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Topic, Level "Cyber Circuit", game "Jump Gear 2"

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Coolguy52 6 years ago
  Easy highscore.
Treazer 12 years ago
  It still has the old thumbnail, try pressing F5.
Ferrari12 12 years ago
  Is it just me or does this still have the old thumbnail?
doomlord 15 years ago
  Yay, uploading fixed it! Now I can finish it. And those weren't path lines, those WERE THE lines at the start, they turned invisible, so I couldn't edit it. There were no paths in the level, ever.

I copy-dragged a large number of lines, it froze for a bit, I saw the lines for a very short time, then I got scrolled way off and they were invisible when I came back, I just selected them all with a normal selection for the editor.

EDIT: One of the lines, maybe more got disaligned with the grid, and I can't get it back on, without deleting it and remaking it.
kirrock 15 years ago
  You need to call it something elese....
because its no glitch in it.
And you should take a new thumbnail.
Then it's great :).
Dynamo 15 years ago
  IT should be called cyber circuit
MechaKingGhidorah 15 years ago
  Ummmm im sorry but that looks exactly like it does just selecting the lines with a path in the editor i think shiros right. Why doomlord?
geckojsc 15 years ago
  I don't think doomlord would make a fake glitch or confuse selected lines for a glitch., he's a repected BL member, not a newbie.
Shiro 15 years ago
  That isn't a glitch, he just selected every line with a path...
TundraWolf 15 years ago
  The glitch IS the tumbnail! i see the lines are blue!
Oxideee 15 years ago
  Look at the thumbnail shiro. and its a bit messy
Shiro 15 years ago
  Could you please find another title?
'Cause I don't see any glitch.


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Shiro 15 years ago
  Could you please find another title?
'Cause I don't see any glitch.
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