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Topic, Count to X till A mod/admin posts

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SuperDog 9 years ago
  1 in base 420
Treazer 9 years ago
MatthijsM 9 years ago
  3 ,
SuperMario 9 years ago
MatthijsM 9 years ago
SuperMario 9 years ago
Treazer 9 years ago
MatthijsM 9 years ago
Ferrari12 9 years ago
MatthijsM 9 years ago
Ferrari12 9 years ago
  - 17
Treazer 9 years ago
Ferrari12 9 years ago
  - 13
Treazer 9 years ago
Ferrari12 9 years ago
  - 9
Treazer 9 years ago
gameinsky 9 years ago
  @ manufan your triplepost was not a loophole.
A triplepost is made out of two doubleposts with a joint middle post so you actually broke the rule twice.
I also changed the wording to reduce the amount of "loopholes"
The rules are there to avoid confusion and as you probably noticed, I was right in thinking that.

Ferrari12 9 years ago
  - 4
Treazer 9 years ago
Ferrari12 9 years ago
  Manufan: I don't understand how you think your triple post is not explicitly wrong. Lets say you triple post the numbers 4, 5 and 6. The 4 and the 5 are part of a double post, which is explicitly forbidden. The rules also explicitly state that you have to go back to the last correct number when numbers are miscounted. Since the 4 and the 5 were counted illegally, the last correct number is 3, and counting 6 after 3 is incorrect. The only possible loophole is that the number in the third post can be considered valid as long as it is one (or in Chris' case 2) higher than the number that preceded the first of the three posts. This means that one could argue that 4, 5, 4 is legal, but this is not what you did, and thus you were wrong.

The other case is a little less clear, so I won't bother with arguing about that any more. However, this does not mean that I agree with you that what you did is not against the rules. What we do agree upon is that the rules should be re-phrased, so that there is absolutely no doubt as to what is and is not allowed.

Regarding the humour: You are not alone in thinking that such actions are funny, but you should be aware that highlighting flaws in the rules by breaking them (or bending them, as you claim) on purpose is rather likely to make some people annoyed with you. This is especially true when the intentions of the rules are clear, but the phrasing allows for different interpretations.

What I wrote above does not mean that such humour will never work, but use it with care.

Chris: When the score is at 0, you should count a positive number (because you are not an admin). Because of your special power you should have counted 2.

Lets go back to 0.
chris3000 9 years ago
  Sorry lose!

-1, I hope that's the right number
SuperMario 9 years ago
Treazer 9 years ago
  sorry :c

gamelover101 9 years ago


bad treazer >:(
Treazer 9 years ago
manufan 9 years ago

According to the explicit rules, I was not wrong. Implied, I was.

I was highlighting the loopholes in what I thought was a fun way. In the end you are right in that it did cause confusion.

I didn't find you rude at all btw, it was just a difference in opinion. :)
Treazer 9 years ago
Ferrari12 9 years ago
  First of all, if this post is harsh, then I apologize for that. It is not my intention to be rude!

Technically, a triple post is a double post followed by a single post. Thus one could argue that the third post should count, as it is not part of a double post, but claiming that all three posts should count is rather nonsensical.

Furthermore, let's look at an analogous case: If you are not allowed to count to 2, you cannot legally count to 3 either, because you first had to count to 2. This means that even though counting the 3 is in itself not explicitly illegal, you have broken the rules by counting the 2. And in this game, if the 2 is illegal, so is the 3.

As for the other case of whether or not members have a choice of counting negative numbers: Rule #1 of the game is to count as high as you can. That means you shouln't be counting negative numbers. However, the rules state that members can post numbers lower than 0, and in such cases, it's an automatic 0. I agree this could (and should) be phrased more clearly, but I do not think your interpretation is valid, mainly because it would violate rule #1.

As you understand, I disagree with your statement that what you did was not wrong. I also do not find this kind of light-hearted humour all too funny. It is rather pointless and annoying to me.

SuperMario 9 years ago
Treazer 9 years ago


First post of the topic

gameinsky 15 years ago
  The rules are simple, try to count as high as you can before an admin posts!
You can only post one number in each message.
No doubleposts.

When you missed a number, you go back to the last correct number, example:
Next count should be 4 NOT 5.

Not only direct, but also indirect RIGHT numbers count as one number.
As long as it implies that number.

If an admin posts and the number is higher than 0 it's an automatic 0. Else they reduce one point.
Members do the opposite thing.

List of special members:
Chris3000: Adds 2.
Treazer: Subtract 3.
Gameinsky: Subtract 4.

People get these by being a multiple of the 10 000th post.

Here is the list of valid admins:

Current Record:
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