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Topic, 1 hundred acronyms !

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Ahroo 15 years ago
  'wet water' is kinda redundant, isn't it? xD
Im 15 years ago
  Eww = Eat wet water.
Eye = Eat yummy eye.
Yeah = Yo, earthquakes are here.
Roflmao = Rolling on floor licking monkey @$$ often.
One hundred acronyms = One neon eye hires undercover noobs dressed rare. Ed died after cats rolled on you much, sir.
Dress = Desserts R extremely superb, sir.
Are = Apes rolling extremely.
Hilarious = Hillary is laughing at rare incredible outsiders under sea.
@$$ = A stupid sea.
FAQ = F***ing awesome questions.
gamelover = Games are Mario eliminating lovely ores. Very extremely rare.
lololol = Licking ores long. Often loved over lakes.
Delete = Destructive elves love elves too extreme.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  also, no need to repost same aceronyms of previous messages, I made my edit post bigger so I have a better vieuw, I wait for a few ones then I submit them.
lololol 15 years ago
  Ahroo = Aliens Howl Rarely Over Oslo
Im = Im Milking
Car Lemons = Connie Anderson Really Likes Enclosed Moments Of Night Sky's
Teddy = Tuna Eats Dear "Dingler". Yummy...
iPhone = I PHAIL! Honestly old naggers exist...
Bonus Level = Blind or nearly useful snake Lies, even voodoo exist Lonely.
Immature = Immatureness means: many alien teddys U really eat.
Im 15 years ago
  Eww = Eat wet water.
Eye = Eat yummy eye.
Yeah = Yo, earthquakes are here.
Roflmao = Rolling on floor licking monkey @$$ often.
One hundred acronyms = One neon eye hires undercover noobs dressed rare. Ed died after cats rolled on you much, sir.
Dress = Desserts R extremely superb, sir.
Are = Apes rolling extremely.
Hilarious = Hillary is laughing at rare incredible outsiders under sea.
@$$ = A stupid sea.
FAQ = F***ing awesome questions.
gamelover = Games are Mario eliminating lovely ores. Very extremely rare.
gameinsky 15 years ago
  also, no immature content. thank you.
gamelover101 15 years ago
  MAD=My Aquarium Died
DRINK=Doctor's rare interesting needle killers
ICKY= I collect killer yams
HAT=Hard and Tricky
CAP= Crispy Addictive Peanuts
TV=Try yogurt
PIE=Pink is excluded

Im 15 years ago
Tyrannosaurus = TV yells random and not narrow operating systems and urinates rarely under sheep.
Set = Seeing eating Teletubbies.
Skype = Sad king yelling "Pear eating"!
King Mole Rat = King in no galaxies. Must organize lately, eh? Rare and tame.

Marc = Milking at Rio's cool.
Ahroo = A high rope of owls.
Thanks = Taking hands and knees, sorry.
Fifty = Five is five, thank you.
Edit = Ed drowns in tunnel.
Eww = Eat wet water.
Eye = Eat yummy eye.
Yeah = Yo, earthquakes are here.
Roflmao = Rolling on floor licking monkey @$$ often.
One hundred acronyms = One neon eye hires undercover noobs dressed rare. Ed died after cats rolled on you much, sir.
Dress = Desserts R extremely superb, sir.
Are = Apes rolling extremely.
Hilarious = Hillary is laughing at rare incredible outsiders under sea.
@$$ = A stupid sea.
lololol 15 years ago
  Okay sorry = Oftenly Killed acronyms.. Jk :)
gameinsky 15 years ago
  Try find about 10 then post a message, it's hard to select always the messages, it's also long work so please, do it!
lololol 15 years ago
  Teddy = Tuna Eats Dear "Dingler". Yummy...
Im 15 years ago
  Tyrannosaurus = TV yells random and not narrow operating systems and urinates rarely under sheep.
Set = Seeing eating Teletubbies.
Skype = Sad king yelling "Pear eating"!
King Mole Rat = King in no galaxies. Must organize lately, eh? Rare and tame.

Marc = Milking at Rio's cool.
Ahroo = A high rope of owls.
Thanks = Taking hands and knees, sorry.
Fifty = Five is five, thank you.
Edit = Ed drowns in tunnel.
lololol 15 years ago
  Car Lemons = Connie Anderson Really Likes Enclosed Moments Of Night Sky's
Ahroo 15 years ago
  CAT = Censors Are Tacky
Im 15 years ago
  Wow, thanks! :)
Thanks = Taking hands and knees, sorry.
lololol 15 years ago
  Ahroo = Aliens Howl Rarely Over Oslo
Im = Im Milking
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Im = Insane Monster

Lololol = Lots of lag on levers over lichen
Im 15 years ago
  Ahroo = A high rope of owls.
lololol 15 years ago
gamelover101 15 years ago
  MAD=My Aquarium Died

edit: It's true, it did :'(
Im 15 years ago
  Milking at Rio? :/
Ahroo 15 years ago
  Will you quit it with the mastur****** things?! there are kids here, supersonic50 is only 9! D8
gameinsky 15 years ago
  ok, stop that mastur**** stuff!
Im 15 years ago
  Tyrannosaurus = TV yells random and not narrow operating systems and urinates rarely under sheep.
Set = Seeing eating Teletubbies.
Skype = Sad king yelling "Pear eating"!
King Mole Rat = King in no galaxies. Must organize lately, eh? Rare and tame.

