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Topic, Level "Eyes", game "Rolling Turtle"

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birjolaxew 15 years ago
  Erhm actually... I dont think you have uploaded :P
Jac1 15 years ago
  I hopefully made it possible!
lololol 15 years ago
  I don't really get the infomations..
birjolaxew 15 years ago
  Ok i will sent a pm with informations to these i've chosen to help me :D Thanks guys :D
Celtics20 15 years ago
  It is still UNFINISHED
oh_bebe 15 years ago
  heyman816, why was an admin called?
Hexicube 15 years ago
  i can help if u want :)
lololol 15 years ago
  sure, i can..
Jac1 15 years ago
  Well, I can if you want...
I'm almost always on!
birjolaxew 15 years ago
  Anyone wanna help me with this? Im almost never on.
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  Yes, birjolaxew is - but he has kinda quit BL for now. He talked about finishing this level as his last project.
geckojsc 15 years ago
  It's not possible! I looked at it in edit mode, and there is no way to get to the room up at the top. Are you still in the middle of making it?
Nikobam 15 years ago
  Hard but damn its good 5/5
THeNiNJa 15 years ago
  This level is not yet done. I've made it editable again.
MooKings 15 years ago
  Great level! 5/5

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MooKings 15 years ago
  Great level! 5/5
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