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Topic, Level "Underground Run", game "Jump Gear 2"

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popo2 6 years ago
  AAAAAGHG my ranking got dropped down a ranking by you. Nice job tho! 8D
Coolguy52 6 years ago
  15k :D
popo2 6 years ago
  Finally I managed 2nd! XD
kiethy342 10 years ago
  Oh, my score was before it was edited. I'm not that good :P
gameinsky 10 years ago
  Kiethy's score is insane...
kirrock 10 years ago
  Alright, the level is finished to gameplay. :)
kirrock 10 years ago
  I can't seem to overshoot it. But be patient. Background is being added.
Ferrari12 10 years ago
  Mainly the big ramp next to the finishing line and the one that follows. I keep overshooting both.

Anyway, the level is definitely good enough to be published :)
kirrock 10 years ago
  This level was just hanging around 90% done, so I could not resist finishing and publishing it. Hope you enjoy.

I hate to admit it, I have problem hitting the ramps aswell, but I felt it was worthy enough for publishing it.

What ramps are you having issues with, Ferrari?
Ferrari12 10 years ago
  On the whole a very nice level, but I am missing about of background design magic. Also, I am having a bit of trouble hitting some of the ramps correctly, but this may just be my own fault.


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Ferrari12 10 years ago
  On the whole a very nice level, but I am missing about of background design magic. Also, I am having a bit of trouble hitting some of the ramps correctly, but this may just be my own fault.
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