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nelson90 3 hours ago
  No problem Chris, I finished evaluating all your levels and I am waiting for the next flood :)
chris3000 6 hours ago
  Hey everyone, I started something new this week, I'm gonna focus on reducing my scores on all old and new levels before completing the unfinished ones in my unplayed tab. I only solve the newest levels that are no more than a year old.

So, what do you say, I posted on some old levels for a HS fight, it would be fun to do since the community has been cut 60-70%. I'll miss the BB freaks. Murat for one!

Sorry Nelson for the level flood, you don't have to rush evaluating them, maybe have it done by the end of next week.

If you guys see my post on an old level, you'll know I improved greatly.
chris3000 5 days ago
  Great job PF on achieving that award, :)
nelson90 6 days ago
  Good work PuzzleFan, all your levels are now accepted.

Congratulations for your award !
PuzzleFan 6 days ago
  Hey nelson, I'm submitting a few levels this morning, let me know if you saw and evaluated them, it took me quite some time to get the designs and challenges right, plus making sure each thumbnail was a perfect square.

EDIT: I just got the award for completing 500 levels! Hooray.
chris3000 18 days ago
  Keep it up, and always focus on doing the kids and easy levels. They will give you extra tricks and moves that you can use to solve the harder levels. You can do it! We have faith in you.
PuzzleFan 19 days ago
  I'm almost at 500 levels guys, I've been working hard these past 2 days.
chris3000 1 month ago
  I haven't seen you post here in a while PF, how's it been going for you? You having a great year so far?
PuzzleFan 1 month ago
  I hate to point this out, but I cracked a Highscore in "Coke Can 6", I got 22.
chris3000 1 month ago
  Hello everyone, I am back home after a 7 day stay in the Emergency Room. I had a blood vessel rupture on my left ankle and it stung and burned, I finally returned home last night at almost 10pm. So I'm glad to be back. I'll explain more later of what happened when I have some extra time to spare.
SimonM 1 month ago
  I scored on 108 Dozenal Hexign.
nelson90 1 month ago
  I have found 6 levels without score: Block Travel 7.3, Block Travel 7.4, Block Travel 7.8, Block Travel 7.9, 107 Royal Sinkhole and 108 Dozenal Hexign.

Chris, I agree with you on the fact that every level should be possible, and when I cannot solve a level I always ask the creator to score on it. Regarding these 6 levels, don't forget that it was you who accepted them :)

Suhangha, I already asked you to prove that your levels are possible. Please do it, otherwise I will be obliged to set them to be edited.
chris3000 1 month ago
  I cannot believe some of these insane hard levels that no one has scored on have been accepted. They should not be unless someone posts a score on it. I wonder what's wrong with BL's database. I keep seeing an unknown subject alert in the most recent levels. It may be a bug/glitch.
gameinsky 2 months ago
  There is not much point changing the officials since a few years already.
suhangha 2 months ago
  chris,, I replied so, carry out everything; I'll eval ancient keeps grey, pirate to blue
chris3000 2 months ago
  So, in other words, there may not be anymore officials here. I assume that would be the case unless some miracle happens and some old members decide to come back and are able to use Pale Moon. I'm sure half the members don't have it yet.
pig 2 months ago
  The problem with new officials is that most of the playerbase is inactive and will never come back to the site, so for those of who are still playing would have an unfair advantage basically being able to complete a new official that others can’t, this would already place people higher on the leaderboards.
Thank you guys for positive feedback though!
suhangha 2 months ago
  It looks quite shameful in comparison:
Some new levels by Pig (I favorite too)
Early official levels of levels with big-moves
however, I don't think gis will take action/alternate on this. and wonder how jpsarda will do
btw, I hate levels (some of worst levels as bad as not enough giving only 1/5): Deja Vu? / grooves / octopus / Hourglass...
and In-Puzzle of a few official levels has errors (some missing links): merry Christmas!, shooting star
PuzzleFan 2 months ago
  Excellent job on the levels pig, I did a few and I think some of them could be official potential. They have unique challenges and the titles best represents the level and the thumbnails are really good. Pearl Escape is one and Starmaze is another good hard puzzle. In which I have not solved yet.
john96 2 months ago
  Ok, I already knew you had to reset the scores there. But thank you for accepting my levels, :)
nelson90 2 months ago
  Hi John, thanks for fixing your old levels, they are accepted now.

Note: I have been obliged to reset the scores for "Red Saucer" because my old score wasn't possible any more.
john96 2 months ago
  Hi Nelson, I corrected my two old levels, Red Saucer and I changed the title of my other level, Corn to "Eight Yellow". I hope these changes are sufficient enough to be accepted. Can you take a look at them today? Thank you.

chris3000 2 months ago
  You're welcome, I'll pay better attention and make sure to test it many times before uploading my levels. And make sure they are not trivial and too easy.
nelson90 2 months ago
  Good work Chris, thanks for taking into account all my remarks. The three levels are now accepted.
chris3000 2 months ago
  Hey @Nelson: I fixed the three levels you told me to edit. Take a look at them, I think you'll like the improvements and corrections. I changed the category to hard in my "Pink Laser 4" level. I got inspired by some of pig's levels to try to be creative on what challenges I provide in each level.

You will have to reset the score for my "Yellow-Pink II" level because I made specific changes to it after we both scored on the old level. But it is possible now.
pig 3 months ago
  Usually when I create a blockoban level, I tend to first just place down blocks (mostly symetrically) that form some kind of beauty if you get what I mean. Only then I start worrying about how to make the level actually possible, and place walls/other blocks accordingly and form an idea in my head for the solution (which often tends to be not the most optimal one haha)
chris3000 3 months ago
  Wow pig, I've seen 15 of your new levels and I think they have unique and excellent design, these below are my personal favorites. So, where did you come up with the idea for some of these, just curious.

Garden Map
Berry Cut
Colorless Palette
Split Dye
Twist 'Em
Tight Passage
Coolguy52 3 months ago
  OK - I have looked into his most recent levels and I agree with you. Apologies about the hasty assessment, either Chris has improved a lot since the last time I played on this game (which I'll admit was a while ago, at least properly) or I was confusing him with someone else. I also think that I may have misunderstood the original post, thinking that Chris was getting lower ratings than normal, as opposed to fewer ratings. The only answer I can offer in that case is that it's just not that common for people to rate a level any more. There's not much incentive to do so and so people just forget about it.
nelson90 3 months ago
  Sorry CG, but I cannot let you say that Chris's levels are trivial. Since I became an admin, I never accepted this kind of level. Sometimes, I asked Chris to review a level because it wasn't acceptable as is, each time he made the necessary adjustments. I encourage you to try to solve some levels recently submitted by Chris (for example Pink Bricks ) and you will see that they are not so obvious (especially if you want to get the best score).
Coolguy52 3 months ago
  Out of all the even semi active members of this site left I’m in the worst position to give creating advice for this game. My levels here are usually fairly elementary - which is fine I think. There’s a big difference between an elementary level and a trivial level. Trivial levels are bad because there’s nothing to solve, just a sequence of immediately obvious moves to make. From my experiences with your levels, some can be quite trivial - where each block is 1 or 2 moves from the target and sometimes even the order doesn’t matter. Avoiding that might help increase your ratings!

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