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Topic, 1 hundred acronyms !

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SuperMario 14 years ago
  Jigsaw: Jealous internet giving soup at Wendy
CamoDragoon 14 years ago
  Probly. :P
Ahroo 14 years ago
  True... xD

Yeah, would it have KILLED the world to warp so that the Da Vinci Code wasa true? xP
CamoDragoon 14 years ago
  Yea, I just found out recently.
How can I ever go to Paris knowing about all those trapped zebras?!?!
Lol, at least they'll probly be in National Treasure 3. XD
Ahroo 14 years ago
  So THAT'S where they all went! French people, the scourge! xP
gamelover101 14 years ago
  They are? xP
CamoDragoon 14 years ago
  Wazup: Why are zebras underneath Paris?
gamelover101 14 years ago
  I got one for USA, but its kinda mean for Americans
USA: U Suck America!
SuperMario 14 years ago
  USA: Umbrella shows Apple :D
Magic_X 14 years ago
  CamoDragoon: Cool as monkeys on dumb rabbits at George's orange octopus's name
CamoDragoon 14 years ago
  Offline: One fresh favorite lollipop in nobody's ear.
Levels: Losers eat very empty lollipop sticks.
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Play: Play like apple yogurt :)
Magic_X 14 years ago
  Create: Creatures running evil associations to eat
Daft_Punk 14 years ago
  Bonuslevel: Big open noob utopia, so little eventually vampires evaporate literally
Madball 14 years ago
  Serious: Superbly Engaged Racing In Only Usially Speed
Magic_X 14 years ago
  Online: Original nuclear lollipops in neolithic era
Daft_Punk 14 years ago
  Daft Punk: Da Awesome French Techno People Usually Never Kick xD
Magic_X 14 years ago
  Admin: A dumb moderator in noobland
SuperMario 14 years ago
  At least the acronym was ok :)
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  Sorry SuperMario, two "c"s not to "o"s

Hog Pop: Helplessly Original Game Playable On PC
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Soocer: Snakes over oranges creating easy races
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  Bill Gates: Bragging I Love, Lending Greasy Aussie-money, Though Extremely Secretly
SuperMario 14 years ago
  Ring: Rolling into nothing good :O
AK 14 years ago
Laugh On Lollipops
Novice Intellectual Candy Exploders
Black Otters Obviously Move
Please Implode Zany Zebras Automatically
allyally 14 years ago
Come Late And Start Socializing,
SuperDog 14 years ago
  Lol = Ladders own lime
Meat = My ears are triangle-shaped
7Games7 = 74 great aadvarks meeting every slimy 7
Level = Licking every very extraordinary levels
Opened = Outgoing people eating not every doll.
Laptop = Long and purple tea of peas.
Top = Tea of peas(duh)
Stops = Strange t-shirts owning people's songs
SuperDog = See? U pull every rodent! Dang! O gosh!
One hundred acronyms = OMG! Nagging each hunter! U not da red earring dat always cries? Really? Ok, neat! Your moms sleep.(I had problems with that one so it doesn't really make sence)
SuperMario 14 years ago
  My MSN style:

MSN: Many stupid knobs!

My new one:

Chat: Cat having a test.
gamelover101 14 years ago
  MSN: Many Stupid Noobs
Meebo: Many Eerie experiences because (of) ownage
MarioIsFireball10 14 years ago
  RPG:Really peeing gills

I'm RPG! haha
CamoDragoon 14 years ago
  Camo: Crazy Awesome Micro-Oraganism.
Dragoon: Deadly Razor Attack Got One Obvious Narwhal


First post of the topic

gameinsky 15 years ago
  (each letter is the begin letter of a word)
Try to make some yourself, here are some of mine:

