Thnank you my friend. It really means a lot. All i did was to try to picture the solution and then create a similar level up to the point I have reached so I don't have to go back each time and re-do it. After that it was all play around and try to do it. Then the solution just popped up out of nowhere....probably sent by god. After a lot of hours though. I am sure you will find it and I count on it.
Toughman I dunno what this will mean to you but during my blockoban prime, I spent a multitude of hours on this level. There are few things in life that I have really wanted but have been able to elude me by god the solution to this level is one of them, so to you... props. You got skill man.
Definitely possible though, I solved it on the iPad.....admittedly I knew I had no hope of solving it so I at least took one look at the solution's linked blocks layout and there is only one way to solve it. I would be surprised if anyone got it. :/