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Topic, Level "Find the Fireflies", game "Jump Gear 2"

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Coolguy52 7 years ago
  It's a shame that all 3 of the fireflies are initiated with the same switch, really fun and underrated regardless.
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  Well, it isn't my entry (Supposing my collab with Ahroo and Gundu gets finished).
SimonM 14 years ago
  This level is very cool, I think it really makes a chance in the exploration contest!
birjolaxew 14 years ago
  This level has a fun little story:
It started out as my entry for the Exploration Contest. Then, after using a few hours on it (And of course forgetting to save), the JG2 engine decided to crash on me, deleting most of it. I then restored a tiny part of the lost level. As I wanted to publish, I hadn't logged in, which meant that a small pop-up appeared, asking me to log-in first. I did, and... It refreshed the page... Luckily, I had saved not too long before, so I didn't have to restore too much.

So that is the story of why the first town is fairly well detailed, while the next one is three damn buildings. It's also the explanation for the small size, as I couldn't bother restoring more than this. Originally, it was to be around 10-15 times bigger.


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birjolaxew 14 years ago
  This level has a fun little story:
It started out as my entry for the Exploration Contest. Then, after using a few hours on it (And of course forgetting to save), the JG2 engine decided to crash on me, deleting most of it. I then restored a tiny part of the lost level. As I wanted to publish, I hadn't logged in, which meant that a small pop-up appeared, asking me to log-in first. I did, and... It refreshed the page... Luckily, I had saved not too long before, so I didn't have to restore too much.

So that is the story of why the first town is fairly well detailed, while the next one is three damn buildings. It's also the explanation for the small size, as I couldn't bother restoring more than this. Originally, it was to be around 10-15 times bigger.
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