Melons: mostely evil licking one-side naggering suckers.
Lemons: lovely educative muncher on nice side
UNO: ultimate navigator organisation
Skull: sucking king use levitator lemons
Shy guy: stupid heavy yielding goo-ish underestimated yaks
terminator: tactical evil re-communicating mild intervieuwers never ate the other rockers
phobia: pathetic hatching on beaches in april
Gross: goo reaven on side supermarkets
Spam: such peoples are mean
Victor: vote interactive custodian traitors on raides
NiNJa: nice interesting new joking @$$
general: go elderwhere new evil rookie and lose
sos: suckers on sundays
Mo: meaningless organ
goomba: goofy online , others may be addictive
New York: now every winter your old radar kills
Coin: cones on irresistible nudities
deluxe: dump evil lover unde xylophone erasers
poop: people often offer pesticides
bowser: bouncing operator with some evil rock
Mario: must ask river in Oslo
D***: donuts are mean naggers
Ipod: I put other dictators
sience: such incredible evil narrow cracking ends
Stfu: Stupid tight fustrating urks
URL: Usefull rare lives
rat: really anniolating tasks
FTW: fish that w**k!
Trojan horse: take rare online joys always nut, hedges on rare species execute
oh_bebe: online hatching boring evil breath estimators
VIP: victor is powerless
random: roar at (the) noun dings on midday
Ohm: one hundred messages
Must always go in cinema's
Mario: mom, are real insects old ?
CDvZP: crazy democratie vs zebra pudding
RJ: racisticall joke (one of the names of an animal in over the hedge)
HP: health points
JG: just good
RT: rolling thwomp
Gamelover: great acronym maker, everyone loses over vast exact rythms.

Im's ones:
Mine = Most incredible noobs ejects.
UFO = Unbelievable flying oranges.
LOL = Lovely oranges love.
Olivier = Orange likes incredible vomiting in eagles' rofling.
Rocket = Rolling on cold keys eating tea.
Tea = The evil avocado. (Who will eat an evil avocado?)
Three = Two high respected evil elves
Tree = Two respected evil elves.
GIS = Goose inspires salt.
Imp = I must pee.
JK = Just killing.
Cool = Cobras organize organized lights.
GIMP = Good, incredible Mario painting.
Astronomy = A strict tight rowing on nothing of much yelling.
Phone = Peeing honoured on noob earthquakes.
Kill = Kissing in lovely love.
Minute = Mouse in narrow
underestimated tight elf.
URL = Under rare legs.
New = Newbies eat water.
Cheap = Cats hate ejecting after peeing.
Norway = Noobs over rare ways are yummy.
Acronym = All cats rarely
overestimate newbies yelling "Mario".
Im = Incredible moron.
Push = Paws under stupid halos.
Hell = Hidden earthquakes love love.
Butt = Beloved UFOs take tears.
xD = X-rays dream.
Call for an admin = Cats are lovely loved fishers over rare Ahroos now, and dream mild inside now.
= The Hell's evil little vomiting inside noob gains ninja's index now, joking about
living eels 'nother day.
One = Oh no, evil!
No = No ores.
Oh = Otto hires.
Evil = Extremity vomits in Lego.
BMW = Big money wasted.
Cars = Cosy and rare sofas.
Six pack = Sucking indicates x-rays. Please aware, cat kills.
SuperDog = Soap under pervert earthquake rapes dog of gore.
Time = Ticking indicates many earthquakes.
niimporta = Not indicating indicator, Mario pooped on rare Tarzan apes.
Mum = Mammal under mums.
Mums = Mean underestimating mouse sucking.
MSN = Message Some Noobs.
Back = Bones are cool kings
Tyrannosaurus = TV yells random and not narrow operating systems and urinates rarely under sheep.
Set = Seeing eating Teletubbies.
Skype = Sad king yelling "Pear eating"!
King Mole Rat = King in no galaxies. Must organize lately, eh? Rare and tame.
Ahroo = A high rope of owls.
Marc = Milking at Rio's cool.
Ahroo = A high rope of owls.
Thanks = Taking hands and knees, sorry.
Fifty = Five is five, thank you.
Edit = Ed drowns in tunnel.
One hundred acronyms = One neon eye hires undercover noobs dressed rare. Ed died after cats rolled on you much, sir.
Dress = Desserts R extremely superb, sir.
Are = Apes rolling extremely.
Hilarious = Hillary is laughing at rare incredible outsiders under se
Eye = Eat yummy eye.
Yeah = Yo, earthquakes are here.
gamelover = Games are Mario eliminating lovely ores. Very extremely rare.
One hundred acronyms = One neon eye hires undercover noobs dressed rare. Ed died after cats rolled on you much, sir.
Dress = Desserts R extremely superb, sir.
Are = Apes rolling extremely.
Hilarious = Hillary is laughing at rare incredible outsiders under sea.
lololol = Licking ores long. Often loved over lakes.
It = I take
Obviously = Oh, be very incredibly onion-ish under salt lakes, you
Fist = Fish is so terrible.
Mo = Many oranges.
Spam = Super pan ammo man.
Oslo = Orange sucking loser orange.
WarnBot = Warning all. Rare noobs. Barely o' tinder.
Girl = Good identical rabbit lovers.
Wii Fit Plus = We identical illnesses fit in tight potatoes. Love us so.
Letter = Let earthquakes tame tame electrons rarely.
See = Saw earthquakes eject.
Forum = For U. Rare underestimated man.
BBQ = Barbie babe queen.
Award = All with a ring dies.
December = Defrosted earthquake containing earthquakes, man. Bees earning ropes.
North = Not ores, rarely tummies here.
Hour = High ollie under rope.
Update = Underestimated potatoes die after the earthquake.
Block = Bonus level over cool kebab.
Estimate = Encountered stupid infinitive mates are too eager.
Eager = Estimating all grains endless, ref.
No = Not ordinary.
WTF = Why the flags?
So = So ordinary.
IMG = Image Many gets.
Topic = Toxic on pee. Incredible cats.
LOLcat = Laughin' out little 'cuz a teddybear.
Submarine = Super under boats. May affect rings in narrow earthquakes.
Page = Potatoes are gaining elves.
Rare = Rare and rarely earth.
Fist = Fart in stupid teas.
Milk = Many incredible likeable kings.
Years = Yummy ears are rare sights.
Litago = Light irresistible tummy archer going over.
Word = Whacking overestimated rare dances.
Dance = Delighted American nodding created elves.
Magic = Many ages gone in caves.
Fire = Firing incredibly rare encyclopedia.
Topic = Too overrated poohs on caves.
Smell = Super married elves light lights.
Elf = Earthquakes like fingers.
Equality = Equal queen underestimates apes. Little incredible tummy, yum.
York = Yummy oaf rarely kneels.
Gear = Golden eel ate rears.
Winner = Weeds in narrow never ending rails.
7 = See endless vans eject noobs.

