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Topic, Level "M1x3d Lvl", game "Rolling Turtle"

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gundu1 15 years ago
  coll level
petermunks 15 years ago
  Okay thx i added an extra arrow now and i tryed so many times and i didnt fall off :)
gameinsky 15 years ago
  Arrow part doesn't always work...
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  you need a checkpoint after the rotations.. I got to the auto cannons and i got thrown off and died... that needs to be fixed. good job so far tho!
petermunks 15 years ago
  Hey im sorry i clikced upload so many times and i tried to make something new instead of the racing ball so hope you like now please comment so i know what to do and not to do next time :)
demonicyoshi 15 years ago
  you can cheat, i jumped at the begining and went over over the first few chalanges, then used the rotating things to push me back into the tunnel.
Sires 15 years ago
  Nice level, with some interesting challenges.
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  the level is good except for the ball racing part.. I know this is a "mixed level" which is fine but that part is too messy compaired to the other ball racing levels. also the ending with all the stars is kind of disappointing because you don't get the stars!!


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oh_bebe 15 years ago
  the level is good except for the ball racing part.. I know this is a "mixed level" which is fine but that part is too messy compaired to the other ball racing levels. also the ending with all the stars is kind of disappointing because you don't get the stars!!
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