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Topic, Level "Annoying 2", game "Rolling Turtle"

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nachos 14 years ago
  well, the name definetely fits the level
Sires 14 years ago
  @Sillius: After a while (a very long while) I had figured that out as well. But in the beginning I could brake as much as I wanted, I never came to a stop. :)

@Ahroo: It should be called Annoying² instead.... ;)

EDIT: Now, THAT score looks better... :)
Sillius 14 years ago
  Sires... At that speed line you're supposed to brake xD

If you do that you won't hit the black line and you won't waste any jumps xD
Ahroo 14 years ago
  Sires, it's called 'Annoying 2' for a reason. xD
Sires 14 years ago
  This level is killing me. I finally made it to the first checkpoint. The part that comes after it, with the 4 short black lines you have to jump over, looks SO simple... and yet, when I started with that part, my score was +42, and now it is down to -482, and I still haven't gotten past that part. I just can't time my jump right after I hit the speed bonus, so I keep crashing into one of the two black lines at the end. I curse you, Sillius.... ;-)


I MADE IT!!!!!! And with the worst score EVER in the history of RT, I am sure. But now that I know what to do and how to do it, I am sure I will be able to improve my score soon. At least by ten or twenty points.... :D
Sires 14 years ago
  @goldie: Thanks a lot, I finally made it to the other side of that ditch. Still miles away from the checkpoint, of course... :)

@chris1: Oh yes, I read it. And oh yes, it's gonna take forever to beat this level.
chris3000 14 years ago
  It's going to take forever to beat this level. Did you read my comment that i posted 3 months ago?
Sires 14 years ago
  @Sillius: I have tried that walljump into the > thing a thousand times (no joke), and it never did anything, so I figured I was wrong looking for the switch there. Now you tell me it is there... it must be VERY hard to reach.
Sillius 14 years ago
  Sires that switch is hidden in between the two lines that form a >
You'll have to jump at the right time to get enough speed to hit it :D
goldie 14 years ago
  its like the first switch, you wont know if you have activated it until you try to pass.
Sires 14 years ago
  I give up on this level. I have tried so many times and I always die in the part where the two walls come down and lock you in shortly after the beginning of the level, so that the black line from above can kill you. If there is a switch that prevents those walls from coming down, it must be VERY well hidden, because I hit every single wall there is and nothing helped.
chris3000 15 years ago
  I don't understand what to do at the beginning. That dead line always gets me in between those 2 normal lines. Help please.

I gave it a 4/5 for 4 reasons.

1) it's not official, xD

2) there are some checkpoints

3) there are bonus stars to help with the score

4) the design is very creative

I just don't want to get a bad score. I don't mean to be so explainitive in this comment but i'm just telling you what I think of this level.
allycat369 16 years ago
  can someone tell me how to get past the begining?
Sillius 16 years ago
  you have to find some hidden switches and then what mimay said :p
minmay 16 years ago
  Lots of luck and patience.
allycat369 16 years ago
  how do i do this?????
Sillius 16 years ago
  that's the first time I ever hear someone call Boxhead a good level ;)
oggologgo 16 years ago
  I was getting annoyed with this level, thinking it was bad, until I noticed the title. :) I don't feel like bothering to try to pass it myself, but I think it's cool with this kinda level anyway. I don't think it should be one that you should ever be forced to pass though.
minmay 16 years ago
  jp: Well, Boxhead and Ancient Ruins are both very good levels with only a couple of problems. I wouldn't recommend that you make them official at this point however, because they've been around for a while. Of course, it's all your choice.
Sillius 16 years ago
  I get what you mean minmay I just wanted to make a 2nd Annoting so i thought that I would make this even more annoying than the 1st :p

PS: you are not to harsh glad to get feedback on my levels xD

PSS: My level "Shapeshifting" acually started as Annoying 2 but I changed the name because i didn't think it was annoying enough
jp 16 years ago
  Yep you're right, I made it official too quickly.
minmmay, could you post the levels that you think should become officials?
geckojsc 16 years ago
minmay 16 years ago
  All right, two things.

Why did Silius make this level, and why did it become official?

Getting past things is a matter of luck and guesswork rather than skill. That's annoying and stupid. Which, of course, is the point of the level; its title is, after all, "Annoying" (2). But why is it the point of the level, and why would a level like this be official? Silius' other levels (with the exception of the original Annoying) are fantastic, and many of those aren't official. But this one...I simply don't get it.

Sorry if I seem too harsh.
geckojsc 16 years ago
  Argh! Sometimes I get sqished by that thing and sometimes I don't. I can't get past it!


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geckojsc 16 years ago
  Argh! Sometimes I get sqished by that thing and sometimes I don't. I can't get past it!
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