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Topic, List the glitches you've found in MKWii ( Mario Kart Wii) | ||||||
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You must register or log in to post a message.m pretty sure it'll freeze, also if you come across an AR user on Wi-Fi- using Blue Shells, and you have a Bob-omb, Don't use it. Also something in Mario Kart double Dash and MKWii. In Peach beach, look at the boat that's way out far in the ocean. That boat is Daisy's Cruise liner from Mario Kart Double Dash, therefore that is a secret in Mario Kart Wii, an extra corse you can't play, but look at, and in Mario Kart Double Dash, it really is a course you can play on. I'm not so sure of this, but if anyone else has Mario Kart Double Dash, you could probably see the beach from the boat, I think, if your facing the right way. Or your too far out at sea and can't see it. I'm going to try that..... In Time Trial Mode, go to Coconut Mall. Go PAST the shortcut with the open shop but do not go in it. Go down the escalator and use a mushroom to jump off the fountain. Aim left or right into the gaps you see. You'll go over them and it will count as out-of-bounds, and Lakitu will come to pick you up. Who knew the Coconut Mall had an out-of-bounds to go through without even cheating or using the Moonjump cheat? (EDIT) I found something I never EVER noticed in Coconut Mall before. Everyone knows that it has a shiny floor everywhere right before the Coconut Garden right? Well, take a close look at the floor. Reflections of plants and stuff, but there is NO reflection of your character or vehicle...Weird right. (EDIT) I found another glitch in Moonveiw Highway. Going through a truck. If you hit one of the front wheels of a truck (left front or right front depending on which way it's going, sometimes it might change so you'll have to switch wheels on a turn) You'll get hit by the truck, but you'll also go straight through it. And the trruck doesn't even say "Sorry" or "Are you alright?" Meanie truck drivers... First go towards the end of Coconut Mall, the part where you jump out into the parking lot. Go the shorter way, turn right at the normal way. Once in the smaller jump, turn around, you'll see a billboard that says "Toilets Lift" Below that you'll see: "Market Square Central Ave." What could it possibly mean? Perhaps the adress the mall is at? If you look left of that message, you'll see a little gate that blocks entrance, a little tan gate. If you get a Mushroom, you'll be able to bust through it. Okay, so that last part with the gate is fake, but that hidden message isn't. Next to the message you'll see some pictures too on the billboard, a Star, a Fire Flower, and a Mushroom, and next to "Lift" there's some picture but I can't make it out, looks like a crane I guess... (EDIT) So I searched around the mall for more hidden messages, I found that one a few times, but I also found one more... Once inside the mall, take the very first elevator that goes down to the first floor. Then turn around once on the first floor. Look for a shop with blue gold and brown. It's empty and also in the back. The name of the store is "Natu World". And Natu is a Pokemon. Weird, right? Wait, can it be in a race level or a battle level too? (EDIT) Koopa Cape secret, I've never noticed this but, in Koopa Cape, there are signs, that say "Turn Left". If you look at the flag you'll see it's moving. I've never noticed this before. (EDIT AGAIN) Another koopa Cape secret, after going down the pipe turn around, you should be facing the waterfall. Keep going straight and the waterfalll will turn your screen white, quickly, press the pause button, you'll notice it goes slower than usaul...Koopa Cape Glitch? (EDIT 3) I JUST DROVE ON THE CEILING OF THE PIPE ON KOOPA CAPE!!! o_O Strange thinggs DO happen.... (EDIT) DK Jungle Parkway Invisible Wall: In Time Trial Mode go to DK Jungle Parkway, at the very start target the boat, turbo brake, release, and use a Mushroom. You'll go DIRECTLY towardds the boat, but...What's this? There's an Invisible Force Feild protecting the innocent race-watchers! Akward...... The pattern of the boat: If you watch the boat, you'll see it goes down the stream, and to the point where you can't watch it any more, it starts going really fast. Then