OK, solved it with whites in the middle of every square and 4 whites in the middle. Originally, you didn't move the whites in between the walls on the outside (thats how I did it), but theres no links preventing that. If you guys would like to see a new version, I can make one.
K, I'll test it out tommorow, I can see how it's possible, do yoou think it's worth another level? (I'm reluctant to change/reset on this one;remebering silent break-in)
First of all I didn't lose any white in my solution. Since I was left with all white I assume it is pretty easy to have them in the center of each square and probably the other four in the center along with the other two. Give it a go and let me know. I think it is feasible.
It was supposed to be after those Simon levels, as I posted on one, and if you could suggest where to put the white goals, great, when I solved it in testing, I had that many left. Is it psossible with white goals in the center of each square and how many whites did you have left TM?
Design is great but it resembles too much of Simon lvl (don't recall name) and it becomes quite tedious. There are way too many unecessary dummies. I would put more white targets. 4/5.
Design is great but it resembles too much of Simon lvl (don't recall name) and it becomes quite tedious. There are way too many unecessary dummies. I would put more white targets. 4/5.