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Topic, Level "Short Level", game "Rolling Turtle"

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Coolguy52 4 months ago

Moderately easy untied slay. Of course a level has to be fairly difficult or underplayed for a score like that to last untied for this long, but that's just how it is sometimes :P
john96 4 months ago
  I'm stuck on the part after I leave the monster's stomach, where do I go from there?
Sires 15 years ago
  Same here. Just can't reach the checkpoint, and after 5 times redoing the whole level, I'm very angry about the fact that after 5 months, the checkpoint has not been lowered yet.
sword_fish 15 years ago
  Aieee! The monster ate me!!
By the way, the checkpoint is too high, and I'm sick of getting in and out of the monster every single freakin' time. Make it lower, and make the monster move faster.
Sires 15 years ago
  I can't even get to the first checkpoint, which is very annoying because you have to go through the whole "Kill the monster" crap again and again.
pupatron3000 15 years ago
  hm i couldn't get to the 2nd checkpoint. you should lower it
chuckles 16 years ago
  Bubble is not long enough
Friend 16 years ago
  yes there is "something wrong" the simplest way to fix it would be moving the exit along a path, but since that's impossible I'll have to do something else!
Asforien 16 years ago
  There's something wrong with the paths. If you restart from the 2nd checkpoint after dying you're in a different spot and things don't look the same.

And please think of a better level title?
Friend 16 years ago
  oops... i made a mistake and fixed it.
oggologgo 16 years ago
  It could really use a checkpoint. I fell out of the thing that transports you, and then I gotta start all over :( But nice anyway so far, still haven't passed :)
Friend 16 years ago
  Oh... that's when the other platform shows up, :(
THeNiNJa 16 years ago
  Is this level possible? What do i do at the sword-guy?
Oh, right, i hurt his arm..
jp 16 years ago
  Your paths are still far too slow!
To make a quick path that stops, add 2 nodes at the end of the path, one with normal speed and one with speed 0 (Add antoher 0 speed node if the path is smoothed, to be sure it really stops)

Another remark, when the mouth of the monster closes, the back of the monster is showing up. It shows the trick and this is not clean.

also after going out from the monster, I don't manage to jump to the other plateform. The bubble powerups ends too early.
Friend 16 years ago
minmay 16 years ago
  Also, if you die while going DOWN in the moving box (near the beginning), you have to restart the level completely.
jp 16 years ago
  the level seems to be nice byt very difficult. Some things to correct.
- Wrong start position.
- A mistake "motster" instead of "monster"


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jp 16 years ago
  the level seems to be nice byt very difficult. Some things to correct.
- Wrong start position.
- A mistake "motster" instead of "monster"
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