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Topic, Level "F'rev'r Searching", game "Rolling Turtle"

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Ahroo 14 years ago
  ... I forgot. Dx

I probably know how to open all doors, it's just a weird placing of buttons. :/
Treazer 14 years ago
  I dont get open door 5. I need a hint please?
Sillius 15 years ago
  The light speed hedgehogs could be done with several paths xD
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Nope. xD

Anyways, there were also a few other F'rev'r levels, but this is the most worthy...

There was F'rev'r Dodging... it lasted too long. xD

There was F'rev'r running... too easy, the hedgehogs would need to move at light speed to even be a challenge. xD

There was F'rev'r choosing... a crappy example of a level. xD

In other words, this was the only successful level. xD
Sires 15 years ago
  I have all doors open except for number 5. Any hint? :)
PureTheLion 15 years ago
  i cant get door 4 and 32.
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  i think you are doing a good job designing levels, especially since you just started

one thing tho is make sure you draw your lines right to left, or they will look uneven, like in the long tube on the right side of this level
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Some of the switches are obvious, others aren't. I know them all, but that's because I made the level. XD
Anyways, it's a switch finding level. Invisibility is also used here. If you want help, use the spoiler

There is an even more confusing level up ahead. I will upload it today.
Sires 15 years ago
  Very confusing level so far. I have no idea what I am supposed to do.


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Sires 15 years ago
  Very confusing level so far. I have no idea what I am supposed to do.
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