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Topic, Level "OxPop", game "Jump Gear 2"

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niimporta 15 years ago
  Because.. I want ... xD
Oxideee 15 years ago
  CL ........
niimporta 15 years ago
  Why what? do you mean Oxipop, or the CL? xD
pop12 15 years ago
  well we ceartainy made a good level
Oxideee 15 years ago
  why niimporta?
OliAli 15 years ago
  Yay, did it in time;P
niimporta 15 years ago
  @Oxideee: I wanna make a CL with you!

PS: Oxipop sounds better :/


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niimporta 15 years ago
  @Oxideee: I wanna make a CL with you!

PS: Oxipop sounds better :/
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