Marc = Milking at Rio's cool.
gamelover101 15 years ago
  HAT=Hard, and Tricky

CAP= Crispy Addictive Peanuts
lololol 15 years ago
  iPhone = I PHAIL! Honestly old naggers exist...
gundu 15 years ago
  SP = Spycho killer
RB = Rock beans
Im 15 years ago
  Tyrannosaurus = TV yells random and not narrow operating systems and urinates rarely under sheep.
Set = Seeing eating Teletubbies.
Skype = Sad king yelling "Pear eating"!
King Mole Rat = King in no galaxies. Must organize lately, eh? Rare and tame.
Ahroo 15 years ago
  OMGWTFBBQ = Old Magazines Go Where The Fat Boys Box Q-tips
lololol 15 years ago
  Bonus Level = Blind or nearly useful snake Lies, even voodoo exist Lonely.


First post of the topic

gameinsky 15 years ago
  (each letter is the begin letter of a word)
Try to make some yourself, here are some of mine:

Melons: mostely evil licking one-side naggering suckers.
Lemons: lovely educative muncher on nice side
UNO: ultimate navigator organisation
Skull: sucking king use levitator lemons
Shy guy: stupid heavy yielding goo-ish underestimated yaks
terminator: tactical evil re-communicating mild intervieuwers never ate the other rockers
phobia: pathetic hatching on beaches in april
Gross: goo reaven on side supermarkets
Spam: such peoples are mean
Victor: vote interactive custodian traitors on raides
NiNJa: nice interesting new joking @$$
general: go elderwhere new evil rookie and lose
sos: suckers on sundays
Mo: meaningless organ
goomba: goofy online , others may be addictive
New York: now every winter your old radar kills
Coin: cones on irresistible nudities
deluxe: dump evil lover unde xylophone erasers
poop: people often offer pesticides
bowser: bouncing operator with some evil rock
Mario: must ask river in Oslo
D***: donuts are mean naggers
Ipod: I put other dictators
sience: such incredible evil narrow cracking ends
Stfu: Stupid tight fustrating urks
URL: Usefull rare lives
rat: really anniolating tasks
FTW: fish that w**k!
Trojan horse: take rare online joys always nut, hedges on rare species execute
oh_bebe: online hatching boring evil breath estimators
VIP: victor is powerless
random: roar at (the) noun dings on midday
Ohm: one hundred messages
Must always go in cinema's
Mario: mom, are real insects old ?
CDvZP: crazy democratie vs zebra pudding
RJ: racisticall joke (one of the names of an animal in over the hedge)
HP: health points
JG: just good
RT: rolling thwomp
Gamelover: great acronym maker, everyone loses over vast exact rythms.

