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Topic, Game "Mozzle"

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Vasilok97 13 years ago
  Levels collection in iphone app is TOO small (about 8), so, FINISH ONLINE VERSION PLEASE :3
Jim674 13 years ago
  I take back what I said about the interface, it's fine (though it could be polished a little) but the way it's introduced over the first few levels is horrible. THAT'S what was bugging me.
allyally 13 years ago
  lololol, its on the app store! (i think)
lololol 13 years ago
  Aha, a lot of things are apparently going on, on this game since i last checked. And an iPhone/iPad version! Good job ;)

Edit: Can i register my device somewhere on this site?
Edit2: hmm, is the promocode secret weapon thing still open, cause i found a link on twitter (as you said below, It can be found on twitter) a link for a site about promocodes
Correct me if im wrong about something
Jim674 13 years ago
  Well, I'm only up to Difficulty 2, having just downloaded it. I have to say, it's an amazing game, there's just one huge flaw holding it back: the interface. It's... Not very well designed in my opinion. That's all I really have to say on that. Great game and concept!
murtaza64 13 years ago
  Yes! Release!

It's currently downloading!
Jim674 13 years ago
  Is there a chance you will make it work for 3rd gen' iPod's? I reeeeaaaaallly don't want to update. Don't ask why.
jp 13 years ago
  Ahah, you can find it on twitter if you are smart engouh.
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  ... That URL shall soon be mine (I suppose it is hidden within Mozzle, or released at the same time?)
jp 13 years ago
  Yes sure. Not at the same time, a bit later as all the levels are not yet ready. the score will be based on times (lowest=better).
SimonM 13 years ago
  Will this game also be published on Bonuslevel itself?
jp 13 years ago
  The game was submitted 3 days ago, it will be soon approved and launched. Along with my secret weapon (a website). A promocode offered to the one who find the url of my secret weapon :) . You can but you have to be very clever.
Jim674 13 years ago
  *headdesk* I hate apple...
allyally 13 years ago
Jim674 13 years ago
  Installation page? When I go into the test flight app it says 'Succesfully Registered. Please give your developers some time to create a build for this iPod Touch 3rd Gen'

Does this mean that I finally need to bother to update my iPod?
allyally 13 years ago
  You have to go onto the installation page on your iPod/iPhone, testFlight will install the app from there,
Jim674 13 years ago
  I registered, now can someone explain how this TestFlight thing works? I want to be able to offer feedback too.
Garygoh884 13 years ago
  I can solve Level 12 Difficulty 5 in 1:29.634! Can you do it?

Also, I can solve Level 3 Difficulty 5 in 45.796 seconds without any hint, solved Level 6 Difficulty 5 in 7:49.243 and solved Level 8 Difficulty 5 in 01:55.398.
allyally 13 years ago
  Pff, hardly! Try to remember the order at that speed & your brain will melt!

Also I had a problem on lvl 10 on the IPhone version, the little panel at the bottom which shows how the puzzle should be, screwed up and showed carols RGB colous... But an icon came up saying it was experiencing problems so I guess JPs working on it...
Garygoh884 13 years ago
  I have a better way of scrambling the pieces: at the start of the puzzle, the pieces are sent to the center of the screen simultaneously, and then arranged in a random order. JP's scrambling can be memorizable this time.
jp 13 years ago
  Oh OK, good news then.
Elizea 13 years ago
  Okay got the camera level to work again, I guess there were just too many apps on background xP I never remember to close them
jp 13 years ago
  Thanks for the feedback! This is invaluable info to improve the game.

@Garygoh884 ah OK, maybe for an update of the game.


On a beta binary, you are supposed to log in test game center servers, maybe that's the problem.

About the content, yes I know it shoud have more puzzles, but you know each animation is about 5 days of work. I'll think I'll add more animations if the game sells. In my experience, quality is more efficient than quantity. And this is maybe even more true here where updates are so easy to ship.

Lvl 8 is the camera ? What do you mean by I can't get it work ? Maybe the phone becomes laggy ? If it doesn't work no 3GS, it will totally fail on 3G. I need to improve this.

About a Mozzle character, I would love to be able to do this, but unfortunately, I can't, it's not in my skills. And I agree it would add a lot to the game.

@birjolaxew I also think like Elizea that cheating is not a problem here. I added score because it's what a game is supposed to have but it's not really a game for highscore challenge.

I agree on the buttons/UI problem, I'll improve this.

The distorsion code is opengl stuff made with cocos2D. I used the same code in many animations. It's a kind of style for the game.
Garygoh884 13 years ago
  I could add a new mode: Master Mode. Hides the animation thumbnail permanently on every level and multiplies the score by 10.

Also, I can solve the camera puzzle in any difficulty easily my using my cube. :)
Elizea 13 years ago
  It appears that the game center thing was some random thing unrelated to mozzle. But I cant get lvl 8 work on difficulty 3 on my 3gs and is it intended that the small 'thumbnail' stops working sometimes?
Elizea 13 years ago
  I could give some feedback too (:

I love the interactivity too, even it makes the puzzles a bit easier. The puzzles so far seem good and animations are lovely, but there should definitely be A LOT more puzzles. It just doesn't feel enough to have 14 puzzles, even there are 5 difficulties.

Some kind of unlocking system with the stars would be great. At the moment you have to complete the previous puzzle to get to the next, and I probably would have wanted to start from difficulty 3 or 4 instantly.

The interface is quite good, not too much stuff to distract and to keep it simple. The biggest problem for me is lack of content. Yes, there are the puzzles (where you can't skip any levels), but I would love to see something else too, like a puzzle editor or something (something very simple, but still something to do while resting from the puzzles itself).

The "major exploit" birjo is talking doesn't really take you anywhere at the later difficulties. I don't find it really a problem.

I couldn't find myself able to log in to game center.

I am not sure if I like the music. Sure it tries to be relaxing, but it isn't really fitting here IMO.

As what I've seen from App Store, games with adorable character(s) seem to be popular. You could consider making a "mozzle creature" and keep it wondering and animated in the bottom of the screen, and get happy once you complete the level (possibly get happy from each correct move). It could boost the sales.

I guess that's my feedback for now at least. Can't come up with anything else.
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  Ok, feedback time!
-I love the interactivity in the iPhone version. Allowing the player to somewhat control the puzzle is an idea that just boosts the whole game up quite a few notches (And damn, I'm interested in the code for the distortion of textures in level 3). Ironically, this actually makes the later levels easier than the first two (Move object to bottom left, move tile, move object one right, move tile, repeat), but this is luckily fixed later when the movement affects the object less directly. I like the different modes, but, unfortunately, they allow for easy cheating.

The biggest drawback I see is the navigation; the design of buttons etc. simply seems out of place. I know how incredibly hard designing such things are, but I hope this will be improved later on.
Then there's a major exploit; when moving a tile, the animation will still play inside it. While this looks nice, it allows the player to move it until it fits somewhere.

Sorry, I had to make this rather short. I'll write a more-in-depth review later
birjolaxew 13 years ago
  This is fantastic! Expect feedback soon
jp 13 years ago
  A new build of the iPhone/iPad game has been sent to those who have registered their device.
Hexicube 13 years ago
  well idk then...

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Play Game "Mozzle"

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jp 13 years ago
  Mozzle will be my next game on iPhone/Flash. If you wish to test it, please register your device (iPhone, iPod, iPad) on . It makes very easy to install the beta test application from safari on your device.
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