THeNiNJa's acronyms:

Draw = Damn Really Annoying Webgame
Draw play = Damn Really Annoying Webgame PLUS
Lame Arrays... yeah.
Im = Indestructable Monkeys
JP = Jesus's Parent


Jac1: Just a champion! 1st!
Mario: Mummy, a red insane octopus!
Wow: Wheel on wings
BOOM: Bicycle over orange motorcicle
Steel: Stupid toasted englishman employs lumberjack
GPS: Green petrol station
Time: Try incinerating my eyes!
Lamb: Look at my blouse!
Help:Hot eels, leave please!
XP: Xenon pills
MP3: My pear's 3rd!
HP: High plougers
BMW: Burn my will!
IPhone: Interesting. Pieces , heated, open no electricity...
Sunday: Sadly, untidy nonsense doesn't annoy you...


what? = why haul all that?
urm what = under-rated muttering while hating all tramps
lemon cakes = lets eat my oversized nut-case and kill every snake
why = what? how? you!
eggheads = everyone gathered? good. henry enjoyed all dog-snakes.
socks = smelly oversized coressed king sized
cheese = cream helpings? egg ended snakes? eek!
Im an = idiotic moron and noob
poker = poking on king's entertainment rounds
acronym = are carrots ready on newbies yeti mam?
spasm = super pie and spartan mixer
whatever = When hours are top everyone votes Equinox Rules!