Im's ones:
Mine = Most incredible noobs ejects.
UFO = Unbelievable flying oranges.
LOL = Lovely oranges love.
Olivier = Orange likes incredible vomiting in eagles' rofling.
Rocket = Rolling on cold keys eating tea.
Tea = The evil avocado. (Who will eat an evil avocado?)
Three = Two high respected evil elves
Tree = Two respected evil elves.
GIS = Goose inspires salt.
Imp = I must pee.
JK = Just killing.
Cool = Cobras organize organized lights.
GIMP = Good, incredible Mario painting.
Astronomy = A strict tight rowing on nothing of much yelling.
Phone = Peeing honoured on noob earthquakes.
Kill = Kissing in lovely love.
Minute = Mouse in narrow
underestimated tight elf.
URL = Under rare legs.
New = Newbies eat water.
Cheap = Cats hate ejecting after peeing.
Norway = Noobs over rare ways are yummy.
Acronym = All cats rarely
overestimate newbies yelling "Mario".
Im = Incredible moron.
Push = Paws under stupid halos.
Hell = Hidden earthquakes love love.
Butt = Beloved UFOs take tears.
xD = X-rays dream.
Call for an admin = Cats are lovely loved fishers over rare Ahroos now, and dream mild inside now.
= The Hell's evil little vomiting inside noob gains ninja's index now, joking about
living eels 'nother day.
One = Oh no, evil!
No = No ores.
Oh = Otto hires.
Evil = Extremity vomits in Lego.
BMW = Big money wasted.
Cars = Cosy and rare sofas.
Six pack = Sucking indicates x-rays. Please aware, cat kills.
SuperDog = Soap under pervert earthquake rapes dog of gore.
Time = Ticking indicates many earthquakes.
niimporta = Not indicating indicator, Mario pooped on rare Tarzan apes.
Mum = Mammal under mums.
Mums = Mean underestimating mouse sucking.
MSN = Message Some Noobs.
Back = Bones are cool kings
Tyrannosaurus = TV yells random and not narrow operating systems and urinates rarely under sheep.
Set = Seeing eating Teletubbies.
Skype = Sad king yelling "Pear eating"!
King Mole Rat = King in no galaxies. Must organize lately, eh? Rare and tame.
Ahroo = A high rope of owls.
Marc = Milking at Rio's cool.
Ahroo = A high rope of owls.
Thanks = Taking hands and knees, sorry.
Fifty = Five is five, thank you.
Edit = Ed drowns in tunnel.
One hundred acronyms = One neon eye hires undercover noobs dressed rare. Ed died after cats rolled on you much, sir.
Dress = Desserts R extremely superb, sir.
Are = Apes rolling extremely.
Hilarious = Hillary is laughing at rare incredible outsiders under se
Eye = Eat yummy eye.
Yeah = Yo, earthquakes are here.
gamelover = Games are Mario eliminating lovely ores. Very extremely rare.
One hundred acronyms = One neon eye hires undercover noobs dressed rare. Ed died after cats rolled on you much, sir.
Dress = Desserts R extremely superb, sir.
Are = Apes rolling extremely.
Hilarious = Hillary is laughing at rare incredible outsiders under sea.
lololol = Licking ores long. Often loved over lakes.
It = I take
Obviously = Oh, be very incredibly onion-ish under salt lakes, you
Fist = Fish is so terrible.
Mo = Many oranges.
Spam = Super pan ammo man.
Oslo = Orange sucking loser orange.
WarnBot = Warning all. Rare noobs. Barely o' tinder.
Girl = Good identical rabbit lovers.
Wii Fit Plus = We identical illnesses fit in tight potatoes. Love us so.
Letter = Let earthquakes tame tame electrons rarely.
See = Saw earthquakes eject.
Forum = For U. Rare underestimated man.
BBQ = Barbie babe queen.
Award = All with a ring dies.
December = Defrosted earthquake containing earthquakes, man. Bees earning ropes.
North = Not ores, rarely tummies here.
Hour = High ollie under rope.
Update = Underestimated potatoes die after the earthquake.
Block = Bonus level over cool kebab.
Estimate = Encountered stupid infinitive mates are too eager.
Eager = Estimating all grains endless, ref.
No = Not ordinary.
WTF = Why the flags?
So = So ordinary.
IMG = Image Many gets.
Topic = Toxic on pee. Incredible cats.
LOLcat = Laughin' out little 'cuz a teddybear.
Submarine = Super under boats. May affect rings in narrow earthquakes.
Page = Potatoes are gaining elves.
Rare = Rare and rarely earth.
Fist = Fart in stupid teas.
Milk = Many incredible likeable kings.
Years = Yummy ears are rare sights.
Litago = Light irresistible tummy archer going over.
Word = Whacking overestimated rare dances.
Dance = Delighted American nodding created elves.
Magic = Many ages gone in caves.
Fire = Firing incredibly rare encyclopedia.
Topic = Too overrated poohs on caves.
Smell = Super married elves light lights.
Elf = Earthquakes like fingers.
Equality = Equal queen underestimates apes. Little incredible tummy, yum.
York = Yummy oaf rarely kneels.
Gear = Golden eel ate rears.
Winner = Weeds in narrow never ending rails.
7 = See endless vans eject noobs.

THeNiNJa's acronyms:

Draw = Damn Really Annoying Webgame
Draw play = Damn Really Annoying Webgame PLUS
Lame Arrays... yeah.
Im = Indestructable Monkeys
JP = Jesus's Parent


Jac1: Just a champion! 1st!
Mario: Mummy, a red insane octopus!
Wow: Wheel on wings
BOOM: Bicycle over orange motorcicle
Steel: Stupid toasted englishman employs lumberjack
GPS: Green petrol station
Time: Try incinerating my eyes!
Lamb: Look at my blouse!
Help:Hot eels, leave please!
XP: Xenon pills
MP3: My pear's 3rd!
HP: High plougers
BMW: Burn my will!
IPhone: Interesting. Pieces , heated, open no electricity...
Sunday: Sadly, untidy nonsense doesn't annoy you...


what? = why haul all that?
urm what = under-rated muttering while hating all tramps
lemon cakes = lets eat my oversized nut-case and kill every snake
why = what? how? you!
eggheads = everyone gathered? good. henry enjoyed all dog-snakes.
socks = smelly oversized coressed king sized
cheese = cream helpings? egg ended snakes? eek!
Im an = idiotic moron and noob
poker = poking on king's entertainment rounds
acronym = are carrots ready on newbies yeti mam?
spasm = super pie and spartan mixer
whatever = When hours are top everyone votes Equinox Rules!

