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chris3000 8 months ago
  Wow, this game is totally dead now, I wonder what Burfy is doing now since this pandemic started in 2020. He was an expert here and so was Dynamo, Ferrari and gamma73. Maybe one day they'll pay us a long-time visit. Who knows.
chris3000 1 year ago
  Yeah, I think this game is toast, what a shame. Hexicube and Gecko really did a great job with this. I'd hate it to be abandoned.
PuzzleFan 1 year ago
  I got the 4,666th post here, this game is pretty much dead to BL now! But it will not be forgotten.
chris3000 1 year ago
  Oh, yeah. I wouldn't try to be admin here if you're having issues with your hands. I have to curb my time here as well. Health comes first as always.
nelson90 1 year ago
  Sorry Chris, but I don’t think I have the skills to be admin of this game. A good admin should first be a good player, able to complete the majority of the levels. I have barely completed 60% of the levels. This game is very difficult and requires moving the mouse with precision and speed. As I get older, my reflexes decrease and I am less and less able to complete levels. In my opinion, it would be wiser to choose an admin from the best players.
chris3000 1 year ago
  You think Nelson could be an admin here as well? After all it's up to Marc, and Gecko.
TheEgglet 1 year ago
  the flash embed (the game) doesn't appear and there's just nothing (not even space for the swf) between the header and the comments
nelson90 1 year ago
One solution consists in installing Pale Moon and the last Flash Player without blocking date.
Here you will find the installation instructions:
Adobe Flash forum
Feel free to ask me if something is not working.
TheEgglet 1 year ago
  is there any way to still play this?
if i download the swf it just says game initialization failed
john96 1 year ago
  Wow Hexicube and gecko, this game is amazing. I like how you can use your mouse to navigate each level and I like the creator mode. I just need someone to explain each object/switch.
chris3000 3 years ago
  Man, this was such a fun game that Marc and gecko made, sadly for now I can't play it until I download an old version of flash. But I am busy with family/household responsibilties so that will be later on down the road.
Mmmmmm 3 years ago
  Message removed...
chris3000 4 years ago
  Yeah it was very popular back in 2011 to 2015.
TheEgglet 4 years ago
  sad thing that this game is dead now :(
chris3000 4 years ago
  That's cool Dynamo, why haven't there been many new levels here,this was actually popular back in 2011-2012. I guess everyone isn't that addicted to it. I'm still stuck on the last 5 officials. Sacrifice yourself and Sandbox are 2.
Treazer 5 years ago
  How come I never thought of that? That's pretty clever actually, I might try this sometime. :)
burfy 5 years ago
  And everyone around you, foolishly judging by the consumption of styluses, praises you for studying so hard :-)
Dynamo 5 years ago
  I got a touchscreen laptop for my design course at university, and then it occurred to me that I might be able to use the stylus for this, and it worked. So then I started sweating out some big high scores and eventually managed first with insane finger cramps and a completely worn down stylus tip! :D
chris3000 5 years ago
  Wow Dy, you're first in 3 games. How did you beat burfy?
Treazer 5 years ago
  The categories are broken since the categories of some levels were changed (to tutorial) after they were made official.
Coolguy52 5 years ago
  Woah you're first now? You're practically hogging the reflex/skill games here - I can't let you have Jump Gear 2!
Dynamo 5 years ago
  Anyone else noticed how broken the Easy category is on the Scores tab?
Yoymans232 5 years ago
  *default dances*
kalina200 6 years ago
  @jozyfy I disagree
koko11az 6 years ago
  you become a salve
jozyfy 6 years ago
  Moonlights is a lame copy of World of Goo.
chris3000 6 years ago
  @Ricardito10: No, it's not dead, there's still people that play this game and others. Most people are probably busy with other things like school or just living life.
SimonM 6 years ago
  @Ricardito, then what's the use of saying that?
Ricardito10 6 years ago
  This place is dead
ainee 6 years ago
  It seems to me that I found bug. In it, the start is on fire, and when you die there because of the fire, and the power node should now turn on, it turns on. The same way, you can turn off the cable that was originally turned on.

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