you can't see it any more. But then it turns around. That's the pattern of the boat...I wish I had the moonjump code so I could see what exactly is at the end of that stream....And you could probably also land on the boat too. Or fall through it. I conitunued to watch the boat pattern, and it turns out.........IT TURNS AROUND AND THE RACE WATCHERS FAIL! The boat is facing the the other direction, but the race-watchers still face in the other direction, cheering on a bunch of trees off in the distance. They attention failed because us races were on the other side. How funny. (EDIT) So at the end of the stream, it's a waterfall and the boat is about to fall in but quickly turns around.........Weird....... (EDIT) IT WORKED! THE NEW FUNKY STADIUM SECRET SPOT WORKED! I completed it, now I'm up on the part where you enter the stadium, and I'm there forever!!!! I did it by: Step 1: Have a light character (I did it with Dry Bones) Step 2: Go into Funky Stadium. Step 3: Make sure that a heavy weight chracter is RIGHT next to you (Bowser King Boo Funky Kong ect.) As soon as the battle starts, hold down the brake button and run into the heavy weight character that's next to you. You'll slow down, (REMEMBER HOLD THE BRAKE BUTTON THE ENTIRE TIME) Once you slow down, you can just stay up there! But you have to make sure you don't hit the turbo pads, otherwise you'll join the battle down below. Don't turn around the other way and turbo the direction you came in, you'll fall off and lose a balloon. So that's the basically "Inivincible" Funky Stadium, Secret Spot #3 that I forgot. Try it out on Wi-fi. That would be funny. I've never noticed that... o_O This glitch works off the fact that you are automatically placed onto the character that you were last selected on. To do it, have one person select the character so it says "OK", then have them deselect and move. Then have the another person (up to all three other people, in turn) who wants the same character select so that it reads "OK". Then, have controller one go back to the previous screen and once going back to the character selection screen, everyone who selected that character will be piled on the same one. Danny Memory and * Hard to find, but maybe possible. Or maybe thay made it, but you're not supposed to get there. It's supposed to be possible. What kind of room exactly? I love glitch rooms! >:D Like the one in Super Mario 64. (You need 120 stars, go on the roof, go through a wall...) I don't remember exactly what wall it was. :S (EDIT): WHOOOOOOA!!!!!! NEW WARIO GOLD MINE SECRET! Okay, so in Wario's Gold Mine, go to the part with the train tracks that the carts with gold in them are. Turn around as soon as you get there, and you can drive on the train track things they come from! Everytime you see a cart come just stop moving it'll just push you aside (This is another cool thing I found, but couldn't list, if a moving thing, like the cars in the parking lot of Coconut Mall, if you just stand still in front or behind them, they'll hit you and push you aside, but you won't get hurt, sort of like the bats in Wario's Gold Mine.) Once you get to the end you can watch the road...But I think there's more to it......I was going to look around but then I accidently went too fast and fell off. There could be more to it, I'm going to investigate it more. The Funky Stadiun thing, it's not really a glitch room, more of a hiding spot, great hide and seek place for Balloon Battle for sure though. I'm not so sure about Coin Battle though I guess it's good if you have a LOT of coins. Although I CAN say this quick secret spot. In Coconut Mall (one of the most glitchiest/secret spot hidden places other than Mushroom Gorge) In the fountains, if you go slow enough, you can go into the fountains everyone knows that. But did you know you can get on the little platform the waterr comes out of? To do so, get far back enough (I recommened Bikes) you can drive to the top of the fountain, and water will come out of each of the sides, and the water looks weird coming out by the way. By Fake Maple Treeway Super Shortcut, I mean it's more of a secret, it's there, but it doesn't help you out because you actuallly skip a lap rather than completing one. So fake= NOT A SHORTCUT BUT IT'S COOL! A Secret/Glitch/Shortcut is in the Volcano place...What is it? Ah Grumble Volcano, that's it. At the begining, use the Brak Turbo (When you stay in one place and still get a turbo) and boost to the nearest rock form you see at the very beginging. It should be RIGHT next to the starting/finish line.once you get up there, go right, the rock form will go slanted up. then turn left and go around the rock form. Do this 3 times until you finished the race. But a glitch is if you mess up and other people do it...