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Topic, Level "Clog the Drains", game "BLockoban"

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chris3000 7 years ago
  And I finally got the drains clogged. This was really easy for me.
ToughMan 14 years ago
  I don't remember the exact pattern patio but i tried to avoid going back and forth, if that is of any help.

Now that i played it again I can tell you i avoided a lot going back and forth and that saved me 3 more moves patio. It may be possible for even lower score but will deal with it later on.
patio09 14 years ago
  Shaved two off, but where did you find the other two moves ?
ToughMan 14 years ago
  OMG the past week has been extremely fun playing your levels. Each one introduced something new and obvious optimization was very hard for all players. I was tracking down how many different best solutions have been reached to all your levels and I lost count. Just when you think you have strained your brain and found the ultimate best one smn else comes along ruining your moment. For that and only that (I exclude the great designs) thnx for the continuous (even in one game) challenges you provide. 5/5. Keep it up!!
patio09 14 years ago
  @Elizea that is pretty much half of your score


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patio09 14 years ago
  @Elizea that is pretty much half of your score
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