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Topic, Level "Green Box", game "BLockoban"

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AK 11 years ago
  I'm going to keep doing this level until I beat it! :|

EDIT: Oh! I was thinking of this level all wrong! ._.
castle 14 years ago
  yes, funny enough just a few minutes after I sent that, I solved it! lol. guess all I needed was the "threat" of not solving it myself heehee.
Thank you!
MartinfraKongsberg 14 years ago
  It's hard to give a hint because it's many different ways to solve it. Basically a "trial and error"-level, with a lot of strategy involved. Before placing the two greens at the bottom, you need them "up in the air" (like they are now, but in different positions) to help place the two upper greens, before lowering the "helpers" down to the ground.
Makes sence? Comprende?
castle 14 years ago
  can someone give me a hint for this level? I cannot get anywhere with it. I can get all but one block placed...
sgtdroopy 14 years ago
  It was probably ranked easy because completing it is mostly just a trial and error process.
Jos 15 years ago
  Fantastic! My second official level!
jp 15 years ago
  This is a fantastic level. I was lucky to play it during my testings for the iPhone game.

It was ranked in easy category but I think it's between medium and hard. Let's say it's an easy hard level.
Jyxz 15 years ago
  Well its hard, I can tell you that much Jos. haha working on it tho
Jos 15 years ago
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Jos 15 years ago
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