(HERE'S THE FUNNY PART!) And someone throws a Blue Shell....(HERE IT IS!!!!!) YOU'LL ALL GET HIT BY IT! ISN'T THAT WONDERFUL! That's a side effect glitch to it if many people do it, I saw it in a video then I tried it. It worked once but it still worked. But for the actually glitch/ultimate shortcut, I haven't tried that yet. SO I SHALL! ![]() I like the secret spot in Funky Stadium! :O I'll try it after I've done my homework! :) This is just how to unlock characters... Hidden items in Koopa Cape After making the first jump, you will notice a few Goombas walking in place. Fire a shell at one to reveal either nothing or a Super Mushroom. You can also run into one if it is in the status of a Mega Mushroom, Invincibility Star, or Bullet Bill. Avoid blue shells: If you see anyone with a blue shell and you're first, let the second character get past you. He should be damaged instead of you and you won't be hitten. So far, I've only found a couple. One is in Coconut Mall, on one of the escaltors, if you get enough speed (Mushroom of somethting, best to try in Time Trial Mode) You'll hit the top floor and if done correctly you'll be stuck on the side of it, like your floating. For which escalator, I'll have to look back at it. A weird glitch/error is in either Dry Dry Ruins or Thwomp Desert, or any other place where there's a cactus or something that hurts you when you hit it. So go near a cactus, and try going slowly to it. If the camera is focused right, you'll see that you haven't exactly HIT the cactus, you just hit the area around it, yet you still get hurt.... SECRET SPOTS!!!!!!! #1: In Funky Stadium, there is a big jump with 4 different sides with turbo pads. It should be in the middle of the stadium if I'm correct. Even though the 4 sides are covered in turbo pads, the corners aren't. Drive up the corner... (Be very accurate NOT to hit the turbo pads) And STOP! You should be in a secret spot on top of the jump! This is good to use in Wi-Fi, especially if you have a Star with you, just in case any one else knows about this secret spot. Also if someone else is already in the secret spot, leave and bring back an item. (Red Shell, Star, Blue Shell ect.) And hit the person with the item. There WAS going to be a Secret Spot #3 but I can't remember it right now. So I'll list it later. Anyways, Anyone else have any glitches/secrets/shortucts? | GeneralFirst post of the topicSo far, I've only found a couple. One is in Coconut Mall, on one of the escaltors, if you get enough speed (Mushroom of somethting, best to try in Time Trial Mode) You'll hit the top floor and if done correctly you'll be stuck on the side of it, like your floating. For which escalator, I'll have to look back at it. A weird glitch/error is in either Dry Dry Ruins or Thwomp Desert, or any other place where there's a cactus or something that hurts you when you hit it. So go near a cactus, and try going slowly to it. If the camera is focused right, you'll see that you haven't exactly HIT the cactus, you just hit the area around it, yet you still get hurt.... SECRET SPOTS!!!!!!! #1: In Funky Stadium, there is a big jump with 4 different sides with turbo pads. It should be in the middle of the stadium if I'm correct. Even though the 4 sides are covered in turbo pads, the corners aren't. Drive up the corner... (Be very accurate NOT to hit the turbo pads) And STOP! You should be in a secret spot on top of the jump! This is good to use in Wi-Fi, especially if you have a Star with you, just in case any one else knows about this secret spot. Also if someone else is already in the secret spot, leave and bring back an item. (Red Shell, Star, Blue Shell ect.) And hit the person with the item. There WAS going to be a Secret Spot #3 but I can't remember it right now. So I'll list it later. Anyways, Anyone else have any glitches/secrets/shortucts? |