Ahroo's ones:

HAHA = Half ***ed Humor Attempt
ROFL = Red Oranges Fart Lots
GIS = God, I Suck.
NOW = Never Own Walkie-talkies
DONUT = Don't Overestimate New Underwear Tassels
FAT = For All Time!
OINK = Obesity Is Not 'K
PEN = Prostate Examination Needed
OMGWTFBBQ = Old Magazines Go Where The Fat Boys Box Q-tips
Im = Insane Monster
Lololol = Lots of lag on levers over lichen
CAT = Censors Are Tacky


XD = Xtreme Dishwashing
MTS = My Toe Smells
WTF = worse then French
8D = 8th Dimension
xP = Xavier's Pony
URL = 'U 'R Lazy
DK = Dingo Killers
USA = Uganda sucks Apples
Lololol = Licking Oles Long Oyster-ish Lazy Ole Legs
HOME = Homeboys Often Mast******* enclosed
LCD = Lazy Clinton Democraty
Bonus Level = Blind or nearly useful snake Liar, even voodoo exist Lonely
iPhone = I PHAIL! Honestly old naggers exist...
Ahroo = Aliens Howl Rarely Over Oslo
Im = Im "Milking" (as you call it)
Car Lemons = Connie Anderson Really Likes Enclosed Moments Of Night Sky's
Teddy = Tuna Eats Dear "Dingler". Yummy...
Immature = Immatureness means: many alien teddys U really eat.
IF = Impenetrable Fence
AN = Annoying Nano-bots
TO = Terminator Overwhelmed
GOLD = Genetic Old Lazy Dogs
SILVER = Sleepy ill Labrador Viewing - Earl Rosskemp
BRONZE = Blue Rolling Orangutan Naked (at) Zoo Entrance
Simpsons = Snakes intimidates many people, so only naggers stay


GAME = Good and Mysterious Entertainment
DRINK=Doctor's rare interesting needle killers
ICKY= I collect killer yams
PIE=Pink is excluded
HAT=Hard, and Tricky
MAD=My Aquarium Died
CAP= Crispy Addictive Peanuts
BUS=Buying Old Stuff
ROPE=Rare Old Peanut Extract
WITH=Witness Indestructable TV Heroes
FUN=Fully Used Napkins
TURTLE=Terribly Useless Reptile That Lays Eggs
ONE=Old Nature Examination
TWO=Tricking with Oranges
THREE=Teachers hate rare educational examinations
FOUR=Flames Overcome Useless Rocks

Bruno heey's:

push = put ur snake here
JG = jumping game
HP: harry potter
Tea on paper is coke!


SP = Spycho killer
RB = Rock beans


Turtle = Terible Unsightfull Rabid Terorist Laminated Elephant


Magic seven = Mega Atronach Goo, Imaginary (and) Cool. So Every Vampire Eats Nachos.


Lol = Ladders own lime
This = The hunter is silent
Meat = My ears are triangle-shaped
7Games7 = 74 great aadvarks meeting every slimy 7
Level = Licking every very extraordinary levels


Elizea = enemy lies in zoo, evacuate asap!


Opened = Outgoing people eating not every doll.
Telly = The eager lions licked yaks.
Laptop = Long and purple tea of peas.
Top = Tea of peas(duh)
Spots = Silly people outside the sawmill.
Stops = Strange t-shirts owning people's songs


Plot: people lick other things

Microsoft acronyms:

IBM: I Blame Microsoft
WINDOWS: Well, It Never Does Operate With Speed
APPLE: Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity
DEC: Dump Everything and Close
HCL: Hilarious Computer Logic
HP: Hot Pursuit
MAC: Most Absurd Computer
MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs
MICROSOFT: Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only Fools Teenagers
NEXT: Now EXchange for Trash
OS/2: Obsolete Soon, Too.
WARP: What A Rot Program
AMIGA: A Merely Insignificant Game Addiction
BASIC: Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control
CD-ROM: Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months
COBOL: Completely Obsolete Business Oriented Language
DOS: Defective Operating System
ISDN: It Still Does Nothing
LISP: Lots of Infuriating & Silly Parenthesis
MIPS: Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed
PCMCIA: People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
PENTIUM: Produces Erroneous Numbers Through Incorrect Understanding of Mathematics
SCSI: System Can't See It
WWW: World Wide Wait
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