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Topic, Game "Ringmania 2.5"

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kiethy342 11 years ago
  We might need another admin here. It's getting pretty inactive.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Just... play the game and you will understand Sher.
Sherlock 12 years ago
  -_-||| Yes.
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  The face of confusion???
Sherlock 12 years ago
  SuperMario: -.-?
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  - _______ -
not rally that offensive...
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Sherlock: -_-
kiethy342 12 years ago
  Thanks Supermario!
I'm determined to not let ringmania or jump gear 2 die, so I'm makeing as many levels as possible
There will be more! :)
Sherlock 12 years ago
  Actually I don't know what is Ringmania about.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  I can say that all of the Kiethy's levels are GREAT!!
Treazer 12 years ago
  Once a week is enough, IMO. It could be once a day, but here aren't many levels, so once a week is fine.
raer2008 12 years ago
  Once a week? Really?
alanliu12121 12 years ago
  I don't think so.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Only once a week?

It's that... true? xO
Treazer 12 years ago
  Yeah SM^^ But chris, only because people have lives? Martin is inactive, but jasper could at least check the levels only once a week. It would only take 5-10 minutes.
SuperMario 12 years ago
  Says someone that gave his life to get the 3rd place on the top members list XD
chris3000 12 years ago
  @Treazer: I agree with you, but they have lives, like me.
Treazer 12 years ago
  I think the admins should check the levels at least once a week.
SimonM 12 years ago
  When you've updated a purple, it's best to notify the admin or to post a message on the level.
Maxamed 12 years ago
  Mine haven't been checked for a year now (purple)
SimonM 12 years ago
  I'm happy to see new levels!!
Money 12 years ago
  I likethis game
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  I have no idea, as he I was offline for some months. I think he must be active these days...
chris3000 12 years ago
  Welcome back, jas, :)

Shouldn't gundu be evaluating some lvls here as well?
jasperpostema 12 years ago
  Dont worry everybody. I will check new levels immediately, and I will also check for new levels 3 times a week. Sorry for the long inconvenience, you will soon see some new Ringmani levels...
Maxamed 12 years ago
  Yeah it's not very good.
kiethy342 12 years ago
  I know :( Jasperpostema has been very inactive recently.
Maxamed 12 years ago
  Not much acitivty here when its needed.
nachos 12 years ago
  I have 3 too :P

You can see which ones they are in my post below :)
manufan 12 years ago
  Ehm, I have 3 Jasper. 3. :)

Games forum

Play Game "Ringmania 2.5"

First post of the topic

jp 15 years ago
  Ringmania 2.5, testers wanted very soon :)
Don't expect too much, it's not a groundbreaking game, it's just an adaptation to BL of an old game of mine.
It is almost the same as Ringmania 2.

Except it implements the BL API with a level editor, so we should get much more levels to play.

Additional features :
- Bachground pixels, the editor provides the possibility to draw your own background for each level.

Next features (maybe) :
- Allow to customize the falling rings, create events (one shot ring, or repeat events), paths ? Bosses (rings formations) ?
- More special items ? Malus items (decrease points?, black ball?).
- Move contraints (fixed stone rings).

I'm waiting feedback about the bugs, the background pixels (for now 16x16, is it too small?), suggestions of new items, new features.
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