great :)
Im 15 years ago
  I know...ppl have to post suggestions
metaknight91 15 years ago
  you need to decide 600 and 700 and 900
SuperDog 15 years ago
Submarine95 15 years ago
  i will stop too, next post wins xD
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago
  398 i stop now so i not win the price :p
birjolaxew 15 years ago
  397! 397! 397!
Im 15 years ago
  Huw dij ya knuw, Fanta? :O
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago
  soon one get comm level with me
birjolaxew 15 years ago
  394 comments :D We are getting high :D
Sillius 15 years ago
  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 this is as much of Pi I can remember :D
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago
  8 comments back
Darerd 15 years ago
  banana phone + cheese cake + stinky bum + bird + my stinky feets + cow + This topic + Im = A long list of strange things - but its a long and funny list of many funny things! people plz join this game xD + my puke + Pi really is = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288417 - that is as far as i can memorize XDD
Hexicube 15 years ago
  Urm, it shoud be 'MARC will design...' not 'MARC could design...'
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago

*You can only post 2 comments in a row
*You can't double post too close to a price comment
*You can give the price to next comment
*You can't delete comments unless you're double posting
*You can post something like "gvagubdfkjlvbque" if you are in a hurry to win...
*Your posts may include ponies =D
*Watch the list to be sure about the comments!!!!
*Please post possible prices! =D
*Don't post empty comments!!!!


25 Comm. with me in any game:Brolling

50 Community level with AdrianPeterson28(in JG2):MARC2008

100 Ping Pong source file:Im

150 Comm. with me in any game:gundu

200 Community level with niimporta (In JG2):MARC2008

300 Community level with AdrianPeterson28(in JG2):Brolling...I think :P

350 Wins a comm with...gundu!:SuperDog

400 Comm with Fanta-Freak in RT:

500 Comm with lololol:

600 Not decided:

700 Not decided:

750 MARC could design a game on what that person wants if it isn't too hard =D:

900 Not decided:

1000 Including that person's name as an easter egg in Captain_404's next game on BL:
Hexicube 15 years ago
  Probably about a thumnail update?
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago
  cheese cake? :o
Im 15 years ago
  Quoting jp from Level "Tetris"
Wow I love it, so cute. I'vedaetd the thumbnail, it's better to capture it after clicking on "TEST".

What's this....(random...:P)
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago
  Im, Im, Darerd, Fanta-Freak, MARC2008, Fanta-Freak, Superdog....
Im 15 years ago
  Quoting Nikobam from Level "Turtle Olympics"
Did it :) nice level

Im 15 years ago
Darerd 15 years ago
  banana phone + cheese cake + stinky bum + bird + my stinky feets + cow + This topic + Im = A long list of strange things - but its a long and funny list of many funny things! people plz join this game xD + my puke + Pi really is = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288417 - that is as far as i can memorize XDD
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago
  cheeese cake
Hexicube 15 years ago
  For 750 I can...I'll be back with an idea ;)
[edit] I could design a game on what that person wants if it isn't too hard :D
Fanta-Freak 15 years ago
  banana phone + cheese cake + stinky bum + bird + my stinky feets + cow + This topic + Im = A long list of strange things - but its a long and funny list of many funny things! people plz join this game xD
SuperDog 15 years ago




Treazer 15 years ago
  A + B = C
1 + 2 = 3
! + " = §
Treazer 15 years ago
I Donz Win The 300 Post!!!
SuperDog Win It!!!!
birjolaxew 15 years ago
  banana phone + cheese cake + stinky bum + bird + my stinky feets + cow + This topic + Im = A long list of strange things.


First post of the topic

Im 15 years ago
  Spam here


*You can only post 2 comments in a row in less than 1 hour
*You can't double post too close to a price comment
*You can give the price to next comment
*You can't delete comments unless you're double posting
*You can post something like "gvagubdfkjlvbque" if you are in a hurry to win...
*Your posts may include ponies =D
*Watch the list to be sure about the comments!!!!
*Please post possible prices! =D
*Don't post empty comments!!!!
*Big comments in spoiler please!


25 Comm. with me in any game:Brolling

50 Community level with AdrianPeterson28(in JG2):MARC2008

100 Ping Pong source file:Im

150 Comm. with me in any game:gundu

200 Community level with niimporta (In JG2):MARC2008

300 Community level with AdrianPeterson28(in JG2):Brolling...I think :P

350 Wins a comm with...gundu!: metaknight....! :D

400 Comm with Fanta-Freak in RT: !SuperDog!

500 Comm with lololol: Sub Sub (Submarine)

600 CommMetaknightnotRT: Winner of 750 (I don't wanna) DragPow!

700 Comm not important JG2: DragonPower :O

750 MARC will design a game on what that person wants if it isn't too hard =D: Im (I'm sooo happeh now)

900 Comm with Im!!!w00t! and....SuperDog...-.-: DraPow! xP

1000 Including that person's name as an easter egg in Captain_404's next game on BL: Im

1100 Same as 750(? xP): Im (OMG!)

1200 -: Shiro! (OMG OMG OMG NOTHING! :O)

1350 Comm with ( Drum roll )... Oxideee!: DraPow! :P

1500 For 1500 I will give a secret game file that involves coloures...only I have to work out some code stuff and it may be moved to 2000 or something, just note it down somewhere on first post... Well.... MARC2008 will... I just copied what he said... OK!?!?!??!?!? :D Yeah!:

1550 -:

1600 -:

1750 -:

1800 -:

1900 -:

750 (lvl creator) *OUTDATED*
750 (lvl creator)
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