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Topic, Bonuslevel elements

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SuperDog 14 years ago
  That's why it's so strong.
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  There is no -1000 degrees centigrade. The temperature can't go below -273,15 degrees centigrade, 0 degrees kelvin or -459,67 degrees fahrenheit.
LukeTheFunJester 14 years ago
  lukeanater. Its a metal, Very strong metal. Breaks at -1000 degrees celcius.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  And Phosphorous is quadratomic.
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  yah, thers 7 diatomic ellements- hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, iodine, flourine, bromine and clorine.

They are always found in pairs unless they're in a compound.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  In dutch we have appart names for O and O²
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  Is Oxygen Diatomic too. I've never heard of O on it's own, but I've heard of O2 (Normal oxygen) and O3 (Ozon)

GIS: Dragonium and Yoshite???
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Ok, all elements got a species.
When there's more I'll start grouping the anthanoids and the actiniods.
demonicyoshi 14 years ago
  My elemment is clearly unnatural

BTW, Hydrogen is Diatomic, which means it is never found as just H, it is found as H2
just some aditional information about hydrogen.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Kirbone: Very weird element, in contact with other
elements it seems to absorb them and gain some of their acting.
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  GIS: Hydrogen isn't a noble gas! It's a gas however, but I'd rather change the name
Hexicube 14 years ago
  Argon is a noble gas...isnt it?
PpppPpp(Perpetuparpin Paraphrapine)
Atomic Number: 16
Proton Count: 7
Electron Count: 2
Freezing Point: -175
Boiling Point: -44
PpppPpp is a completely harmless gas, and acts a lot like helium. It does however have the ability to force stuttering whenever its inhaled for prolonged periods of time. Also, due to its massive positive charge(+5) when it comes in contact with brain cells their work capacity increases by 357% whilst in contact with it.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  I think ferragen should be a noble gas (since it's a gen)
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  Ferrargen is a metal
gameinsky 14 years ago
  I made Lolium a non-metal, is that ok ?
Hexicube 14 years ago
  noble gases dont react...yours reacts with carbon
[edit] non-metal for Ppx lol
lololol 14 years ago
  My element is an Noble Gas
SimonM 14 years ago
  So(Simonium) is a non-metal(actually it isn't a noble gas, even it has 10 valence electrons, it acts the same way like carbon but with more valence electrons)
gameinsky 14 years ago
  That's it, I won't add elements when they are not like in the first post.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Quoting Hexicube from Bonuslevel elements
its an element that is found as a crystal, the atoms arrange in a hexagonal lattice
[edit] lets do this the right way
im making a flash file that will have them all in, I would like all the proper things that elements have(atomic number and mass, electron count, and so on)

When we get about 25-35 elements I will re-arange them, give them an electron number and a mass (why not now)
and the genre of material.
[edit]I'll let you handle the mas and electron number thing, you're better in that than me.

Will the creators of the elements please say if their element is a metal, non-metal, a noble gas or a unnatural (Lanthanoid or Actinoid).
Ferrari12 14 years ago
  Ferragen (Fm)
Atom Number: 111
Density: 23,7 kg/m3
Melting Point: 750 *C
Boiling point: 2100 *C
When liquid the colour is dark red
When solid the colour is pale red
When elctric current is put through this element it turns dark blue.
When plasmafied Ferragen turns white
Ferragen is a poor electric conductor
However it's highly reactive with alkily metals and some other elements such as Noobium (Nb), Trollium (Tr) and Failium (Fl). These propertys makes Gami-Ferragen an excellent alloy with many useful properties. Other than that Ferragen goes well along with Ahroosium and have many similair properties as Gundunium.
Hexicube 14 years ago
  mine sounds cooler than the rest :P
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Madball, your element doesn't make sense, your boiling point is below your melting point, wtf ?

God, stup puting first the full name and the the abrevation into the brackets, do like in the first post!
Garygoh884 14 years ago
  Garium (Gr) is a radioactive substance that can't be found in nature, its proton number is about 150.
Madball 14 years ago
Freezing point: 0°C
Melting point: 100°C
Boiling point: 50°C
Color: red if solid or gas, dark blue if liquid.
Reacts with any liquids, makes water with 1.(0) resistution.
Reacts with sedatives, denies any calming effect of it.
When eated when it`s not freezed and not boiled, makes one whe eaten it mad by 100*KG% for 0.5*KG hours.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Yeah, but an element which t's gasform is lethal and also has a very low boiling temperature is dangerous...

It seems that a cheical reaction between Gisum and Alium transforms into Deathgen!
Oh no!
allyally 14 years ago
  Aa (alium)- A highly poisonous Liquid, if you were to drink this, the equivalent would be a having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick.
Treazer 14 years ago
  Brollonier (Br)
Atomic number: 2
Colour: Colorless
Atomic weight: 1
Freezing Point: -219 degrees Celsius
Melting Point: -210,1 degrees Celsius
Boiling Point: 3000 degrees Celsius

It is a white flame can be extinguished with water. Its from france.
SimonM 14 years ago
  oxygen also has a boiling point below zero.
gameinsky 14 years ago
  Wow, that's a dangerous element for sure! A boiling point below the -...

Please put the abbrevation in first place and put the real name in the brackets, that's easier for me!


First post of the topic

gameinsky 14 years ago
  Another spam topic, but maybe a fun one :)
Generate the name of an element, an abbrevation and some small info.

Gisium (Gis)
Gisium is a liquid that freezes at a temperature of -15°C it's not heavy and there's no know reactions for it yet.

Periodic table of BL elements:
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