Ahroo's ones:

HAHA = Half ***ed Humor Attempt
ROFL = Red Oranges Fart Lots
GIS = God, I Suck.
NOW = Never Own Walkie-talkies
DONUT = Don't Overestimate New Underwear Tassels
FAT = For All Time!
OINK = Obesity Is Not 'K
PEN = Prostate Examination Needed
OMGWTFBBQ = Old Magazines Go Where The Fat Boys Box Q-tips
Im = Insane Monster
Lololol = Lots of lag on levers over lichen
CAT = Censors Are Tacky


XD = Xtreme Dishwashing
MTS = My Toe Smells
WTF = worse then French
8D = 8th Dimension
xP = Xavier's Pony
URL = 'U 'R Lazy
DK = Dingo Killers
USA = Uganda sucks Apples
Lololol = Licking Oles Long Oyster-ish Lazy Ole Legs
HOME = Homeboys Often Mast******* enclosed
LCD = Lazy Clinton Democraty
Bonus Level = Blind or nearly useful snake Liar, even voodoo exist Lonely
iPhone = I PHAIL! Honestly old naggers exist...
Ahroo = Aliens Howl Rarely Over Oslo
Im = Im "Milking" (as you call it)
Car Lemons = Connie Anderson Really Likes Enclosed Moments Of Night Sky's
Teddy = Tuna Eats Dear "Dingler". Yummy...
Immature = Immatureness means: many alien teddys U really eat.
IF = Impenetrable Fence
AN = Annoying Nano-bots
TO = Terminator Overwhelmed
GOLD = Genetic Old Lazy Dogs
SILVER = Sleepy ill Labrador Viewing - Earl Rosskemp
BRONZE = Blue Rolling Orangutan Naked (at) Zoo Entrance
Simpsons = Snakes intimidates many people, so only naggers stay


GAME = Good and Mysterious Entertainment
DRINK=Doctor's rare interesting needle killers
ICKY= I collect killer yams
PIE=Pink is excluded
HAT=Hard, and Tricky
MAD=My Aquarium Died
CAP= Crispy Addictive Peanuts
BUS=Buying Old Stuff
ROPE=Rare Old Peanut Extract
WITH=Witness Indestructable TV Heroes
FUN=Fully Used Napkins
TURTLE=Terribly Useless Reptile That Lays Eggs
ONE=Old Nature Examination
TWO=Tricking with Oranges
THREE=Teachers hate rare educational examinations
FOUR=Flames Overcome Useless Rocks

Bruno heey's:

push = put ur snake here
JG = jumping game
HP: harry potter
Tea on paper is coke!


SP = Spycho killer
RB = Rock beans


Turtle = Terible Unsightfull Rabid Terorist Laminated Elephant


Magic seven = Mega Atronach Goo, Imaginary (and) Cool. So Every Vampire Eats Nachos.


Lol = Ladders own lime
This = The hunter is silent
Meat = My ears are triangle-shaped
7Games7 = 74 great aadvarks meeting every slimy 7
Level = Licking every very extraordinary levels


Elizea = enemy lies in zoo, evacuate asap!


Opened = Outgoing people eating not every doll.
Telly = The eager lions licked yaks.
Laptop = Long and purple tea of peas.
Top = Tea of peas(duh)
Spots = Silly people outside the sawmill.
Stops = Strange t-shirts owning people's songs


Plot: people lick other things

Microsoft acronyms:

IBM: I Blame Microsoft
WINDOWS: Well, It Never Does Operate With Speed
APPLE: Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity
DEC: Dump Everything and Close
HCL: Hilarious Computer Logic
HP: Hot Pursuit
MAC: Most Absurd Computer
MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs
MICROSOFT: Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only Fools Teenagers
NEXT: Now EXchange for Trash
OS/2: Obsolete Soon, Too.
WARP: What A Rot Program
AMIGA: A Merely Insignificant Game Addiction
BASIC: Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control
CD-ROM: Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months
COBOL: Completely Obsolete Business Oriented Language
DOS: Defective Operating System
ISDN: It Still Does Nothing
LISP: Lots of Infuriating & Silly Parenthesis
MIPS: Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed
PCMCIA: People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
PENTIUM: Produces Erroneous Numbers Through Incorrect Understanding of Mathematics
SCSI: System Can't See It
WWW: World Wide Wait
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